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Packages published by gordontucker

gordontucker/FittedSheets 2.6.1
Bottom sheets for iOS
⭐️ 1,230
🕓 32 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
25 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Update Package.swift by @richard-ash in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/84 * Update README.md by @abayken in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/87 * ‌‌Blur effect by @farhad01 in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/93 * Margin resize by @farhad01 in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/95 * add allowPullingPastMinHeight by @maxches99 in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/102 * Added spring based animation options to the sheet transition animations by @mgrider in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/107 * fixed a compile error due to incorrect swift code by @sleepwalkerfx in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/112 * Minor change on Inline presentation code by @CharlesHopman in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/111 * bug-fix not working scrollview by @farhad01 in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/121 * Refactor demos by @gordontucker in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/133 * Correct typo for intrinsic demo image by @dlackty in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/135 * Fix storyboard class reference by @mattio in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/142 * Setup childForStatusBarStyle by @benrudhart in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/147 * Allow for intrinsic height to be recalculated by @BradPatras in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/153 * Fixes #118 by @AjiSantosoIND in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/161 * Option to allow override should begin pull gesture by @chanonly123 in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/172 * Added pull gesture velocity threshold by @chanonly123 in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/171 * Support iOS 10 by @nhuanvd in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/159 * Update README.md by @ProKashif in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/179 * Add supportedInterfaceOrientations by @MariyanskiDev in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/181 * Update preferred height when content size changes by @wazawoo in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/167 * Add support for choosing the corner curve by @wazawoo in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/166 * Add rubber band effect. by @llinardos in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/155 * Fix Xcode 15 compiler error related to @available on stored properties by @AndrewSB in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/202 * Add Bug Verification for presenting a fullscreen modal by @AndrewSB in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/199 * Update to remove unsupported available with older properties and removed warnings by @darrenspriet in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/212 * dismissOnPull obeys shouldDismiss by @stevelandeyasana in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/189 * SheetViewController.swift --> resize animation fix by @kulikovs in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/206 ## New Contributors * @richard-ash made their first contribution in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/84 * @abayken made their first contribution in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/87 * @maxches99 made their first contribution in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/102 * @mgrider made their first contribution in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/107 * @sleepwalkerfx made their first contribution in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/112 * @CharlesHopman made their first contribution in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/111 * @dlackty made their first contribution in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/135 * @mattio made their first contribution in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/142 * @benrudhart made their first contribution in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/147 * @BradPatras made their first contribution in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/153 * @AjiSantosoIND made their first contribution in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/161 * @chanonly123 made their first contribution in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/172 * @nhuanvd made their first contribution in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/159 * @ProKashif made their first contribution in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/179 * @MariyanskiDev made their first contribution in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/181 * @wazawoo made their first contribution in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/167 * @llinardos made their first contribution in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/155 * @darrenspriet made their first contribution in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/212 * @stevelandeyasana made their first contribution in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/189 * @kulikovs made their first contribution in https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/pull/206 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/compare/2.0.0...2.6.1
3 years ago
This is was a fairly large refactor of the codebase to enable fixing some of the existing bugs as well as making it more flexible for the future. It now uses a UIViewControllerTransitioning class to present the modal (so you'll want to enable animations now). It also respects the safeAreaInsets so there isn't a need to put the blur effect anymore. If you want that, it is easy enough to put on any view controllers you want to present. See the ReadMe for more information.
5 years ago
Replaced `roundTopCorners: Bool` with `topCornersRadius: CGFloat` so you can set the corner radius for the sheet to whatever you want.
5 years ago
Added ability to: * Set the handle color `handleColor: UIColor?` * Set if you want the background to go behind the grab bar or not `extendBackgroundBehindHandle: Bool` * Set if you want rounded corners or not `roundTopCorners: Bool`
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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