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googleapis/google-auth-library-swift 0.5.3
Auth client library for Swift command-line tools and cloud services. Supports OAuth1, OAuth2, and Google Application Default Credentials.
⭐️ 132
🕓 3 days ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
iOS and tvOS support for OAuth browser-based clients, make initializers non-throwing
4 years ago
Two enhancements from @0xced - thanks!
Updated for Swift 5.1
4 years ago
On Linux, important networking functions are now in FoundationNetworking. This updates released code to conditionally include FoundationNetworking for Linux.
Swift 5 and SwiftNIO 2.0 Updates
5 years ago
The local webserver used by BrowserTokenProvider is now directly based on SwiftNIO and updated for SwiftNIO 2.0 and Swift 5.
Replace swift-server/HTTP with Vapor/HTTP
5 years ago
The BrowserTokenProviders now use Vapor/HTTP instead of the deprecated swift-server/HTTP. This should fix build problems with recent versions of Swift.
Support for Google Application Default Credentials
6 years ago
[DefaultTokenProvider](https://github.com/google/auth-library-swift/blob/master/Sources/OAuth2/DefaultTokenProvider.swift) now provides full support for [Google Application Default Credentials](https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/application-default-credentials).
iOS macOS tvOS

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