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Packages published by gojek

gojek/courier-iOS 0.0.26
Courier iOS
⭐️ 37
🕓 7 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
7 weeks ago
Bump Reachability Swift dependency to >= 5.0.0
8 weeks ago
[Handle courier event message send success event not being triggered for QoS 3/4 (](https://github.com/gojek/courier-iOS/commit/e367fb22642d5b0cd379b0605bb62127efa7909a)
30 weeks ago
Distribute MQTTClientGJ as XCFramework Distribute CourierMQTT as Static Framework
36 weeks ago
- Only emit connection disconnect event for non-internal disconnect [PR#27](https://github.com/gojek/courier-iOS/pull/27)
38 weeks ago
* [MQTTChuck] Revamps the UI of List by showing log in sheet presentation when user taps on a log. [PR#25](https://github.com/gojek/courier-iOS/pull/25) * [MQTTChuck] Add Connection Info section containing data such as host, port, clientID, cleanSession, user properties, etc.
40 weeks ago
- Add scheme parameter to ConnectOptions. If `ssl` or `tls` passed, lib will connect using secure transport layer policy
45 weeks ago
Set MQTTClientGJ minimum iOS deployment target to iOS 11
0.0.17 - Add MQTT Chuck
1 year ago
`CourierMQTTChuck` is used to inspects all the outgoing or incoming packets for an underlying MQTT connection. It intercepts all the packets, persisting them and providing a UI for accessing all the MQTT packets sent or received. It also provides multiple other features like search, share, and clear data. It uses SwiftUI under the hood with minimum iOS deployment version of 15, you can still build this on iOS 11 to access the logger without the view. ![Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 14 Pro - 2023-04-10 at 17 26 54](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6789991/230884730-6734de28-ead7-44a4-a467-9c008de22392.png) ![Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 14 Pro - 2023-04-10 at 17 27 31](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6789991/230884765-7e822e54-1c2e-44aa-9169-6572c5c612c6.png)
1 year ago
- Remove workaround for initialize managed object context to handle "nil is not a legal persistent store coordinator for MQTTFLow" This is mostly caused by concurrency issue. One thread is initializing the persistent store and other is accessing it. - Run connect async in serial queue to avoid this issue
1 year ago
- Add missing "Import UIKit" in MQTTClient.swift file

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