Swiftpack.co - ggruen/SocketConnection as Swift Package

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ggruen/SocketConnection 1.0.2
A pure Swift package for establishing a two-way socket connection to a server that uses Combine, rather than delegates, to send data and notifications back to your code.
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🕓 3 years ago
iOS macOS tvOS
.package(url: "https://github.com/ggruen/SocketConnection.git", from: "1.0.2")


A pure Swift package for establishing a two-way socket connection to a server that uses Combine, rather than delegates, to send data and notifications back to your code.

This makes it great for modern apps using SwiftUI, but also means it (currently) doesn't work on Linux. 😔🐧

Requires iOS/iPadOS/tvOS 13.0+, or MacOS 10.15.0+. Does not run on WatchOS (including 6.0+).

 let connection = SocketConnection()

 // Subscribe to incoming data
 let dataSubscriber = connection?.receivedData.sink(receiveValue: { data in
     let stringReceived = String(decoding: data, as: UTF8.self)
     if stringReceived.contains("* OK ") {
         print("Server says OK")

 // Subscribe to status notifications
 let statusSubscriber = connection.connectionStatus.sink(receivedValue: { status in
     switch status {
         case .openCompleted:
             self.isConnected = true // But also see SocketConnection.connected
         case .errorOccurred(let error):
             // e.g. if you have a connection indicator
             self.isConnected = false
             // e.g. if your SwiftUI view has a place to display errors
             self.errorMessage = "Error with connection to server: \(error.localizedDescription)"
             print("Something broke: \(error.localizedDescription)")
         case .endEncountered:
             self.isConnected = false
             print("This is the end; the end, my friend.")

 // Let's say you have a network status indicator triggered by setting
 // "self.readingFromServer". Automatically update it by subscribing to
 // readingFromNetwork.
 let activitySubscriber = connection.readingFromNetwork
     .throttle(for: 1.0, scheduler: RunLoop.current, latest: true) // Ignore really fast on/off
     .sink(receivedValue: {
         self.readingFromServer = $0

 // Connect
 connection.connect(host: "imap.google.com", port: 993, useSSL: true)

 // Say hi
 connection.write("A001 LOGIN SMITH SESAME\n")

Call write to write commands to the server.

Subscribe to:

  • receivedData to read data from the server
  • connectionStatus to get status updates about the connection
  • readingFromNetwork to get a true/false signal that the connection's reading from the network


SocketConnection is a swift package - add it to Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/ggruen/SocketConnection.git", from: "1.0.0"),
targets: [
        name: "MyApp",
        dependencies: ["SocketConnection"]),


Stars: 0
Last commit: 3 years ago
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