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gallinapassus/AttributedText 0.1.0
Swift package providing basic constructs to generate attributed text and simple layouts for terminal output.
⭐️ 0
πŸ•“ 3 years ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/gallinapassus/AttributedText.git", from: "0.1.0")


This package provides basic constructs to generate attributed text and simple layouts for terminal output.


Run following example code snippets with Swift's REPL (on a terminal capable of interpreting ANSI escape sequences).

git clone https://github.com/gallinapassus/AttributedText
cd AttributedText
swift run --repl

Copy/paste the example code into REPL to see formatted output.

Example 1 - Formatted text

import AttributedText

typealias Text = AttributedText<DefaultAttributes>
let rgb = Text("R", .bold, .fgColor(.red)) +
    Text("G", .bold, .fgColor(.green)) +
    Text("B", .bold, .fgColor(.blue))
// -> RGB (colored text)

NOTE: Github README.md markdown doesn't properly support coloring of text, hence output examples (below) will be missing colors.

Example 1 output:


Example 2 - Simple formatted table

typealias Table = AttributedTable<DefaultAttributes>
let source:[[Text]] = [
    [Text("β—ΌοΈŽ", .fgColor(.red)),   Text("red", .bold),   Text("[255,0,0]")],
    [Text("β—ΌοΈŽ", .fgColor(.green)), Text("green", .bold), Text("[0,255,0]")],
    [Text("β—ΌοΈŽ", .fgColor(.blue)),  Text("blue", .bold),  Text("[0,0,255]")],
let ascii_table = Table(table: source)
// -> Colorful table with default ascii character frame

Example 2 output (colors missing):

|β—ΌοΈŽ|red  |[255,0,0]|
|β—ΌοΈŽ|blue |[0,0,255]|

Example 3 - Fancy table with title, headers, alignment & word wrapping

let columns:[Table.Column<DefaultAttributes>] = [
    Table.Column(Table.Header("Color", alignment: .bottomCenter, wrapping: .word), alignment: .middleCenter),
    Table.Column(Table.Header("Name", alignment: .bottomLeft)),
    Table.Column("Component values", width: 10, alignment: .middleRight)
let title = Table.Title(rgb + " base color component values", alignment: .middleCenter, wrapping: .word)
let fancy_table = Table(table: source,
                        title: title,
                        columns: columns,
                        frameElements: .lightDimmed,
                        frameRenderingOptions: .all)
// -> Fancy table with title, headers, alignment & word wrapping

Example 3 output (colors missing):

β”‚    RGB base color    β”‚
β”‚   component values   β”‚
β”‚     β”‚     β”‚Component β”‚
β”‚Colorβ”‚Name β”‚values    β”‚
β”‚  β—ΌοΈŽ  β”‚red  β”‚ [255,0,0]β”‚
β”‚  β—ΌοΈŽ  β”‚greenβ”‚ [0,255,0]β”‚
β”‚  β—ΌοΈŽ  β”‚blue β”‚ [0,0,255]β”‚

Example 4 - Document with text & table

typealias Document = AttributedDocument<DefaultAttributes>
let wiki = Text("The RGB color model is an additive color model in which red, green, and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additive primary colors, red, green, and blue.", .dim)
let doc = Document(Text("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RGB_color_model", .fgColor(.blue)))
doc.append(attributed: wiki, width: 64, wrapping: .word)
// -> Wikipedia intro + fancy table

Example 4 output (colors missing):

The RGB color model is an additive color model in which red,    
green, and blue light are added together in various ways to     
reproduce a broad array of colors. The name of the model comes  
from the initials of the three additive primary colors, red,    
green, and blue.                                                
β”‚    RGB base color    β”‚
β”‚   component values   β”‚
β”‚     β”‚     β”‚Component β”‚
β”‚Colorβ”‚Name β”‚values    β”‚
β”‚  β—ΌοΈŽ  β”‚red  β”‚ [255,0,0]β”‚
β”‚  β—ΌοΈŽ  β”‚greenβ”‚ [0,255,0]β”‚
β”‚  β—ΌοΈŽ  β”‚blue β”‚ [0,0,255]β”‚

Example output on terminal


AttributedText package follows semantic versioning scheme https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html. Current version is still at major version 0 (zero), which means "initial development". Anything may change at any time and the public API should not be considered stable.



Conforms to
  • ExpressibleByStringLiteral
  • ExpressibleByArrayLiteral
  • Equatable
  • Collection
  • BidirectionalCollection
  • RangeReplaceableCollection
  • TextOutputStreamable
  • Rendable
  • Coloring text foreground & background
  • Text attributes; bold, dim, italic, underlined, blink, inverse, hidden, strikethrough
  • Combining attributes
    • When two or more AttributedText instances are combined - also the attributes are combined (if possible).

Please note that your terminal app may, or may not, support some of the above mentioned colors & traits.

  • Attribute customisation
    • By default, AttributedText uses it's own internal implementation for generating the attributed output (DefaultAttributes), but it can be completely replaced with custom implementation if needed
    • Custom attribute implementation must conform to following AttributeProtocol
public protocol AttributeProtocol : Equatable {
    static func render(_ attributed:AttributedText<Self>) -> String


Conforms to
  • TextOutputStreamable
  • Rendable
  • Table title
  • Column width / automatic column width calculation
  • Column headers
  • Horizontal & vertical text alignment for columns (or individual cells)
  • Word wrapping options for columns (or individual cells)
    • Ability to customise (=extend) the word wrapping implementation
  • Automatic row numbering
  • Ability to customise the table frame drawing
    • Predefined set of ascii-art table frames (frames can be attributed as well)
    • Options to control which parts of the table frame are drawn
  • Easy initialization from two dimensional array
  • Newline handling
  • Proper attribute handling for multi-line cells
  • Hiding columns
  • Customization
    • Default attributes DefaultAttributes can be replaced with custom implementation. For example DefaultAttributes can be replaced with your favourite Swift attributed text package and implement a specific renderer for it
    • Default renderer DefaultRenderer can be replaced with custom implementation
    • Section header/footer
    • Ability to extend default table frames with custom frame implementations
    • Ability to extend default word wrapping with custom implementations
    • Ability to control individual table cell properties
    • Depends on Swift stdlib only, no Foundation or other package dependencies


Conforms to
  • Collection
  • RandomAccessCollection
  • BidirectionalCollection
  • RangeReplaceableCollection
  • TextOutputStreamable
  • Rendable
  • Sections
  • Text
  • Tables


  • In general, doesn't support mixing multiple different Attributes within a single document. Workaround: Use multiple documents.
  • AttributedTable, doesn't support merging table cells
  • AttributedTable doesn't support mutation of column width, alignment, wrapping & header after init
  • AttributedDocument doesn't have native constructs to support a layout with mutiple tables side by side or nesting of tables. Rendering multiple tables side by side or nesting is possible, but only for non-attributed content. One has to pre-render each table separately and then place the individually renered tables content into enclosing table's cells.
// Not supported:
// +-+-+-+  +-+-+-+
// |a|b|c|  |1|2|3|
// +-+-+-+  +-+-+-+
// |d|e|f|  |4|5|6|
// +-+-+-+  +-+-+-+
//          |7|8|9|
//          +-+-+-+

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