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fundaev/spacetrack 1.2.0
Swift package for interaction with www.space-track.org
⭐️ 0
🕓 1 year ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/fundaev/spacetrack.git", from: "1.2.0")


The SpaceTrack package allows to interact with www.space-track.org API.


To add SpaceTrack package into your project one should insert this line into dependencies array in your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "https://github.com/fundaev/spacetrack.git", from: "1.2.0"),

One should also add something like that:

    name: "MyProject",
    dependencies: [
        .product(name: "SpaceTrack", package: "spacetrack")

in your target specification.


The Client class is "entry point" of this package. It's responsible for:

  1. Authentication;
  2. Receiving data from www.space-track.org.

It uses AsyncHTTPClient package, based on swift-nio package, and threfore requires EventLoopGroup instance.

You may ask client to create this group:

import Foundation
import NIOCore
import SpaceTrack 
let client = Client(eventLoopGroupProvider: .createNew)

or pass already existing one:

import Foundation
import NIOCore
import SpaceTrack 
let eventLoopGroup = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: System.coreCount)
let client = Client(eventLoopGroupProvider: .shared(eventLoopGroup))

Alternatively one can ask client to create event loop group itself:


www.space-track.org provides a data to registered users only. It means that you should create an account there if you don't have it yet.

To receive a data you should authorize the client instance.

let authResult = try await client.auth(
    username: "[email protected]",
    password: "your.password"
if (authResult != Result.Success) {
    // handle failed authentication

With EventLoopFuture

There is alternative method for authentication, which doesn't use Swift Concurrency:

let authFuture = client.authorize(
    username: "[email protected]",
    password: "your.password"
let result = try authFuture.wait()
if (result != Result.Success) {
    // handle failed authentication

SpaceTrack entities

www.space-track.org provides several kinds of data: satellite catalog, general perturbations, predicted and historical decay information etc. Each of them can be requested by a specifiec request. The corresponding responses contains a list of some entities.

For example, the response for satellite catalog request contains a list of satellites. The satellite in this terminology is just set of properties: satellite name, number, launch date, launch number in the year etc.

SpaceTrack package provides speciel public structures for each of these entities. Let's name them entities structures. The received entities list is wrapped by another structure, containing the list itself and the total number of such entities, satisfying the provided filter.


To support filters each entity structure provides Key enumiration. Its members represent the properties of coresponding entities. This enumiration supports the following operators: ==, !=, <, >. One should use them to construct some filter. For example:

let filter = Satellite.Key.name == "NOAA 17"

There are also such methods as oneOf and between:

let filter1 = Satellite.Key.noradCatId.oneOf(values: [25544, 23118, 19186])
let filter2 = Satellite.Key.launchYear.between(from: 2007, to: 2022)

One may construct filter with several conditions using && operator:

let filter = Satellite.Key.name == "NOAA" && Satellite.Key.inclination > 98;


Key enumirations can be used to sort the requested entities list. For that Key provides asc and desc read-only properties:

let order1 = Satellite.Key.name.asc
let order2 = Satellite.Key.launchYear.desc

You may sort the result by several fields using & operator:

let order = Satellite.Key.name.asc & Satellite.Key.launchYear.desc

Supported requests

Satellite catalog

To get the available list of the satellites one should use satelliteCatalog method.

For example, let's request first 10 satellites with "NOAA" word in their names, launched after 2000 year and sorted by name:

let response = try await client.satelliteCatalog(
    where: Satellite.Key.name == "~~NOAA~~" && Satellite.Key.launchYear > 2000,
    order: Satellite.Key.name.asc,
    limit: 10,
    offset: 100

for satellite in response.data {
print("\(response.data.count) item(s) from \(response.count)")

With EventLoopFuture

Use `requestSatelliteCatalog` method if you don't want to deal with Swift Concurrency.

let future = client.requestSatelliteCatalog(
    where: Satellite.Key.name == "~~NOAA~~" && Satellite.Key.launchYear > 2000,
    order: Satellite.Key.name.asc,
    limit: 10,
    offset: 100
let response = try future.wait()
for satellite in response.data {
print("\(response.data.count) item(s) from \(response.count)")

Satellite catalog debut

To get new records added to the Satellite Catalog use satelliteCatalogDebut method. It operates by the same entity, used for satellite catalog, but the Satellite.debut field contains the date and time when the object was first added into the catalog.

Let's get the last 10 objects, added into the catalog during the last 7 days:

let response = try await client.satelliteCatalogDebut(
    where: Satellite.Key.debut > Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: -7 * 86400),
    order: Satellite.Key.debut.desc & Satellite.Key.name.asc,
    limit: 10

for satellite in response.data {
print("\(response.data.count) item(s) from \(response.count)")

With EventLoopFuture

Use `requestSatelliteCatalogDebut` method if you don't want to deal with Swift Concurrency.

let future = client.requestSatelliteCatalogDebut(
    where: Satellite.Key.debut > Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: -7 * 86400),
    order: Satellite.Key.debut.desc & Satellite.Key.name.asc,
    limit: 10
let response = try future.wait()
for satellite in response.data {
print("\(response.data.count) item(s) from \(response.count)")

Satellite catalog changes

To get the list of the satellites, changed in the catalog during about the last 60 days, use satelliteCatalogChanges method:

let satcatChanges = try await client.satelliteCatalogChanges(
    where: SatelliteChange.Key.previousDecay == nil &&
           SatelliteChange.Key.currentDecay != nil,
    order: SatelliteChange.Key.changeMade.desc,
    limit: 10
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:SS"
for change in satcatChanges.data {
    let decay = dateFormatter.string(from: change.currentDecay!)
    print("\(change.currentName): decay: NULL -> \(decay)")
print("\(satcatChanges.data.count) item(s) from \(satcatChanges.count)")

With EventLoopFuture

Use `requestSatelliteCatalogChanges` method if you don't want to deal with Swift Concurrency.

let future = client.requestSatelliteCatalogChanges(
    where: SatelliteChange.Key.previousDecay == nil &&
           SatelliteChange.Key.currentDecay != nil,
    order: SatelliteChange.Key.changeMade.desc,
    limit: 10
let response = try future.wait()
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:SS"
for change in satcatChanges.data {
    let decay = dateFormatter.string(from: change.currentDecay!)
    print("\(change.currentName): decay: NULL -> \(decay)")
print("\(satcatChanges.data.count) item(s) from \(satcatChanges.count)")

General perturbations

To get the keplerian elements of the satellite one should use generalPerturbations method:

let response = try await client.generalPerturbations(
    where: GeneralPerturbations.Key.noradCatId == 25544,
    order: GeneralPerturbations.Key.noradCatId.asc,
    limit: 10,
    offset: 0
for gp in response.data {
print("\(response.data.count) item(s) from \(response.count)")

With EventLoopFuture

Use `requestGeneralPerturbations` method if you don't want to deal with Swift Concurrency.

let future = client.requestGeneralPerturbations(
    where: GeneralPerturbations.Key.noradCatId == 25544,
    order: GeneralPerturbations.Key.noradCatId.asc,
    limit: 10,
    offset: 0
let response = try future.wait()
for gp in response.data {
print("\(response.data.count) item(s) from \(response.count)")

General perturbations history

To get keplerian elements from historical data use generalPerturbationsHistory method. It operates by GeneralPerturbations entity.

let response = try await client.generalPerturbationsHistory(
    where: GeneralPerturbations.Key.noradCatId == 25544,
    order: GeneralPerturbations.Key.noradCatId.asc,
    limit: 10
for gp in response.data {
    print(gp.tleLine1 ?? "-")
    print(gp.tleLine2 ?? "-")
print("\(response.data.count) item(s) from \(response.count)")

With EventLoopFuture

Use `requestGeneralPerturbationsHistory` method if you don't want to deal with Swift Concurrency.

let future = client.requestGeneralPerturbationsHistory(
    where: GeneralPerturbations.Key.noradCatId == 25544,
    order: GeneralPerturbations.Key.noradCatId.asc,
    limit: 10
let response = try future.wait()
for gp in response.data {
    print(gp.tleLine1 ?? "-")
    print(gp.tleLine2 ?? "-")
print("\(response.data.count) item(s) from \(response.count)")

Launch sites

List of launch sites found in satellite catalog records can be received with launchSiteList method.

let response = try await client.launchSiteList(
    where: LaunchSite.Key.launchSite == "~~Center~~",
    order: LaunchSite.Key.siteCode.asc,
    limit: 10
for site in response.data {
    print("\(site.siteCode) \(site.launchSite)")
print("\(response.data.count) item(s) from \(response.count)")

With EventLoopFuture

Use `requestLaunchSiteList` method if you don't want to deal with Swift Concurrency.

let future = client.requestLaunchSiteList(
    where: LaunchSite.Key.launchSite == "~~Center~~",
    order: LaunchSite.Key.siteCode.asc,
    limit: 10
let response = future.wait()
for site in response.data {
    print("\(site.siteCode) \(site.launchSite)")
print("\(response.data.count) item(s) from \(response.count)")

TIP messages

To get Tracking and Impact Prediction (TIP) Messages use TIPMessageList method:

let response = try await client.TIPMessageList(
    where: TIPMessage.Key.noradCatId > 10000,
    order: TIPMessage.Key.objectNumber.asc,
    limit: 10,
    offset: 3
for tip in response.data {
    print("\(tip.objectNumber ?? 0) \(tip.noradCatId ?? 0)")
print("\(response.data.count) item(s) from \(response.count)")

With EventLoopFuture

Use `requestTIPMessageList` method if you don't want to deal with Swift Concurrency.

let future = client.requestTIPMessageList(
    where: TIPMessage.Key.noradCatId > 10000,
    order: TIPMessage.Key.objectNumber.asc,
    limit: 10,
    offset: 3
let response = future.wait()
for tip in response.data {
    print("\(tip.objectNumber ?? 0) \(tip.noradCatId ?? 0)")
print("\(response.data.count) item(s) from \(response.count)")


To request predicted and historical decay information use decay method:

let response = try await client.decay(
    where: Decay.Key.objectName == "~~NOAA~~",
    order: Decay.Key.objectId.asc,
    limit: 10,
    offset: 100
for decay in response.data {
    print("\(decay.objectId) \(tip.objectName)")
print("\(response.data.count) item(s) from \(response.count)")

With EventLoopFuture

Use `requestDecay` method if you don't want to deal with Swift Concurrency.

let future = client.requestDecay(
    where: Decay.Key.objectName == "~~NOAA~~",
    order: Decay.Key.objectId.asc,
    limit: 10,
    offset: 100
let response = future.wait()
for decay in response.data {
    print("\(decay.objectId) \(tip.objectName)")
print("\(response.data.count) item(s) from \(response.count)")

Conjunction data message

To request conjunction data messages list use conjunctionDataMessageList method:

let response = try await client.conjunctionDataMessageList(
    where: ConjunctionDataMessage.Key.sat1Name == "~~NOAA~~",
    order: ConjunctionDataMessage.Key.sat1Name.asc,
    limit: 10,
    offset: 3
for cdm in response.data {
    print("\(cdm.sat1Id ?? 0) \(cdm.sat1Name ?? "-") \(cdm.sat2Id ?? 0) \(cdm.sat2Name ?? "-")")
print("\(response.data.count) item(s) from \(response.count)")

With EventLoopFuture

Use `requestConjunctionDataMessageList` method if you don't want to deal with Swift Concurrency.

let future = client.requestConjunctionDataMessageList(
    where: ConjunctionDataMessage.Key.sat1Name == "~~NOAA~~",
    order: ConjunctionDataMessage.Key.sat1Name.asc,
    limit: 10,
    offset: 3
let response = future.wait()
for cdm in response.data {
    print("\(cdm.sat1Id ?? 0) \(cdm.sat1Name ?? "-") \(cdm.sat2Id ?? 0) \(cdm.sat2Name ?? "-")")
print("\(response.data.count) item(s) from \(response.count)")


To request accounting of man-made objects that have been or are in orbit use boxscore method:

let response = try await client.boxscore(
    where: Boxscore.Key.orbitalPayloadCount > 0,
    order: Boxscore.Key.orbitalPayloadCount.desc,
    limit: 10,
    offset: 3
for boxscore in response.data {
    print("\(boxscore.country) \(boxscore.orbitalPayloadCount ?? 0)")
print("\(response.data.count) item(s) from \(response.count)")

With EventLoopFuture

Use `requestBoxscore` method if you don't want to deal with Swift Concurrency.

let future = client.requestBoxscore(
    where: Boxscore.Key.orbitalPayloadCount > 0,
    order: Boxscore.Key.orbitalPayloadCount.desc,
    limit: 10,
    offset: 3
let response = future.wait()
for boxscore in response.data {
    print("\(boxscore.country) \(boxscore.orbitalPayloadCount ?? 0)")
print("\(response.data.count) item(s) from \(response.count)")


Stars: 0
Last commit: 23 weeks ago
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Release Notes

1 year ago

New methods added:

  • satelliteCatalogDebut and requestSatelliteCatalogDebut;
  • satelliteCatalogChanges and requestSatelliteCatalogChanges;
  • generalPerturbationsHistory and requestGeneralPerturbationsHistory;
  • launchSiteList and launchSiteList;
  • TIPMessageList and requestTIPMessageList;
  • decay and requestDecay;
  • conjunctionDataMessageList and requestConjunctionDataMessageList;
  • boxscore and requestBoxscore.

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