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fsalom/TripleA 1.0.21
swift package to handle api calls easy way
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🕓 5 days ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/fsalom/TripleA.git", from: "1.0.21")

Swift Swift Package Manager

TripleA: Async Await API

✍️ About

TripleA is an acronym for Async Await API in swift. It is a package created to simplify task of using REST API. It is main purpose is to be used with Rudo APIs. At the core of the system is URLSession and the URLSessionTask subclasses. TripleAAA wraps these APIs and provide a way to simplify and reduce code to make it easier to use calls to APIs

📦 Installation

Swift Package Manager

To install TripleA using Swift Package Manager you can follow the tutorial published by Apple using the URL for the TipleAAA repo with the current version:

In Xcode, select “File” → “Swift Packages” → “Add Package Dependency”

Enter https://github.com/fsalom/TripleA

🦾 Core elements

There are 4 main pieces in this system. Each one of them is responsable of their own area.

  • Network: responsable of making calls and parse objects.
  • Endpoint: Its the way endpoint request are built for TripleA.
  • AuthManager: responsable of managing tokens and refresh them.
  • TokenStore: responsable of storing token information (by default UserDefaults)


It is the core of this package. It provides different ways of calling an API.

public init(baseURL: String,
            authManager: AuthManager? = nil,
            headers: [String: String] = [:],
            format: LogFormat = .full)
Network(baseURL: "https://api.coincap.io/v2/")

Required properties:

  • baseURL: url to endpoint

Optional properties:

  • authManager: manager to handle authentication
  • headers: header for all the endpoints
  • format: log formatter for console (.full, .short, .custom(), .none)


Each endpoint has its own Endpoint object. This object has different properties to create the request

public init(path: String,
            contentType: ContentType? = nil,
            httpMethod: HTTPMethod,
            body: Data? = nil,
            parameters: [String: Any] = [:],
            headers: [String: String] = [:],
            query: [String: Any] = [:])
Endpoint(path: "https://api.coincap.io/v2/assets", httpMethod: .get)

Required properties:

  • path: url to endpoint
  • httpMethod: .get, .post, .put, .delete ...

Optional properties:

  • parameters:
  • headers:
  • query:
  • contentType:
  • body:

🚀 Usage non authorized API

As an example we will use https://coincap.io and their crypto list. This API is free to use and do not have any kind of authentication system

Defining dependency injection


Network(baseURL: "https://api.coincap.io/v2/")

DTO declaration


struct ListDTO: Codable {
    let data : [CryptoDTO]

struct CryptoDTO: Codable {
    let name : String!
    let priceUsd : String!
    let changePercent24Hr : String!



enum CryptoAPI {
    case assets
    var endpoint: Endpoint {
        get {
            switch self {
            case .assets:
                return Endpoint(path: "assets", httpMethod: .get)

Making request


    do {
        _ = try await network.load(endpoint: CryptoAPI.assets.endpoint, of: ListDTO.self)
    } catch {


🔒 Usage authorized API

An example for OAUTH2 grant_type = password

Defining dependency injection


let storage = AuthTokenStoreDefault()
let remoteDataSource = OAuthGrantTypePasswordManager(storage: storage, startController: getLoginController(), refreshTokenEndpoint: OAuthAPI.refresh(parametersRefresh).endpoint, tokensEndPoint: OAuthAPI.login(parametersLogin).endpoint)
let authManager = AuthManager(storage: storage,
                              remoteDataSource: remoteDataSource,
                              parameters: [:])
let network = Network(baseURL: "https://dashboard.rudo.es/", authManager: authManager)

DTO declaration


struct UserDTO: Codable {
    let firstName,
        email: String

    private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case firstName = "first_name"
        case email = "email"



enum OAuthAPI {
    case login([String: Any])
    case refresh([String: Any])
    case me
    var endpoint: Endpoint {
        get {
            switch self {
            case .login(let parameters):
                return Endpoint(baseURL: "https://dashboard.rudo.es/", path: "auth/token/", httpMethod: .post, parameters: parameters)
            case .refresh(let parameters):
                return Endpoint(baseURL: "https://dashboard.rudo.es/", path: "auth/token/", httpMethod: .post, parameters: parameters)
            case .me:
                return Endpoint(path: "users/me/", httpMethod: .get)



let parameters = ["grant_type": "password",
                  "username": "XXXX",
                  "password": "XXXX",
                  "client_id": "XXXX",
                  "client_secret": "XXXX"]
try await Container.network.getNewToken(with: parameters)


try await Container.network.loadAuthorized(endpoint: OAuthAPI.me.endpoint, of: UserDTO.self)

📚 Examples

This repo includes an iOS example, which is attached to Example.xcodeproj

👨‍💻 Author

Fernando Salom


Stars: 0
Last commit: 3 days ago
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Release Notes

1 week ago

Add option to provide a start controller or not in cases like when using swiftui could be useful

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