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Packages published by francescoleoni98

francescoleoni98/FLCharts ‘1.0.6’
Easy to use and highly customizable charts library for iOS
⭐️ 262
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Release 1.9.1
49 weeks ago
• Add `defaultLocalization` in Package.swift
Release 1.9.0
1 year ago
* **FEATURE:** Added `averageLineOverlapsChart` on `FLChart` to let the chart overlaps the average line. * **FEATURE:** Added possibility to hide x and y axes. * **FEATURE:** Added `showDashedLines` in `FLChart`. * * **FEATURE:** Added localization. * **IMPROVEMENT:** Added `uiColor(_:)` and `white(_:alpha:)` `FLColor` inits. * **FIX:** Orientation changes redraw.
Release 1.8.0
1 year ago
## 1.8.0 * **FEATURE:** Added `yMinValue` and `yMaxValue` on `FLChart` to clip the chart y axis. * **FIX:** Bar animation. * **IMPROVEMENT:** `limitWidth` behaviour.
Release 1.7.0
1 year ago
## 1.7.0 * **FEATURE:** Added `FLHorizontalMultipleValuesChartBar` to display multiple values with single bars side by side. * **IMPROVEMENT:** Added method to update average value in `FLCard`. * **IMPROVEMENT:** Added possibility to limit the width of the bars if scroll is enabled. ## New Contributors * @iAppDeveloper88 made their first contribution in https://github.com/francescoleoni98/FLCharts/pull/32 * @istemit made their first contribution in https://github.com/francescoleoni98/FLCharts/pull/33
Release 1.6.0
2 years ago
* **FEATURE:** Added possibility to choose color of the line of line chart for each x and y segment. * **FEATURE:** Added possibility to create segmented gradients in `FLColor`. * **FIX:** Fixed bug with drawing axes when device orientation changes.
2 years ago
* **FEATURE:** Added radar chart.
2 years ago
## What's Changed * **FIX:** Reset Cartesian plane margins ## New Contributors * @mahonya made their first contribution in https://github.com/francescoleoni98/FLCharts/pull/22 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/francescoleoni98/FLCharts/compare/1.4.1...1.4.2
2 years ago
* **Fix:** Fix duplicated Y axis labels.
Release 1.4.0
2 years ago
* **FEATURE:** Added pie chart. * **FEATURE:** Added possibility to create your own `FLLegend` view.
Release 1.3.1
2 years ago
* **FEATURE:** Added formatters and unit of measure labels for x and y axes. * **FIX:** Fixed crash if `FLChartData` contains few data.

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