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Packages published by finestructure

finestructure/Arena 1.3.4
A command line tool to create Swift Playground projects with SPM package dependencies
⭐️ 660
πŸ•“ 22 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


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22 weeks ago
- Add support for packages which reference `visionOS` as a platform in their package manifest (issue #98)
23 weeks ago
- Rename embedded dependencies package to `PackageDependencies` to avoid name collision with [Pointfree.co's Dependencies pakckage](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-dependencies)
35 weeks ago
- Fixes invalid `product(...)` clause in cases where the package name differs from the repo base name
1 year ago
- Adds support for macCatalyst platform (#90)
1 year ago
- Fixes failure to generate playground project when the package dependency contained a plugin (#87) - Bumps package tools-version and fixes deprecation warnings in generated package manifests
3 years ago
- Fixes #78 : bring back support for Playground Books (iOS compatible) NB: This creates a user module for the package source files but it does not currently do this recursively for package dependencies.
3 years ago
- Adds support for a `.arena-sample.swift` file to pre-populate the generated playground with sample code.
3 years ago
- If a dependency's library product matches its package name, only import that single library. This makes packages like `RxSwift` and `Vapor` work, because it avoids pulling in their test helpers. These helpers import `XCTest`, which currently makes the playground fail to build. See #75 for details.
3 years ago
- Improved, simpler project format, **Xcode 12 only** - Top level β€œDependencies” wrapper package, that allows adding additional dependencies manually <img width="268" alt="Screenshot 2020-10-21 at 09 40 26" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/65520/96688431-759f1180-1381-11eb-8fea-57ae405d50a6.png"> <img width="672" alt="Screenshot 2020-10-21 at 09 42 07" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/65520/96688642-b1d27200-1381-11eb-8c7e-dffe460a0b74.png"> - dropped confusing `β€”name` option. Simply use `β€”output <directory>` (default `Arena-Playground`) to save to another path.
3 years ago
- fixed error when creating a playground book (`--book` flag) - improved tests - dropped confusing `--name` option. Simply use `--output <directory>` (default `Arena-Playground`) to save to another path. - package update
finestructure/Gala 0.3.4
Create SwiftUI preview variants for macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS with ease
⭐️ 87
πŸ•“ 3 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


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3 years ago
- Fix 11.6 build regression #9
3 years ago
- Fixes compile errors with Xcode 12b4
3 years ago
- Fixes #6 - thanks, @pteasima !
3 years ago
- Use model number to create some preview devices - #5 by @ConfusedVorlon
4 years ago
- Add black/white background depending on colour scheme for contrast See also https://github.com/heckj/PreviewBackground
4 years ago
- Added `previewDevice(_ value: Device)` overload
4 years ago
- ContentSizeCategories iterator - Devices iterator
4 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
finestructure/Rester 0.8.1
A command line tool to test (REST) APIs
⭐️ 43
πŸ•“ 18 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


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3 years ago
- Package update (ARM support via pointfreeco/Gen update)
3 years ago
- Swift 5.2.4 - Dependency updates
4 years ago
- swift 5.1.3 - package update - support for parenthesis in regex: `.regex(foo(bar))`
4 years ago
- Swift 5.1.1 (Linux) - PMKFoundation 3.3.4 - ValueCodable 0.1.0
4 years ago
- swift 5.1 / Xcode 11 - iOS support - request cancellation - request count in statistics
4 years ago
- fix macOS build (debug version for now)
4 years ago
- Swift 5.0.1 (5.0.x snapshot on Linux) - `set_up` step - `mode: random|sequential` - `.append(json.value)` for `variables` - `.remove(json.value)` for `variables` - `when` for conditional execution - `.doesNotEqual()` for negative testing - Fixes issue#75 (none response for 401 on Linux)
5 years ago
- Add `--stats` flag for logging request statistics
5 years ago
- `--loop` and `--duration` parameters to run Rester continuously - switch to official Apple/swift:5.0 docker base image - dependency updates
5 years ago
- `--insecure` flag to suppress SSL certificate validation - dependency updates
iOS macOS tvOS
finestructure/ImageAttributesPublishPlugin 0.1.1
A Publish plugin to add support for image attributes
⭐️ 8
πŸ•“ 4 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


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4 years ago
- escape html entities in titles
4 years ago
finestructure/ValueCodable 0.2.0
A Value struct to decode arbitrary data
⭐️ 6
πŸ•“ 18 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


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4 years ago
- Xcode 11.1 / Swift 5.1 (macOS) - Swift 5.1.1 (Linux)
4 years ago
- Open up Yams version range to allow for 2.x revisions
5 years ago
- Yams 1.0.2
5 years ago
- check subscript index bounds
Subscript fixes and updates
5 years ago
- subscript now public - support for `"obj[1]"` keypath format
Initial release
5 years ago
finestructure/Parser 0.2.1
Library to create composable parsers, based on pointfree.co's series on Parsing
⭐️ 3
πŸ•“ 2 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


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3 years ago
- Support for Swift 5.0 - Support for watchOS (was supported but not shown as such in the Swift Package Index)
4 years ago
- revert ergonomics change for now
finestructure/swift-pg-extras 0.2.1
Commands providing shortcuts to common Postgres introspection queries (Swift port of heroku-pg-extras)
⭐️ 2
πŸ•“ 1 year ago
finestructure/CompArch 0.7.3
SwiftUI State-Action-Reducer architecture based on pointfree.co series
⭐️ 2
πŸ•“ 4 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


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4 years ago
- Add identifiable array view method (by @slashmo) ``` public func view<LocalValue: Identifiable, LocalAction>( _ array: WritableKeyPath<Value, [LocalValue]>, id: LocalValue.ID, action: CasePath<Action, Identified<LocalValue, LocalAction>> ) -> Store<LocalValue, LocalAction> ```
4 years ago
- Fix memory leak in `send` (see ep 94)
4 years ago
- Make public
4 years ago
- Add SwiftUI binding
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
- Identified and Indexed are now type aliases to allow pattern matching child actions: ``` let reducer: Reducer<IndexedParent.State, IndexedParent.Action> = { state, action in switch action { case let .child((index, .childAction1)): return [ Just(.childAction(index)) .eraseToEffect() ] case .child(_): return [] case .childAction(_): return [] } } ```
4 years ago
- Change Indexed property to `action` (from `value`)
4 years ago
- Removed test support again (can't have in in the main target)
4 years ago
- single target, add test support to CompArch
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
finestructure/fs-html 0.0.1
A Swift DSL to generate HTML for use in server side swift projects - or anywhere you want to write type checked HTML.
⭐️ 1
πŸ•“ 5 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


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initial release
5 years ago

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