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enparadigm/SharpsellCore v3.14.2
A swift package app for sharpsell
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🕓 3 weeks ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/enparadigm/SharpsellCore.git", from: "v3.14.2")

Sharpsell iOS SDK

SDK Integrations

There are 2 steps involved in adding the sharpsell SDK in your project.

  1. Add the Sharpsell Swift Package to the parent app
  2. Add Sharpsell local XCFrameworks in Framework, Libraries and Embedded content in the parent app build settings.

1. Add the Sharpsell Swift Package

  1. Add Sharpsell package URL as package dependency in you parent app. For e.g - Attached the sample screenshot for your refrence (version may changes, contact sharpsell team for the latest version) Screenshot 2022-09-26 at 8 49 31 AM
  2. Choose Branch in the Dependency Rule then click choose "UpTo Next Major" in the versions and add 2.5.1 as a major version, then click Add Package button.This will add the sharpsell framework as a package dependency for your app

2.Add Local XCFrameworks in Framework, Libraries and Embedded content

  1. Download the XCFramework from the link which is given by Sharpsell team and unzip it.

  2. You will find debug and release folders. Inside the folders you will find the below xcframeworks 1.App.xcframework 2.Flutter.xcframework 3.FBLPromises.xcframework 4.sharpsell.xcframework 4. FMDB.xcframework

  3. In order to run in iOS Simulators, we need to use debug version.So, if you are testing the app in simulator then use XCFramrworks which is available in Debug Folder.

  4. Use XCFrameworks which is in Release folder when sharing a build or release the app to the app store. Debug frameworks will be slower compare with release framework.

  5. Drag and drop all four XCFramework in Framework, Libraries and Embedded content section in project settings for your app target. All the frameworks will be added as Embed & Sign framework by default.

Make sure all other framework are in Embed & Sign .

Testing sharpsell in iOS Simulators

Note: - Not supported in 2.5.1 version due to local depdency failures. We will be fixing this in the version.

In order to run in iOS Simulators, we need to use debug version.So, if you are testing the app in simulator then use XCFramrworks which is available in Debug Folder and replace those into the project as mentioned above.

Note: Make sure we are using release frameworks when sharing a build or release the app to the app store. Debug frameworks will be slower compare with release framework.

SDK functions

Note: Import SharpsellCore in the class or struct where ever you are trying access Sharpsell.

Make sure to call createSmartSellEngine and then initialize before calling any other SDK functions.

1. createSmartSellEngine

This function used to initialise the object required by the SDK - So we its better to call this function on app start preferably in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions function in AppDelegate class.


2. Initializing the SDK

The SDK has to be initialized before calling any other methods of the SDK. On calling the Sharpsell.initialize method, a success or failure status will be returned via a callback. Sample code on how to initialize the SDK is given below.

/* Initialize Sharpsell
 * coreSdk -
 * country_code, user_meta, name, mobile_number, email is nullable
 * Rest of the fields are required when the app is run as a SDK
 * */
       // Note - If you don't have any of the below data then don't pass null, just pass empty strings
        let initSharpsellData: [String:Any] = [
            "company_code": "sample_sdk", // Company code given to you by sharpsell team
            "user_unique_id": "88888888888", // Mobile number of the user which you want to login into sharpsell
            "user_group_id": "1", // User Group ID given to you by sharpsell team
            "country_code": "",
            "user_meta": "", // If you have user meta, pass those as a string
            "name": "Surya", // User Name
            "mobile_number": "888888888", // User mobile number
            "email": "[email protected]"] // User Email Id
        Sharpsell.services.initialize(smartsellParameters: initSharpsellData) {
            //Flutter initialized succecfully
        } onFailure: { (errorMessage, smartsellError) in
            switch smartsellError {
            case .flutterError:
                debugPrint("Error Message: \(errorMessage)")
            case .flutterMethodNotImplemented:
                debugPrint("Error Message: Flutter Method Not Implemented")
                debugPrint("Error Message: UnKnown Error in \(#function)")

Entry points in the SDK

Home Screen

       Sharpsell.services.open(arguments: [:]){ (flutterViewController) in
            self.navigationController?.pushViewController(flutterViewController, animated: true)
        } onFailure: { (errorMessage, smartSellError) in
            switch smartSellError {
            case .flutterError:
                debugPrint("Error Message: \(errorMessage)")
            case .flutterMethodNotImplemented:

Presentation Screen

     let presentationArgs = ["route" : "productPresentationInput",
                                "presentation_name" : presentationInputName,
                                "input_one" : presentationInputOne,
                                "input_two" : presentationInputTwo]
       Sharpsell.services.open(arguments: presentationArgs){ (flutterViewController) in
            self.navigationController?.pushViewController(flutterViewController, animated: true)
        } onFailure: { (errorMessage, smartSellError) in
            switch smartSellError {
            case .flutterError:
                debugPrint("Error Message: \(errorMessage)")
            case .flutterMethodNotImplemented:

Launchpad Screen

     let launchpadArgs = ["route" : "launchpad"]
       Sharpsell.services.open(arguments: launchpadArgs){ (flutterViewController) in
            self.navigationController?.pushViewController(flutterViewController, animated: true)
        } onFailure: { (errorMessage, smartSellError) in
            switch smartSellError {
            case .flutterError:
                debugPrint("Error Message: \(errorMessage)")
            case .flutterMethodNotImplemented:

Marketing Collateral Screen

     let mcDirArgs = ["route" : "mcDirectory"]
       Sharpsell.services.open(arguments: mcDirArgs){ (flutterViewController) in
            self.navigationController?.pushViewController(flutterViewController, animated: true)
        } onFailure: { (errorMessage, smartSellError) in
            switch smartSellError {
            case .flutterError:
                debugPrint("Error Message: \(errorMessage)")
            case .flutterMethodNotImplemented:

Poster of the day Screen

     let potdArgs = ["route" : "potd"]
       Sharpsell.services.open(arguments: potdArgs){ (flutterViewController) in
            self.navigationController?.pushViewController(flutterViewController, animated: true)
        } onFailure: { (errorMessage, smartSellError) in
            switch smartSellError {
            case .flutterError:
                debugPrint("Error Message: \(errorMessage)")
            case .flutterMethodNotImplemented:

Digital Visiting Card Screen

     let dvcArgs = ["route" : "dvc"]
       Sharpsell.services.open(arguments: dvcArgs){ (flutterViewController) in
            self.navigationController?.pushViewController(flutterViewController, animated: true)
        } onFailure: { (errorMessage, smartSellError) in
            switch smartSellError {
            case .flutterError:
                debugPrint("Error Message: \(errorMessage)")
            case .flutterMethodNotImplemented:

Timer Challenge Home Screen

     let tcHomeArgs = ["route" : "tcHome"]
       Sharpsell.services.open(arguments: tcHomeArgs){ (flutterViewController) in
            self.navigationController?.pushViewController(flutterViewController, animated: true)
        } onFailure: { (errorMessage, smartSellError) in
            switch smartSellError {
            case .flutterError:
                debugPrint("Error Message: \(errorMessage)")
            case .flutterMethodNotImplemented:

Product Bundle Screen

     let productBundleArgs = ["route" : "productBundle"]
       Sharpsell.services.open(arguments: productBundleArgs){ (flutterViewController) in
            self.navigationController?.pushViewController(flutterViewController, animated: true)
        } onFailure: { (errorMessage, smartSellError) in
            switch smartSellError {
            case .flutterError:
                debugPrint("Error Message: \(errorMessage)")
            case .flutterMethodNotImplemented:

Quick Links Screen

     let quickLinksArgs = ["route" : "quickLinks"]
       Sharpsell.services.open(arguments: quickLinksArgs){ (flutterViewController) in
            self.navigationController?.pushViewController(flutterViewController, animated: true)
        } onFailure: { (errorMessage, smartSellError) in
            switch smartSellError {
            case .flutterError:
                debugPrint("Error Message: \(errorMessage)")
            case .flutterMethodNotImplemented:

Logout and clear user data

Make sure the Sharpsell.services.clearData is called when the user is logging out of the application.

      Sharpsell.services.clearData {
                //Handle logut success
            } onFailure: { message, errorType in
                //Logut Failed


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Last commit: 1 week ago
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