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elegantchaos/PageView v1.1.2
SwiftUI PageView which takes a custom Index view
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🕓 1 year ago
iOS macCatalyst
.package(url: "https://github.com/elegantchaos/PageView.git", from: "v1.1.2")


A slightly more flexible SwiftUI PageView.

This uses TabView with a .page tabViewStyle to implement the basic paging behaviour, but it accepts a second closure should be a view builder defining the index view to use instead of the default dots.

It also allows you to specify the alignment and padding of the index view - so you can inset it more than usual or move it to the top or to one side.


        PageView(selection: $selection, indexAlignment: .bottomLeading, indexPadding: 40.0) {
            ForEach(items) { item in
        } index: {
            DotsIndexView(currentIndex: selection)

Stacked Variant

By default, PageView uses a ZStack to place its index view on top of its content.

Unfortunately this seems to cause some issues that prevent the index view from detecting taps/clicks.

As a workaround, there is also a VStackPageView variant, which stacks the index view below the content.

This variant has no problems detecting taps, and is a better choice if you want the index view at the bottom of the content.

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