Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by edmw

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Packages published by edmw

edmw/wishlist 1.7.0
Wishlist is a web application written in Swift with Vapor framework for managing wish lists. It allows users to create lists of items they want most and share them with others.
⭐️ 5
🕓 4 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
4 years ago
🎁 Notifications for changes to favorite lists - Add functionality to get notifications for new items on favoured wish lists - Add template tags to render alert boxes, action buttons, icons - Refactor event recording - Add bootstrap javascript - Update bootstrap stylesheet to 4.4.1 - Add configuration for server host and port - Improve logging - Fix functionality to release items for owners - Fix access control to favorite notifications - Fix propagated messaging errors for background notifications - Fix bootstrap btn
4 years ago
🎁 Receive, archive and unarchive items * Add functionality to put items into archive * Add functionality to get items from archive * Add functionality to mark items as received * Add status field to Reservation * Add archival field to Item * Extract english texts into language file * Extend PageContext to hold actions aka links for templates * Unify page generation in controller * Improve button design * Setup Travis CI
4 years ago
🎁 Move items between wishlists - Add functionality to move items between wishlists - Change handling of .env files: already existing env values will have precedence - Enable test runs for Linux - Add automatic generation of LinuxMain.swift - Improve docker scripts - Fix references on fluent models (again) - Fix recover job - Fix Environment tests
4 years ago
- Improve docker scripts - Add job to recover missing item images - Add job to dispose redundant item images - Fix creation of item image
4 years ago
* Add Swift Backtrace to automatically printing crash backtraces * Add code generation for Representation Context types * Add code generation for Domain String Value types on Linux * Refactor Values types * Fix references on fluent models * Fix sort order of items * Fix lost data at list import * Fix closures for converting in Values types on Linux
4 years ago
- Introduce code generation - Introduce structured logging - Add BitArray data structure - Add BloomFilter data structure - Add data objects for database repositories - Make ids for entities into value objects - Refactor image handling for items - Improve env file parsing - Add tests - Fix sending invitation mail
4 years ago
* Add invitation emails * Fix link to fav icon * Fix deletion of reservation for list owner * Major refactoring to implement separation of concerns
4 years ago
* Fix link to about page * Add favicon
4 years ago
- Add pages for legal notice and privacy policy
4 years ago
- Fix option "Don't spoil my surprises" on lists for notifications

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