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eBay/TargetedAutoRetry 1.0.0
Powerful Resilience Against Flaky Test Steps
⭐️ 12
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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1.0.0: Targeted Auto Retry Initial Implementation
3 years ago
Initial Implementation of Targeted Auto Retry. Integrated with eBay's iOS Lucid test report system (to be open sourced in Q3 2021). Supports the following parameters: - mainAction: the flaky test step (e.g. XCUIApplication().launch()). - successCondition: validates whether the mainAction step was successful (e.g. XCUIApplication().buttons["My Awesome App"].exists). - resetSteps: optional additional steps to reset the state of the test to just before the mainAction was attempted before retrying it. - retryAttempts: the number of retries to attempt before failing the test. Defaults to 3. - actionDescription: optional custom description of the test step for use in reporting. This is used in the console reporting logs. e.g. for "Launch": ♻️♻️♻️▶️ [NEW RETRY ACTION: 2] Launch. Retry attempt: 2. Attempts remaining: 1 - failTestOnFailure: defaults to true, but in certain limited edge cases (such as nesting auto retry steps) it can make sense to not want to fail the test after using up all retry attempts. Current supported console logging pattern examples: ♻️♻️♻️ [RETRY INFO: 2] Launch Attempt Unsuccessful. Number of attempts: 3. Attempts remaining: 1. Retrying. ♻️♻️♻️▶️ [NEW RETRY ACTION: 1] Sign In. Rerty attempt: 1. Attempts remaining 2. ♻️♻️♻️⏱ [SUCCESS CONDITION: 3] Wait for Success Condition for action: Navigate To HomePage. Retry attempt:3. Attempts remaining: 0 ♻️♻️♻️⏪ [RESET STEPS: 2] Run Reset Steps to Retry action ♻️♻️♻️❌ [FAIL] Auto Retry failed 3 times for action: Search for Nike Shoes. No more retries will be attempted.

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