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Packages published by duraidabdul

duraidabdul/LocalConsole 1.12.1
In-app console and debug tools for iOS developers
⭐️ 755
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
This should fix a < iOS 15 crash that could occur when the share sheet was invoked (https://github.com/duraidabdul/LocalConsole/issues/19).
1 year ago
You can now add a custom menu element to your console as a submenu! ```swift let action = UIAction(title: "My Action") { _ in LCManager.shared.print("Hello, world!") } let customMenu = UIMenu( title: "Quick Actions", image: UIImage(systemName: "wand.and.stars"), children: [action] ) LCManager.shared.menu = customMenu ```
1 year ago
- Fixed warning `[Presentation] Presenting view controller <_UIContextMenuActionsOnlyViewController> from detached view controller <LocalConsole.ConsoleViewController> is discouraged.` - Fixed console view being overlapped by presented view controllers and context menus.
1 year ago
Fixed build failure when building for iOS 14
1 year ago
- Added "Terminate App" action. - Renamed and updated symbols for some menu items. - Restructured the way the console injects itself into the view hierarchy. The console view controller is now added to the app's main window instead of creating a window for itself.
1 year ago
- Fixed blocked touches on iPad - Fixed simulator crash - Fixed crash that could occur when the keyboard appears
1 year ago
Fix build failure `Variable binding in a condition requires an initializer` when using Swift 5.6 and lower.
1 year ago
Fixes an issue that caused the console border to overlap the console (in front of dark backgrounds).
1 year ago
This version fixes an issue that caused keyboard avoidance to stop working.
1 year ago
- Added support for avoiding Dynamic Island on iPhone 14 Pro. - Added safe area insets to Display Report.

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