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Packages published by dragosrobertn

dragosrobertn/KNContactsPicker push
A modern, highly customisable contact picker with search and multi-selection options.
⭐️ 19
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
v0.3.0 - Support for Swift Package Manager, Select All contacts button
2 years ago
This releases adds support for SPM. In addition it adds a new option to select all displaying contacts with a `Select all` button.
v0.3.0 - Support for Swift Package Manager
3 years ago
This is a pre-release version.
v0.2.1 - Fixes memory leak with presentationDelegate
4 years ago
## Bug fixes This release fixes a memory leak with presentation delegate tracked by issue #1 .
4 years ago
## New features - Subtitle option for contact cell to display a phone number, email address, organisation (or nothing) - Gradient colours setting provided when displaying contact initials - Custom data source of contacts option to pass on a certain list of contacts instead of fetching all of them from contacts - Contact cell image options order setting to set the preference of showing the contact image, a user provided image or initials.
Initial release to open source and CocoaPods
4 years ago
Version 0.1.0 is the initial pre-release version of KNContactsPicker. Please note the behaviour might change with breaking changes until it reaches the stable version of v.1.0.0 and some other features are being ironed out. KNContactsPicker is a modern, customisable and easy to use Contacts Picker similar to the stock CNContactPickerViewController. It does improve in a couple of area for a better UX. - Three contact selection modes: - Single Deselect (Deselects all other contacts after first contact is selected) - Single Reselect (Selects another contact on tap) - Multi Select - Contact images or initials - Search contacts and ability to select while searching - Clear selection button - Contact section indexes to quickly navigate through the contact list - Returns CNContact objects - Highly customisable settings for strings and options - Two conditional methods to enable or deselect certain contacts - Support iOS 13 - Dark Mode - Icons (SF Symbols) - Pull to Dismiss
dragosrobertn/KNContacts 1.3.0
Wrapper for CNContacts for easier access, ordering and scheduling.
⭐️ 8
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
v.1.3.0 - Support for Swift Package Manager
3 years ago
# Improvements This release version adds support for Swift Package Manager. Once you have SPM set up, add this package to the dependencies. ```swift dependencies: [ .package(url: "https://github.com/dragosrobertn/KNContacts.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.3.0")) ] ```
v.1.2.3 - Localised formatting for KNDatesUtils
3 years ago
# Improvements - All formatter methods in `KNDatesUtils` now accept a locale parameter to provide the formatted dates in the correct locale. Default is the device's current locale.
v.1.2.2 - Fix for birthdayIsUpcoming(in:startingdate:) to not consider current date
4 years ago
## Improvements - New method `birthdayMatches(date:)` added to `KNContact` class to check if contact's birthday matches a particular date. ## Bug fixes - Recent changes to `birthdayIsUpcoming(in:startingdate:)` have introduced a bug that was considering current date as an upcoming date. This has now been fixed. If you have been using that functionality and it was working as expected for you, please pass a starting date to `birthdayIsUpcoming(in:startingdate:)`, or use `isBirthdayToday()` to achieve the same result.
v1.2.1 - Fix bug for isBirthdayComing date miscalculation
4 years ago
### Bug fixes - This version a bug fix release for the `KNContact.isBirthdayComing(in:)` method which saw wrong results at certain times. ### Improvements - Method signature changed to `KNContact.isBirthdayComing(in: startingDate:)` to accept a starting date from which to start counting instead of assuming current date. Default is current Date.
v1.2.0 - Swift 5 support, remove deprecated methods and bug fixes
4 years ago
Note: Upon further checks it looks like the date bug was not fixed properly in 1.2.0. Please use v1.2.1. ## v1.2.0 features: - Support for Swift 5 - It fixes a date bug caused by miscalculation when the date in the future would be in the following year. v1.2.0 is a breaking change as: ## Breaking changes - Drops support for Swift 4.2 - Removes deprecated methods and warnings from v1.1.0
v.1.1.0 - Establish method naming convention.
4 years ago
Version 1.1.0 Introduces new methods and deprecates existing ones in favour of the new ones. # Mini-breaking changes However, there will be small breaking changes, as follows: - `KNDatesUtils` and `KNContactBookOrdering` are now static structs and no longer require instantiation. ## `KNContact` ### Attributes - `KNContact.details` is deprecated in favour of `KNContact.info` --- ### Methods The following changes have been made: - `KNContact.getAgeAsString(atNextBirthday: asOrdinal:)` introduced and therefore: - `KNContact.getAgeAsOrdinal()` is deprecated. - `KNContact.getAgeAtNextBirthday()` is deprecated. - `KNContact.getAgeAsOrdinalAtNextBirthday()` is deprecated. - `KNContact.formatBirthday(with: forCurrentYear:)` introduced and therefore: - `KNContact.formattedBirthday(with: currentYear:)` - `KNContact.getBirthday(forCurrentYear:)` introduced and therefore: - `KNContact.birthday(currentYear:)` is deprecated ## `KNContactBook` ### Attributes - New read-only `identifiers`, `contacts`, `contactsIdentifiers` and `count` attributes introduced. --- ### Methods The following changes have been made: - `KNContactBook.getContact(by:)` and `KNContactBook.getContacts(by:)` introduced and therefore: - `KNContactBook.updatedValues(for:)` is deprecated - `KNContactBook.get(forKey:)` is deprecated - `KNContactBook.getOptional(forKey:)` is deprecated - As a result of the introduction of the `contacts` attribute, the `KNContact.toArray()` and `KNContact.toArray(orderedBy:)` are deprecated. Access the attribute directly and use `sorted(by:)` to achieve the same result. - As a result of the introduction of the `identifiers` attribute, the `KNContact.keysArray()` is deprecated. Access the attribute directly to retrieve the book keys. ## `KNContactsSchedule` ### Methods The following changes have been made: - `KNContactsSchedule.add(list:fromString:)` is deprecated. To achieve the same result use `KNContactsSchedule.add(list:to:)` which signature's has now been modified. ## `KNTimeFormat` This enum has now been renamed to `KNDateTimeFormat` and has gained two type aliases for maintaining compatibility. Please use `KNDateTimeFormat` or `KNFormat` instead.
v.1.0.1 - Improvements to type safety and documentation.
4 years ago
This release maintain backwards compatibility with version 1.0.0. Changes: * Improves type safety by removing potential nil values from certain return values. * Fully documented public classes and methods.

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