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Packages published by dominicegginton

dominicegginton/spinner 2.1.0
Powerful Swift CLI Spinners
⭐️ 38
🕓 23 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
23 weeks ago
## What's Changed * deps: upgrade rainbow from 3.0.0 to 4.0.0 by @dominicegginton in https://github.com/dominicegginton/spinner/pull/47 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/dominicegginton/spinner/compare/2.0.2...2.1.0
1 year ago
- d47c588c1579316aa85f8685342cf10a8344311b deps: bump nanoseconds to version 1.1.2 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/dominicegginton/spinner/compare/2.0.1...2.0.2
1 year ago
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/dominicegginton/spinner/compare/2.0.0...2.0.1
2 years ago
## Breaking Chnages - `Spinner.pattern` is now `Spinner.animation` - `Spinner.text` is now `Spinner.message` - `Spinner.succeed()` is now `Spinner.success()` - `Spinner.failure()` is now `Spinner.error()` - `Spinner.information()` is now `Spinner.info()` - `SpinnerPattern` is now `SpinnerAnimaition` - `SpinnerUI` is now `SpinnerStream` ## What's Changed * refactor: tidy up by @dominicegginton in https://github.com/dominicegginton/spinner/pull/43 * feat: add spinner signal protocol by @dominicegginton in https://github.com/dominicegginton/spinner/pull/44 * refactor: rename spinner pattern to spinner animation by @dominicegginton in https://github.com/dominicegginton/spinner/pull/45 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/dominicegginton/spinner/compare/1.4.1...2.0.0
2 years ago
## What's Changed * fix: emoji patterns by @dominicegginton in https://github.com/dominicegginton/spinner/pull/42 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/dominicegginton/spinner/compare/1.4.0...1.4.1
2 years ago
## What's Changed * Add SpinnerUI protocol by @yury in https://github.com/dominicegginton/Spinner/pull/41 ## New Contributors * @yury made their first contribution in https://github.com/dominicegginton/Spinner/pull/41 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/dominicegginton/Spinner/compare/1.3.2...1.4.0
3 years ago
### Fix - Fix christmas spinner pattern name (236a0506fdf7b17afe18551d58e785c3b44e4da1) ### Documentation - Update key features highlights (8eb222b96638c381787c029534ab9129e582c7a5)
3 years ago
### Features - Added new spinner patters (bce125da3bdd945535be5118822df0ab34d8d827) - Added a basic example (a54d474bc260786ed417b5db0d5331c4d988b787)
3 years ago
### Features - Add support for timing the spinners duration (3771dd84065178d65b83c7e61bf1c0edb7376e4a) ### Documentation - New documentation for timings the spinners duration (4eda9c401a52abf6bf69e1c560a90fb04712c71f) - Fixed documentation heading style (e125c913ebe7781bf2593a6e25ea5b174382973f) ### Maintainace - Run CI workflow only on push and pr for main branch (80395150d3a4350a5429004b4b90c29ab563811b) - Dont track Package.resolved (81d415333c347368f1c3198a3098a7854490fee6) - Remove unused git ignore entries (0be3f618662941515079a19fc47ba55c634e1b7c)
3 years ago
### Documentation - fixed missing import in getting stated example (99ab335a8febfbd523cf376f88cc10d8c7e5b8cb)
dominicegginton/nanoseconds 1.1.2
Simple high-resolution timing for Swift
⭐️ 4
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
- 34318d7a13b5b5013102fbe18b36b80368b4dcbd docs: update documentation - 07cf46309ab60844f888e84c00aa447fe56807d7 fix: use seconds as a unit for the raw value of time interval **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/dominicegginton/nanoseconds/compare/1.1.1...1.1.2
3 years ago
### Documentation - added documentation for converting [**TimeInterval**](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/timeinterval) objects to human readable strings (d874aa99470f12f38a1b9315c0a481adfaacc8b5) - introducing a cover image and logo for **Nanoseconds** (f4a266d9e1be92b232ab893e9c766ab2374b68ac)
3 years ago
### Features - convert time intervals to time strings (baad6bb18209d6024adeee7eab626db4d273ee21) ### Maintenance - remove redundant git ignore entires (4e0126e3ed8c40304a956c27431d37ddda816c83) - bump swift tools to 5.3 (048aaf4e3c243d96727954d38e5cfa33664ee598)
3 years ago
### Features - **Breaking Change**: renamed Nanoseconds object to Now (#3) ### Documentation - better heading styles for documentation (a767f15d9421cb1cca4dd71d341b4d1401c6305f, 218c53a3c721bd49e29e1ccb3c70ee2623e653ff) - added documention for unit conversion timeinterval init methods (90b9d5eb8553f5b24b3bad211af28f07743eedd7)
3 years ago
### Fixed - fixed naming of microseconds conversion extention to the timeinterval object (b54f2ebd073b7048ab740c1ac2b95f2e4dc5f0bc, bc63f643de6c7102e7fbd5860102e2d4e3f47bf9) ### Features - added unit conversion extention for nanoseconds to the timeinterval object (a6498f6c01be191e1e39f0b1a743f7631bf81617) ### Maintenance - added tests for coversion of the timeinterval object (58dca92b0f30fb9fc2e906a364e6fc73c2db8bd6)
3 years ago
### Features - added timeinterval init mehtods to easy convert common time units (#2)
3 years ago
3 years ago

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