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Packages published by din

din/compose 0.13.0
Lightweight component-oriented architecture framework built on top of SwiftUI & Combine
⭐️ 14
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Quality of life updates
2 years ago
Compose: - Introduced `@EnclosingRouter` to be able to reference the outermost router for the component using the new property wrapper. - Added more options to `Router` initialiser to control how it behaves. - Replaced internal `ObservationBag` with `ObservationTree` and `ObservationNode` which create tree of observers for easy tracking of all observers for all components. Reworked container components to rely on `ObservationTree` to deallocate resources when container components instances disappear. - Improved `@Ref` and `@RefCollection` performance by making sure only actual changes are propagated. - Reduced amount of firing events for all defined refs. - Fixed a bug with mangling `@Ref` listeners being in memory after `@Ref` instances were deallocated. ComposeUI: - Introduced `ComposePagingView` which is an easy way to paginate content vertically or horizontally. - Additional features for `ComposeScrollView`.
Routing pop gesture and routing performance fixes
2 years ago
- Better handling for `Router` pop gestures via `UIPanGestureRecognizer` instances. - Better performance when using router transitions with lots of nested views.
Routing and memory management refactoring
2 years ago
- Removed `@RouterObject`. - Updated memory management for dynamic and instance components. Memory is now properly managed and all observers are properly collected and deallocated when the component goes away via an internal `ObservationBag` object. - Optimised @Ref and @RefCollection usages to be less CPU intensive for states that have a lot of changing `@Ref` and/or `@RefCollection` instances. - Introspection client programming interface draft.
Refs refactoring
2 years ago
- Making refs query mirror as soon as refs are destroyed/overridden.
ComposeUI alert fixes
2 years ago
- Fixed ComposeUI alert message centering.
Introspection emitter
2 years ago
- Added `Introspect` emitter and `.introspect` method to dive into the depths of emitter execution. - Added `.status()` method to all emitters which accepts a binding to `StatusSet<T>` and adds a supplied value of type `T` when a subscription is received by the emitter and removes the supplied value of type `T` when the emitter has finished execution. - Added `DefaultsPersistentStorage` to persist data to current `Defaults` on all platforms, but especially on tvOS.
Fixed @RefCollection updates on insertion/deletion
2 years ago
- `@RefCollection` now properly notifies all observers about changes to the underlying collection data (insertions and deletions).
Router and navigation bar fixes
2 years ago
Compose: - Router zIndex ordering fix via monotonically increasing zIndex. - Router drag to pop gesture now properly handles SwiftUI cancellation via gesture state. ComposeUI: - `shouldShowDivider` property of `ComposeNavigationBarStyle` is now properly respected.
ComposeUI: ComposeScrollView fixes
2 years ago
- Made `ComposeScrollReader` as a descendant of a `ComposeScrollView` to never miss a proper scroll view.
ComposeUI: ComposeScrollView fixes
2 years ago
- `ComposeScrollView` introspection fixes.
iOS macOS tvOS

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