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didactek/deft-devices experiment-base
DEvices + swiFT: connecting small hardware to computers using Swift.
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🕓 3 years ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/didactek/deft-devices.git", from: "experiment-base")

Deft: DEvices from swiFT

A collection of modules for connecting small hardware to computers using the Swift programming language.


  • provide a framework for connecting small hardware
  • maximize call-site readability
  • encourage discovery
    • minimize use of external libraries
  • avoid any root/sudo access
  • exemplify unit-testable design
  • support development on Mac and Raspberry Pi devices


DeftLayout for formatting messages

DeftLayout is the Deft framework for mapping values of Swift data types to the bit-level positions used in device protocols. It performs the role of functions like pack/unpack in Ruby or Python, or of bitwise boolean operations, bitfields, and unions in C.

The DeftLayout pattern tries to minimize the need for raw bit operations, hardcoded masks, and other "magic" constants. Its @Position wrappers aspire to adopt positional notation used in device datasheets.

DeftBus I2C+SPI abstraction and hardware support

DeftBus defines protocols for communicating with devices over SPI and I2C.

Deft provides multiple implementations of these protocols:

Using native Linux SPI and native Linux I2C interfaces.

DeftBus provides an ssh transport that can use command line tools on a remote machine to perform I2C or SPI operations. Developers can compile and run code on a fast machine (e.g.: a Mac running Xcode) while still exercising hardware connected to a smaller microcomputer (e.g.: a Raspberry Pi Zero).


On the Raspberry Pi:

  1. Install Swift: https://github.com/uraimo/buildSwiftOnARM#prebuilt-binaries
  2. Enable the I2C interface: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/raspi-config.md
  3. Clone this repository

It is possible to work with the codebase using Xcode on a Mac. Xcode provides fast compilation, sophisticated code completion, and built-in documentation support. Xcode should identify the directory structure as belonging to a Swift Package and be able to compile and run.


Look at DeftExample/main.swift. Adapt as desired.

'swift build' 'swift test' 'swift run'

The tests do not assume any hardware, but use mock objects and data to test the codebase.

Supporting a new device

Describe messages

The underlying encoded bytes of the message are represented by an AssembledMessage.

The DeftLayout module provides support for mapping particular bits in AssembledMessage Data to properties in a message object.

Typical hierarchy for a mapping class:

BitStorageCore // manages the AssembledMessage

[ByteArray]Description // provides @Position wrappers that "make sense" for the representation

[UserClass]Layout // uses @Position wrappers to add properties of the message

Example: a packed, 5-byte message

The TEA5767 radio tuner has only one command, consisting of a write of 5 bytes. Its datasheet describes the bytes by byte index and bits within the 8-bit byte. The ByteArrayDescription best supports this longer array with byte-oriented descriptions.

class TEA5767_WriteLayout: ByteArrayDescription {
    enum SearchStopLevel: UInt8, BitEmbeddable {
        case low = 0b01
        case medium = 0b10
        case high = 0b11
    @Position(ofByte: 3, msb: 6, lsb: 5)
    var searchStopLevel: SearchStopLevel = .high
    // ...

Example: a 2-byte message as a big-endian word

The MCP9808 defines a number of different 1- or 2-byte messages. The 2-byte messages are documented in the datasheet as big-endian words. The WordDescription @Position wrappers idiomatically handle positioning bits between 0 and 15 and encode them to bytes with the expected endian-ness:

class MCP9808_AmbientTemperatureRegister: WordDescription {
    enum LimitFlag: UInt8, BitEmbeddable {
        case withinLimit = 0
        case outsideLimit = 1
    @Position(bit: 13)
    var AmbientVsLower: LimitFlag = .withinLimit

    @Position(msb: 12, lsb: 0, .extendNegativeBit)
    var temperatureSixteenthCelsius: Int = 0

Because WordDescription describes precisely two bytes (or one word), its @Position structs do not offer byte or word index/offset.

Using Message Layouts

For messages to send, set the properties of your layout class to the desired values, then use the assembled bytes via the storage property in the base class to the message to the device.

To read a message, populate the underlying AssembledMessage storage with bytes from the device, then access the properties via the layout class.

Reading/writing data

Objects typically keep a reference to a DeftBus Link object (I2C or SPI) to use to exchange bytes with the device.

LinuxI2C and I2CToolsLink are options for provider of LinkI2C services.

Links can be mocked for testing.

Present a consumer-friendly abstraction of the device

The user of the device class should pass its bus communication method into the object during intialization. This dependency injection design pattern makes it easier to test with mock bus links, and makes it easier to use different links in the future.

For an I2C device, your new class may adopt the I2CTraits protocol, which setup code can use to find the defaults for devices of this type (bus address, speed, etc.).

Provide a natural interface to the device. The implementation can communicate to the device using its bus link, using messages transcoded using its Layout classes. The public interface to the device may choose to hide the details of this implementation.

Sample Device Support

  • MCP9808 temperature sensor
  • TEA5767 FM tuner
  • PCA9685 16-channel PWM LED/servo controller
  • NormandLED SK9822, a shift-addressable string of RGB LEDs using SPI

Remote I2C access

SSHTransport lets the library sent I2C commands to i2c-tools (specifically: i2ctransfer) over an ssh session. This allows all the Swift code be be developed/run on a large computer while talking to devices connected to the I2C bus on a Raspberry Pi.


The Swift 5.1 compiler will crash if more than one property wrapper structure is defined in the application with the same name, even when those structures are defined within the scope of different classes.

This appears fixed in 5.2, but Swift binaries are not yet available for the RPi.

There is a "swift-5.1" branch that pares down the sample application to a single BitStorageCore subclass, and thus avoids this problem for demonstration purposes.


The open-source sigrok PulseView with a low-cost USB logic analyzer makes a very effective and very low-cost system for viewing and decoding bus operations. Highly recommended.


Stars: 1
Last commit: 2 years ago
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