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denissimon/SwiftEvents 2.1.2
The easiest way to implement data binding and notifications. Includes Event<T> and Observable<T>. Has a thread-safe version.
⭐️ 5
🕓 5 days ago
linux macOS iOS
.package(url: "https://github.com/denissimon/SwiftEvents.git", from: "2.1.2")


Swift Platform

SwiftEvents is a lightweight library for creating and observing events.

It includes:

  • Observable<T> - a type-safe class for data binding that can be particularly used in MVVM.
  • Event<T> - a type-safe class for any notifications, including one-to-many with multiple subsribers.

SwiftEvents has a thread-safe version - EventTS<T> and ObservableTS<T> classes. This way, its properties and methods can be safely accessed by multiple threads at the same time.

Another important feature is the automatic unsubscription of subscribers/observers when they are deallocated.

Comprehensive unit test coverage.


Swift Package Manager

To install SwiftEvents using the Swift Package Manager:

Xcode: File -> Add Packages
Enter Package URL: https://github.com/denissimon/SwiftEvents


To install SwiftEvents using CocoaPods, add this line to your Podfile:

pod 'SwiftEvents', '~> 2.1'


To install SwiftEvents using Carthage, add this line to your Cartfile:

github "denissimon/SwiftEvents"


Copy SwiftEvents.swift into your project.




class ViewModel {
    let items: Observable<[SomeItem]> = Observable([])
    let infoLabel: Observable<String> = Observable("")
class View: UIViewController {
    var viewModel = ViewModel()

    @IBOutlet weak var infoLabel: UILabel!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

    private func bind() {
        viewModel.items.bind(self) { [weak self] _ in self?.updateItems() }
        viewModel.infoLabel.bind(self) { [weak self] in self?.updateInfoLabel($0) }

    private func updateItems() { ... }

    private func updateInfoLabel(_ newText: String) {
        infoLabel.text = newText

In this example, every time the ViewModel changes the value of the observable property items or infoLabel, the View is notified and updates its UI.

The infix operator <<< can be used to set a new value for an observable property:

items.value = newData
items <<< newData


Example implementation of the closure-based delegation pattern:

class MyModel {
    let didDownload = Event<UIImage?>()
    func downloadImage(for url: URL) {
        service.download(url: url) { [weak self] image in
class MyViewController: UIViewController {

    let model = MyModel()
    var image: UIImage?

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        model.didDownload.subscribe(self) { [weak self] image in self?.updateImage(image) }
    private func updateImage(_ image: UIImage?) {
        self.image = image

You can also create several events (didDownload, onNetworkError etc), and trigger only what is needed.

Event and Observable conform to Unsubscribable and Unbindable protocols respectively, which allows to pass a reference to an object that should only call unsubscribe / unbind.

More examples

More usage examples can be found in iOS-MVVM-Clean-Architecture.

Also tests contains a NotificationCenter-like implementation, and here is a gist with a cell-to-cellViewModel binding example.

Advanced features

Removal of a subscriber / observer

Deallocated subscribers/observers are automatically removed from Event/Observable. But they also can be removed manually:

someEvent.subscribe(self) { [weak self] in self?.setValue($0) }

someObservable.bind(cell) { [weak cell] in cell?.update($0) }

Removal of all subscribers / observers


The number of subscribers / observers


The number of triggers


queue: DispatchQueue

By default, the provided handler is executed on the thread that triggers the Event/Observable. To change this default behaviour:

// This executes the handler on the main thread
someEvent.subscribe(self, queue: .main) { [weak self] in self?.updateTable($0) }
someObservable.bind(self, queue: .main) { [weak self] in self?.updateTable($0) }

One-time notification

To ensure that the handler will be executed only once:

someEvent.subscribe(self) { [weak self] data in
    guard let self = self else { return }

N-time notifications

To ensure that the handler will be executed no more than n times:

someEvent.subscribe(self) { [weak self] data in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    if self.someEvent.triggersCount >= n { self.someEvent.unsubscribe(self) }


Licensed under the MIT license


Stars: 5
Last commit: 4 days ago
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Release Notes

4 days ago
  • Optimized the use of the generic parameter 'T'
  • Updated deployment targets (required by Xcode 15.3)

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