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Packages published by dduan

dduan/Just v0.5.2
Swift HTTP for Humans
⭐️ 1,398
🕓 3 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
4 years ago
The Swift 5 support release.
5 years ago
## 0.7.1 Fix code-signing issues reported in #112 ## 0.7.0 Swift 4.2 support
5 years ago
Swift 4.2 support.
7 years ago
In this release, Just is update to Swift 3.1. ## New Feature ## In addition to Strings, the url parameter can now be an `URL`. ## Changes ## Minor changes to the APIs were made to follow the Swift API Design Guidelines 1. `URLQuery` is renamed to `urlQuery`. 2. `HTTPMethod`s are now lowercase.
7 years ago
Add data chunk for downloading progress (https://github.com/JustHTTP/Just/pull/53). Use the `chunk` property during a download progress to access the data. Thank you, @divThis!
7 years ago
Fix a bug in unprompted authentication (https://github.com/JustHTTP/Just/pull/52). Thanks @tomreay!
7 years ago
Adjusted order of some arguments for consistency (see https://github.com/JustHTTP/Just/pull/50 for detail). Thanks @gtchance!
7 years ago
Swift 3 and Swift package manager support.
7 years ago
Swift 3 support.
7 years ago
Swift 3 support.
dduan/DrString v0.5.1
DrString finds issues in your Swift docstrings and fixes them for you.
⭐️ 169
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
8 weeks ago
- Fix linux release process ``` 99833f0ad3d9f3bbf40aee88c6f959a0a9b03e3b7b34e2fca660644e13c1f3ef drstring-universal-apple-darwin.tar.gz 50cbf3dbb9b675d7bd179b02e7925f3729d2e0c8c9fd4df09ea1cd2f15c50205 drstring-x86_64-unknown-ubuntu.tar.gz ```
8 weeks ago
- Update to swift-syntax from Swift 5.9 ``` 45d29540dd560a17f9facbeab080cfe7f0b9b3f726a357b3a7865bf6f5d1bbe0 drstring-universal-apple-darwin.tar.gz ```
2 years ago
- Add support for Swift 5.6, specifically, async signatures. - Darwin executable is now a fat binary running natively on M1 as well as intel - Releases now include executables built in and for official Swift docker containers for Ubuntu. - Now includes completion scripts for Fish shell in `Scripts/completions/drstring.fish`. - Simplified packaging for macOS. Now it no longer distribute a dynamic libarary. The executable is packaged on the root level of the package. ``` b9b33eb8501911783aca551961b1d61939dd2efb73eef072a84094db27a89b69 0.5.2.tar.gz 7325b5f2aa670f10da1b6588d24c0cdfd1a4b33fd473f6ba13981c8e3b903568 0.5.2.zip 860788450cf9900613454a51276366ea324d5bfe71d1844106e9c1f1d7dfd82b drstring-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz 4589cfa00cebb31882ef4e51b2738e9974a51dc037b6a491ed25b0a120a415be drstring-x86_64-unknown-ubuntu.tar.gz ```
2 years ago
Built for Swift 5.5 ``` aacf65466e86ad249fc247d99def9c78cc0e50aaa70878bbd506b3a8408aa53e drstring-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz 6f918378c4fcce0ccf12065827d3122a219410620dc33ad8bd62e070758b7e06 v0.5.1.tar.gz cc38231c498df2897b45f20fa6ffbff2067327da59bf900f5b78da773deee1ca v0.5.1.zip ```
3 years ago
### New - `drstring check` now reports each problem it finds with a file path, line, and column, as apposed to before, where all problems for a specific signature are grouped together. Each type of problem has a custom column position to best indicate which part of the docstring it relates to. - `drstring extract`'s output for existing docstrings gained a new field `relativeLineNumber` for each "entry". ### Bug fixes - In grouped parameter style, spacing between the dash `-` and the parameter was not checked before. From this release on, any spacing except a single space is deemed problematic. (#225) - If documentation for throws and returns starts on the second line, previously this was considered problematic. But it's pretty common to start on the next line. This bug has been fixed. (#213) ``` 35e7a66c27f8babe549da3eff2b79bdcd9b6bcb5c61f9837cf9fedbe52908358 drstring-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz c210bd86fcff2d6a96783831f28dc8118dcdcc995ccb235ec2292ea4a51adb43 v0.5.0.zip 62d5270b690ebd65f60464f626d6c5c919fa4103d588346df7dc3786734db6fb v0.5.0.tar.gz ```
3 years ago
- Introduce a new subcommand: `extract`. It outputs existing docsting, and the signature associated with it, in JSON format. ``` 715bc3c0ad7f57492ed764ced5884b87c9f98c866a931ea0ca49116258d6aa93 drstring-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz 302cb4d8f929e32eb738c5f3408b3ad016b242a33863bd8775e14cd5dd4b53d8 v0.4.3.zip 83fafbe610477bcaf4ea79698b9d277389691fc8d0a8641810afd11d40473a23 v0.4.3.tar.gz ```
3 years ago
### New - A boolean option `empty-patterns` that allows empty path patterns to exist in include/exclude list. - CLI auto-complete scripts for Bash and Zsh. ``` 081f5ded9f884db0fce02754b980a36755156d7cb3ca25a32a7ac7fe6d434823 drstring-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz 1f5f6304a8ec03251b13696600ac0400e2ac8df11e9210af214009157889e73a v0.4.2.tar.gz 890fcf3be6e9b5e041f2ce735ffb4d98f5b9197ab595f2e3f1258d01fd2bedc7 v0.4.2.zip ```
3 years ago
### Improvements - Parameter entries mistakenly start with `- Parameters` is now parsed as entries, whereas before they were treated as multi-parameter headers, and their descriptions get dropped as a consequence. - When a config file is invalid TOML, and its location is inferred, DrString now properly reports this. Previously it just complains as if there isn't any configuration (missing input). - Updated dependencies which brings some fixes for bugs that lead to crash in edge cases. - Fixed a bug where paths caused by exclusion pattern is seen as "explicitly" excluded. ### Changes - The `version` subcommand is replaced by a flag on the main command. So `drstring --version` instead of `drstring version`. ``` 49fc7b630ec6f1e3711d4013407223edbc3540a4e05bc2b7e4da0467df5f879f drstring-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz 3df1725902a65a0ac17e0c6b6f89f126d32c3c9432cf6ef9e5dfd587fb4b8165 v0.4.1.tar.gz 015cdab22a94015df251295e34f22b30fa91c9aaeed1a3c633c285e9bea491f4 v0.4.1.zip ```
4 years ago
### Changed - Supports Swift 5.2 syntax, which also means the project requires 5.2 to build. - For boolean options, instead of specifying negative value with `false` following the flag on the command line, a new corresponding negative flag should be used. For example, previously, not ignoring docstring section for `throws` can be specified by `--ignore-throws false`. Now it should be `--no-ignore-throws`. The help texts for all boolean commands have been updated to reflect this. ### New - Similar to boolean options, now there's negative flags to override repeatable values on the command line. Example: `--no-needs-separation` will negate any `needs-separation` values. ``` 8a218a5262b5a6493c0189fca3827ca769638799457f62e68466d089521978d5 drstring-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz 8ef5b8bd16580346ae469e314cf42517422702a8620543f25c84c74097b99b1e v0.4.0.tar.gz c93a47798e42c2f6e367058f48e31158cc017a59766f043a0b49eb374be6e385 v0.4.0.zip ```
4 years ago
### New - Patterns used as part of inclusion/exclusion list may not match any files in the file system. This is now detected and reported as a problem. ### Improved - The count of issues is now accurate no matter how many issues were found. ``` f23ea603ebc825d53614305ade83b295ada95d6f29f32e5cead6b1438e738eb8 drstring-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz d1b5ac6eb7e5e316752be3c5c03098d288720b556bde106948be83be65f2e024 v0.3.6.tar.gz ce31cb3dd4d93b0a6b2e8b7b8e615bfdfa8741a053019d4c3585f38ed71dc4ed v0.3.6.zip ```
dduan/Pathos 0.4.2
File management and path analysis for Swift
⭐️ 114
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
* Fixed a problem where the `+` operator overload resolves in ambiguity when used on a `Path` and a string literal. This problem is due to Swift 5.4's behaviral change.
2 years ago
Add support for Swift 5.4
3 years ago
### BREAKING CHANGES While the functionality of this library remain compatible with previous release, its public API has gone through a major re-design, making this release significantly source-breaking. The goals for the redesign are 1. Be more conventional in the Swift ecosystem by eliminating the "free functions". 2. Make the selection of APIs **cross-platform**, including macOS, Linux, Windows 10, and future platforms Swift runs on. 3. Use un-decoded, aka binary representation for the path value internally for efficiency and correctness reasons. ### Experimental Windows 10 Support This release includes implementation of all APIs for Windows 10. As Swift on Windows 10 is still at early stage, Pathos consider its current Windows support experimental. All unit tests pass on Windows. Pathos includes CMake builds as well as SwiftPM builds (as of this release, SwiftPM support is tested with WSL). ### New Documentation rewritten in Markdown format replaces the previously generated documentation.
3 years ago
- Fix a bug where `children` always recusively visit its content when following symlinks.
3 years ago
- children() can follow symlinks found in the content if `followSymlink` parameter is set to `True`. - expand Linux distro support to match that of Swift's.
3 years ago
### Fixes - Warnings in Swift 5.3 ### New - Added a new type `Metadata`, which represents information from `stat` (Darwin, Linux). - Added API to retrieve `Metadata`. - `PathRepresentable.set(_:)` (permissions) ### Deprecations The following APIs are deprecated in favor of metadata access APIs. - `size(atPath)` - `modificationTime(atPath:)` - `accessTime(atPath:)` - `metadataChangeTime(atPath:)` - `PathRepresentable.size` - `PathRepresentable.modificationTime` - `PathRepresentable.accessTime` - `PathRepresentable.metadataChangeTime` - `permissions(forPath:)` - `PathRepresentable.permissions` Removed adding/removing permissions in favor of directly setting it: - `add(_:forPath:)` - `remove(_:forPath:)` - `PathRepresentable.add(_:)` - `PathRepresentable.remove(_:)` Previously symbolic links were referred to as "symbol" or "symbolic link" in APIs. From this version on, they'll be referred to as "symlink". This resulted in the following changes: - `createSymbolicLink(fromPath:toPath:)` -> `createSymlink(fromPath:toPath:)` - `PathRepresentable.createSymbolicLink(at:)` -> `PathRepresentable.createSymlink(at:)` - `readSymbolicLink(atPath:toPath)` -> `readSymlink(atPath:toPath)` - `PathRepresentable.readSymbolicLink()` -> `PathRepresentable.readSymlink()` - `FileType.symbolicLink` -> `FileType.symlink` Carthage is no longer supported. ### Breaking changes Previously symbolic links were referred to as "symbol" or "symbolic link" in APIs. From this version on, they'll be referred to as "symlink". This resulted in the following breaking changes: - `exists(atPath:followSymbol:)` -> `exists(atPath:followSymlink:)` - `PathRepresentable.exists(followSymbol:)` -> `PathRepresentable.exists(followSymlink:)` - `copyFile(fromPath:toPath:followSymbolicLink:checkSize:)` -> `copyFile(fromPath:toPath:followSymlink:checkSize:)` - `PathRepresentable.copy(to:followSymbolicLink:checkSize:)` -> `PathRepresentable.copy(to:followSymlink:checkSize:)` ``` c0a33d66a22521493e8ef30a40306800442ba46100ad15e6682172e369a06976 0.3.0.tar.gz 5f28bcbc7f4f1c773ac5287a250ae92d034c32a5021b36fbdaa21249538ec7b5 0.3.0.zip ```
4 years ago
- Re-implemented `children(inPath:recursive)` to fix issue #122 ``` 1909614ae4daf87749ac3e773acc23383244891ee383d86ba502d925f353ffea 0.2.3.tar.gz 04307d24befed1d304f05d152cb3f99e8d72aaff10119267e5fcf7bcf5c36610 0.2.3.zip 54c99f67f57b6a552e1594155ccd03eeede166fae40031d80e2a954654b620d1 Pathos.framework.zip ```
4 years ago
- Removed a build warning in Swift 5.2
4 years ago
5 years ago
dduan/TOMLDecoder 0.2.2
From TOML to Swift Codable types.
⭐️ 65
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
- Fixed a bug when parsing float decimals (#47) - Add support for Windows
3 years ago
- Include a new type `DeserializationError`. It contains information regarding deserialization. - Improve error reporting. After encountering one error, the parser will disgard characters until new line, and attempt to parse another top-level expression. This is more determinastic compared to previous recovery attempts. - Add more specific errors regarding missing pices at closing position. For example, string missing closing quotes, or table missing closing bracket. These errors will cause the parser to report detailed error message. - Fix a bug where newline characters sometimes are considered valid as part of basic string content.
3 years ago
- Rewritten from scratch to support TOML Spec 1.0 - Remove support for CocoaPods and Carthage - Remove dependency on NetTime, parser returns `Foundation.Date` and `Foundation.DateComponents` instead. - Remove SwiftPM dependency on the `TOMLDeserializer` packege. It has been merged into the same project. - Improved error reporting: a parsing error won't cause parsing to stop. Instead, the parser will attempt to parse as much as possible and report all errors it encounters.
4 years ago
Swift 5.1 support
5 years ago
Swift 5 Support
5 years ago
Added support for decoding NSNumber.
5 years ago
5 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
dduan/Dye 0.0.1
Cross-platform terminal styling for Swift command-line interface.
⭐️ 9
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
Initial release :) ``` 211f761a729cbd259b294b9f325bbc485eaf47d549ea2a659f742c8792ac962a 0.0.1.tar.gz 19825531354e477cf488c024bda615d4ba052a670c58247dbeebbec3acf81ded 0.0.1.zip ```
dduan/TerminalPaint 1.0.0
A project that demonstrates how to build a TUI program in Swift
⭐️ 9
🕓 4 years ago
dduan/NetTime 0.2.3
RFC 3339 compliant date/time data types.
⭐️ 8
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
5 years ago
Swift 5 Support
5 years ago
All public types are now Codable.
5 years ago
5 years ago
Relax interfaces introduced in 0.0.3.
5 years ago
Include initializers that takes a `[CChar]` that was previously internal. These initializers will be useful as part of a larger parser that deals with C strings.
5 years ago
Add ways to calculate number of seconds from Unix epoch.
5 years ago
Initial release. RFC 3339 parsing, validation and serialization is supported and tested.
dduan/IsTTY 0.1.0
Helps you decide whether your file is a terminal device.
⭐️ 5
🕓 4 years ago
dduan/Relay 0.1.2
Stateless alternatives to Combine.Subject
⭐️ 5
🕓 4 years ago
dduan/TOMLDeserializer 0.2.5
Replaced by https://github.com/dduan/TOMLDecoder
⭐️ 4
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
4 years ago
Support for Swift 5.1
5 years ago
Swift 5 Support
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
Include Codable version of NetTime.
5 years ago
All tests from the biggest known test suite has been incorporated and passed.
5 years ago

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