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ddaddy/DJLogging-Swift v2.1
iOS and MacOS Logging library
⭐️ 0
🕓 6 weeks ago
iOS macOS watchOS
.package(url: "https://github.com/ddaddy/DJLogging-Swift.git", from: "v2.1")


Carthage compatible

DJLogging is a Swift library for iPhone / iPad and Mac. It allows you to log points in code with associated data so if a user of your app contacts you you will have more information to help.

Fully compatible with both Swift and Objective-C projects

Use my iOS LogViewer app to easily read the logs on an iOS device

Screenshot Screenshot

Integrate using SPM

Simply use SPM to add the package ddaddy/DJLogging-Swift.git

Integrate using Carthage

Install Carthage if not already available

Change to the directory of your Xcode project, and Create and Edit your Cartfile and add DJLogging:

$ cd /path/to/MyProject
$ touch Cartfile
$ open Cartfile

github "ddaddy/DJLogging-Swift.git" ~> 1.0

Save and run:

$ carthage update

Drop the Carthage/Build/iOS .framework in your project.

For more details on Cartage and how to use it, check the Carthage Github documentation

How to Use - Swift

Defined methods that can be called as is:

LogMethodCall(type: DJLogType = .standard)
LogMethodCall(_ param: String? = nil, type: DJLogType = .standard)
LogMethodCall(_ param: Double? = nil, type: DJLogType = .standard)
LogMethodCall(_ param: Int? = nil, type: DJLogType = .standard)
LogMethodCall(_ uuid: UUID?, type: DJLogType = .standard)
LogMethodCall(_ uuid: UUID?, logs: [String], type: DJLogType = .standard)
LogRequestResponse(uuid: UUID?, response: URLResponse?, data: Data?, error: Error?, type: DJLogType = .standard)


func htmlString() -> String
func htmlData() -> Data
func clearLog()

Define your own log types

class DJLogTypeComms: DJLogType {
    static var shared: DJLogType = DJLogTypeComms()
    var id: UUID = UUID()
    var name: String = "comms"
    var colour: DJColor = DJColours.orange

extension DJLogType where Self == DJLogTypeComms {
    static var comms: DJLogType { DJLogTypeComms.shared }

How to Use - Objective-C

Defined methods that can be called as is:

LogMethodCallWithUUID(NSUUID *)
LogMethodCallWithUUIDAndType(NSUUID*, <DJLogType>*)
LogRequestResponseWithUUID(NSUUID *)
LogRequestResponseWithUUIDAndType(NSUUID *, <DJLogType>*)

Use the Singleton to access below methods

[LogManager sharedInstance]


+ (void)logTitle:(NSString * _Nonnull) log:(NSString * _Nullable) uuid:(NSUUID * _Nullable) type:(id<DJLogType> _Nonnull)
+ (void)logRequestResponse:(NSURLResponse * _Nullable) data:(NSData * _Nullable) error:(NSError * _Nullable) uuid:(NSUUID * _Nullable) type:(id<DJLogType> _Nonnull)
+ (NSString *)htmlString;
+ (NSData *)htmlData;
+ (void)clearLog;

Define your own log types

@interface DJLogTypeComms : NSObject <DJLogType>
@implementation DJLogTypeComms

static DJLogTypeComms *_sharedInstance = nil;
static NSUUID *_uuid = nil;

+ (id<DJLogType> _Nonnull)shared {
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        _sharedInstance = [[self alloc] init];
    return _sharedInstance;

- (NSUUID *)id {
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        _uuid = [[NSUUID alloc] init];
    return _uuid;

- (NSString *)name { return @"comms"; }
- (UIColor *)colour { return [DJColours orange]; }



Copyright (c) 2019 Darren Jones (Dappological Ltd.)


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Last commit: 3 weeks ago
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45 weeks ago

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