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Packages published by davidstump

davidstump/SwiftPhoenixClient v0.1
Connect your Phoenix and iOS applications through WebSockets!
⭐️ 498
🕓 2 days ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
5 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Prevent crashes caused by threading issues by @ejensen in https://github.com/davidstump/SwiftPhoenixClient/pull/252 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/davidstump/SwiftPhoenixClient/compare/5.3.1...5.3.2
29 weeks ago
* Added `socket.headers` which will be added to the `URLRequest` when opening a WebSocket connection * Using thread-safe array for Socket callback bindings, fixing a crash when creating a channel * Breaking a retain cycle in socket
1 year ago
* Fix retain cycles in `URLSessionTransport` and using default operation queue * Adding an optional `leeway` to the `HeartbeatTimer` * Added additional `open` methods in `URLSessionTransport` for further customization * Using a thread-safe array for Channel bindings Thanks @ejensen for several of these additions
1 year ago
* Changed `URLSessionTransport` to `open` to provide for custom behavior, such as SSL Pinning
1 year ago
* Added `connectionState` to `Socket` to expose the Socket's readyState
1 year ago
[#226] - Adds `URLResponse` as an optional value in `socket.onError` callbacks to allow for checking status codes from the server when the Socket connection errors out. See Examples in PR for more details **NOTE** Upgrading to this version may throw a syntax error depending on how you've implemented your `onError` handlers.
2 years ago
* Improved reconnect logic when a heartbeat times out
2 years ago
* Removed RxSwift as a dependency * Removed Starscream as a dependency These extensions will now be available under RxSwift - https://github.com/dsrees/RxSwiftPhoenixClient Starscream - Coming Soon
2 years ago
Updated to RxSwift 6
2 years ago
This is a **BREAKING** release. The following has changed to properly matched the phoenix.js library * `message.payload.response` is now automatically unwrapped and returned as `message.payload` for `phx_reply` events. * The client now, by default, uses the JSON V2 Serializer which was added in phoenix 1.3. If you are still running 1.2 or earlier, then you will need to continue using SwiftPhoenixClient 2.x, or provide your own custom `vsn`, `encoder` and `decoder` to the `Socket` class.
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