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davidask/swift-aws-lambda-cfn 0.1.0
Swift Lambda support for AWS CloudFormation custom resources and macros
⭐️ 1
🕓 3 years ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/davidask/swift-aws-lambda-cfn.git", from: "0.1.0")

Swift AWS Lambda CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation provides a powerful way to model, template, and provision AWS and third-party resources, using a simple template format. While the templating is very capable in its own, even with code execution via the Cloud Development Kit, the execution of code represented as resources is often an integral part of a complete infrastructure. For this purpose, AWS lambda is used to represent custom resources and template transforms, extending the capabilities of CloudFormation templating further.

This project, built upon the Swift AWS Lambda Runtime, enables the creation of custom CloudFormation resource and template macros written in Swift, resulting in fast, safe, and reliable custom resources for extending a system running on Amazon Web Services.

Project status

This project is in its initial state, actively seeking contributions to achieve stability and a 1.0 version. Several tests are missing, and this project should be considered non-reliable for production use.

Getting started

Visit the swift lambda runtime project to familiarize yourself with the Swift APIs for Lambda.

Create a Swift project and add this project as a dependency.

// swift-tools-version:5.2

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "my-cfn-resource",
    products: [
        .executable(name: "MyCFNResource", targets: ["MyCFNResource"]),
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/davidask/swift-aws-lambda-cfn.git", from: "0.1.0"),
    targets: [
        .target(name: "MyCFNResurce", dependencies: [
          .product(name: "AWSCloudFormationCustomResource", package: "swift-aws-lambda-cfn"),

Next, create a main.swift and implement your custom CloudFormation resource.


struct MyCustomResource: CustomResourceLambdaHandler {

    // A data type representing the incoming resource properties
    // originating from the CloudFormation template.
    struct ResourceProperties: Decodable {
        let property1: String

    // A data type representing the output data of the custom resource,
    // utilized by other resources in the same template via `Fn::GetAtt`.
    struct ResourceData: Encodable {
        let attribute1: String

    func create(context: Lambda.Context, event: CreateEvent, completion: @escaping (Result<ResourceResult, Error>) -> Void) {
        // Create resource
                physicalResourceId: "PhysicalResourceID",
                data: ResourceData(attribute1: "Attribute1")

    func update(context: Lambda.Context, event: UpdateEvent, completion: @escaping (Result<ResourceResult, Error>) -> Void) {
        // Update resource
                physicalResourceId: "PhysicalResourceID",
                data: ResourceData(attribute1: "Attribute1")

    func delete(context: Lambda.Context, event: DeleteEvent, completion: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void) {
        // Delete resource


You can also create a lambda handler for transforming template fragments.

import AWSCloudFormationMacro

struct Macro: MacroLambdaHandler {

    enum TransformError: Error {
        case invalidFragment

    // Define an `Encodable` fragment to return
    typealias ReturnFragment = String

    func handle(context: Lambda.Context, event: MacroLambdaEvent, callback: @escaping (Result<ReturnFragment, Error>) -> Void) {
        guard let string = event.fragment.string else {

        callback(.success("MyStringPrefix_" + string))

The example above prefixes strings passed to this macro with MyStringPrefix_.

Using EventLoops

While the above examples are closure-based, performance sensitive custom resource and macro functions may want to utilize the more complex EventLoop based API. Use EventLoopEventLoopCustomResourceLambdaHandler and EventLoopMacroLambdaHandler for this use-case.

Deploying to AWS Lambda

Thorough examples can be found in the lambda runtime documentation. This project includes helper scripts for building and packaging lambda functions in a Docker container.

From your project, run the following commands to package a target for AWS Lambda.

./.build/checkouts/swift-aws-lambda-cfn/scripts/build.sh <target>
./.build/checkouts/swift-aws-lambda-cfn/scripts/lambda-package.sh <target>

A source bundle zip file will be created in .build/<target> for upload to AWS Lambda.


Stars: 1
Last commit: 3 years ago
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