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cyberconnecthq/cyberconnect-swift-lib 1.1.2
This is a lib for iOS native developer, written in swift
⭐️ 3
🕓 1 year ago
iOS macOS watchOS
.package(url: "https://github.com/cyberconnecthq/cyberconnect-swift-lib.git", from: "1.1.2")



cyberconnect-swift-lib is a lib support CyberConnect API, here is an example repo using it cyberconnect-swift-example

Getting started

Installation with Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler.

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding CyberConnect as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/cyberconnecthq/cyberconnect-swift-lib", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.12"))

Basic usage

Init CyberConnect

let cyberConnectInstance = CyberConnect(address: YOURWALLETADDRESS)


Once you get authntication from CyberConnect, you can use CyberConnect to build your own social graphs

cyberConnectInstance.registerKey(signature: YOURSIGNATURE, network: YOURNETWORKTYPE) { data in
        let dataString = String(decoding: data, as: UTF8.self)
        self.show(UIAlertController(title: "Signature", message: dataString, preferredStyle: .alert))
  • signature - The signature of a particular message, you can get the message using, you can sign the message with your own wallet third party wallet:
let publicKeyPem = cyberconnect.retriveCyberConnectSignKey(address: YOUADDRESS).publicKey.pemRepresentation.pemRepresentationContent()
let message = cyberconnect.getAuthorizeString(localPublicKeyPem: youPublicKeyPem)
  • network - enum type for network, now support ETH and Solana


cyberConnectInstance.connect(toAddress: SOMEONESADDRESS, alias: ALIAS, network: NETWORK) { data in
        let dataString = String(decoding: data, as: UTF8.self)
        self.show(UIAlertController(title: "Connect", message: dataString, preferredStyle: .alert))
  • toAddress - The target wallet address to connect.
  • alias - (optional) Alias for the target address.
  • network - (optional) enum type for network, now support ETH and Solana.
  • connectionType - (optional) The type of the connection. The default value is Connection.FOLLOW. See Connection Type for more details.


cyberConnectInstance.disconnect(toAddress: TAEGETADDERSS, alias: ALIAS, network: NETWOEKTYPE) { data in
  • toAddress - The target wallet address to disconnect.
  • alias - (optional) Alias for the target address.
  • network - (optional) enum type for network, now support ETH and Solana.


cyberConnectInstance.getBatchConnections(toAddresses: ADDRESSARRAY) { data in
  • toAddresses - A list of wallet addresses to connect.


cyberConnectInstance.alias(toAddress: TARGETADDRESS, alias: ALIAS, network: NETWORKTYPE) { data in
  • toAddress - The target wallet address to disconnect.
  • alias - The alias for the target address.
  • network - (optional) enum type for network, now support ETH and Solana.

Check if CyberConnect is activated after installing

let cyberConnectStatus = cyberConnectInstance.isCyberConnectActivated()

Refresh status of CyberConnect, which means it will use new generate keypairs



We are happy to accept all kind of contributions, feel free to open issue or pull requests, you can also post your questions in our Discord Channel

For other tech info refer to our dev center.


Stars: 3
Last commit: 1 year ago
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