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crspybits/CredentialsAppleSignIn 0.0.4
Kitura plugin to enable Apple Sign In authentication
⭐️ 1
🕓 3 years ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/crspybits/CredentialsAppleSignIn.git", from: "0.0.4")


A Kitura Credentials plugin for Apple Sign In that operates in a somewhat non-standard way -- relative to other Kitura Credentials plugins. Other Kitura Credentials plugins that I've seen consider credentials to be valid only if they can, with certainty, determine if the credentials are valid. The identity token with Apple Sign In, however, cannot always be checked in this manner.

Instead, the result of processing with this Apple Sign In Kitura Credentials plugin has three states:

  1. The plugin fails to authenticate the user — e.g., if an invalid identity token is given to the plugin;
  2. The plugin authenticates the user, and the expiry date in the token is still valid: Probably this is the only resulting state in which you'll want to create a new user downstream of the plugin — on your custom server.
  3. The plugin authenticates the user, and the expiry date in the token is no longer valid: This is the ongoing typical state because the id token, when issued, has an expiry date that is valid only for a brief period (five minutes).

Parameters for the CredentialsAppleSignInToken constructor:

clientId is as described here: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/117210 https://developer.apple.com/documentation/signinwithapplejs/clientconfigi/3230948-clientid https://developer.okta.com/blog/2019/06/04/what-the-heck-is-sign-in-with-apple

However-- the default for the clientId just seems to just be the reverse domain name style of your app id. For my demo app it is: com.SpasticMuffin.TestAppleSignIn

The tokenTimeToLive (optional) is as usual for Kitura Credentials plugins-- and indicates how long a id token can be cached by this plugin after being validated.

HTTP clients connecting to the server using this Credentials plugin must give the following two header keys:

    let tokenTypeKey = "X-token-type"
    let accessTokenKey = "access_token"

The tokenTypeKey must have the value "AppleSignInToken" The accessTokenKey must have your Apple Sign In id token.

Optionally, you can also provide the header key:

    let accountDetailsKey = "X-account-details"

Its value must be a string, the JSON encoding of the AccountDetails struct:

    public struct AccountDetails: Codable {
        public let firstName: String?
        public let lastName: String?
        public let fullName: String?
        public let email: String?
        init(firstName: String? = nil, lastName: String? = nil, fullName: String? = nil, email: String? = nil) {
            self.firstName = firstName
            self.lastName = lastName
            self.fullName = fullName
            self.email = email

In order to support the two "success" outcomes of processing using this plugin, the extendedProperties of the UserProfile has the following key:

    /// extendedProperties in the UserProfile will have the key `appleSignInTokenExpiryKey`
    /// with a Date value-- indicating when the token expires/expired.
    public let appleSignInTokenExpiryKey = "appleSignInTokenExpiry"

UserProfile objects, as usual for Kitura Credentials, are obtained from the credentials cache, keyed by access token (id token in the case of Apple Sign In). For example:

    guard let cache = self.appleCredentials.usersCache?.object(forKey: self.idToken as NSString) else {
        // You need to handle error

    guard let expiry = cache.userProfile.extendedProperties[CredentialsAppleSignIn.appleSignInTokenExpiryKey] as? Date else {
        // You need to handle error
    if expiry > Date() {
        // identity token hasn't expired-- e.g., you could create an account for the user in this state
    else {
        // identity token has expired-- and will need further downstream checking. For example, see Mechanism 2 in https://medium.com/@crspybits/part-ii-apple-sign-in-custom-servers-and-an-expiry-conundrum-b3e9735dc079#45ed-bcd64527751as


Stars: 1
Last commit: 3 years ago
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