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Packages published by crelies

crelies/AdvancedList 8.0.0
Advanced List View for SwiftUI with pagination & different states
⭐ī¸ 282
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
APIs similar to SwiftUI List & Custom content view API
2 years ago
## No breaking changes But because of a refactoring under the hood I decided to make a new major release. ## Features - New APIs which mimic some **_SwiftUI List_** APIs - More freedom & control through the new custom content view API (checkout the **_Content example_**): Allows using ANY view you want as the _list view_: use a **_SwiftUI List_** or a **_custom view_** ## More - Added example app (was previously maintained in a [separate git repository](https://github.com/crelies/AdvancedList-SwiftUI))
2 years ago
# Improvements - **Breaking Change in Initializer:** Replaced unnecessary `Binding` parameter with a simple value parameter
Custom List View
3 years ago
# Features - Replace the **SwiftUI** **List** used under the hood with a **custom list view**, for example a **LazyVStack** (take a look at the **README**)
Swift 5.3, Pagination modifier, Improvements & Refactoring
3 years ago
## Swift 5.3 Make use of some enhancements made in `Swift 5.3`, like the ones made to function builders. ## Pagination modifier 🚀 The pagination functionality feels now more like `native` `SwiftUI`. Easily add pagination support to your `AdvancedList` with the new `.pagination` modifier. Don't forget to read the migration section in the `README`. ## Improvements & Refactoring - Say hello to code documentation 😀 - Removed unnecessary self - Use `@ViewBuilder` instead of `Group` - Improved code indentation
Improvements to underlying implementation
4 years ago
# 4.0.1 ## Changes - Got rid off `AnyView`s and `switch` statement in `AdvancedList` view implementation - Uses the `Group` view with `if` statements and a `map` now
iOS macOS tvOS
crelies/Media 3.0.0
A beautiful and declarative cross-platform wrapper API for Apple's PhotoKit
⭐ī¸ 131
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
New APIs & Improved SwiftUI views
2 years ago
<h2>🎁 New APIs</h2> - New additional lazy containers for fetching the media assets only on demand -- `LazyAlbum(s)` -- `LazyAudio(s)` -- `LazyLivePhoto(s)` -- `Media.LazyPhotos` -- `LazyPhoto` -- `LazyVideo(s)` - **Media:** Get and request the permission to access the camera (`Media.currentCameraPermission`, `Media.requestCameraPermission(_)`) - **Video:** Get a preview image for a given point in time (`video.previewImage(at:preferredTimescale:_)`) - **Photo+SwiftUI:** Get a photo view with a desired size (`photo.view(targetSize:imageView:)`) <h2>🎉 Improved SwiftUI views</h2> - Refactored views for better performance and to get rid of some bugs - `Media.browser`, `LivePhoto.browser`, `Photo.browser` & `Video.browser` now use the new `PHPicker` with multi selection support under the hood on iOS 14 or macOS 11 - `Camera.view`, `Media.browser`, `LivePhoto.camera`, `LivePhoto.browser`, `Photo.camera`, `Photo.browser`, `Video.camera` & `Video.browser` stop throwing and instead show a `SwiftUI.Text` if an error occurs during initialization. You can specify a ViewBuilder to show a custom error view. <h2>🚀 Improvements</h2> - `Album`, `Audio`, `LivePhoto`, `Photo` & `Video` now conform to `Equatable` and `Hashable` - Fixed a threading issue - Improvements related to the **authorization status API changes** from Apple <h2>ℹī¸ More</h2> - Added an **example project** with some usage examples (was previously managed in a separate git repository)
New property wrapper & improvements
3 years ago
**Features** - Added new `FetchAllAssets` property wrapper **Improvements** - Added `macOS` support to the `Photo.save` API **Bugfixes** - `Album`: Fetched assets are now correctly limited to the specific album
⚡ Swift 5.3 & latest OS support
3 years ago
<h2>Improvements</h2> Migration to **Swift 5.3** <h2>SwiftUI</h2> - Implemented **PHPicker** view <h2>Bugfixes</h2> - Bugfixes & refactoring related to latest OS updates
Fixed SwiftUI camera views
4 years ago
**Bugfixes** - Fixed a critical bug where no result was returned when capturing or selecting a photo
iOS macOS tvOS
crelies/RemoteImage 4.0.0
Swift package for a SwiftUI remote image view
⭐ī¸ 79
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Say hello to more customization options
3 years ago
It's another **major update** but it **shouldn't lead to a breaking change**. # New - Support for a custom `RemoteImageURLDataPublisher` (by default: `URLSession.shared`) --> Now you can use your custom `URLSession`, for example with low data mode support - Use the new **SwiftUI** `StateObject` property wrapper with your service instance, just pass it to the new initializer with the **service** parameter (create an instance of the built-in service through the `DefaultRemoteImageServiceFactory`) - Support for a custom `RemoteImageService` --> Customize the service completely to your needs --> Prefetch images if you want # Improvements - Optimizations under the hood - Added some basic API documentation # Other - `RemoteImageType` `phAsset` is now **deprecated** (will be removed in the future) because the localIdentifier is device specific and therefore cannot be used to uniquely identify a PHAsset across devices.
Swift 5.3 & macOS
3 years ago
# Improvements - Added macOS support - Make use of the function builder improvements in Swift 5.3 # Bugfixes - Removed possible retain cycle
3 years ago
**Improvements** - Removed duplicate call to `fetchImage`
Critical bugfix
4 years ago
**Bugfixes** - Fixed a critical bug where the state was resetted to loading all the time
Improvements to underlying implementation
4 years ago
# Refactoring - Replaced `AnyView`s and `switch` statement with `Group` view + `if` statements + `map` # Tests - More unit tests
iOS macOS tvOS
crelies/ListPagination 0.1.1
Swift package providing extensions of RandomAccessCollection to support List pagination in SwiftUI
⭐ī¸ 26
🕓 2 years ago
iOS macOS tvOS
crelies/UIKit-Modifiers 0.1.0
SwiftUI-like modifiers for many UIKit views and controls
⭐ī¸ 19
🕓 4 years ago
iOS macOS tvOS
crelies/ArgumentParserKit 1.0.1
**DEPRECATED - in favor of https://github.com/apple/swift-argument-parser ** - Type-safe and easy way for parsing command line arguments in your macOS command line tools
⭐ī¸ 9
🕓 4 years ago
crelies/JSON-DSL 0.1.0
A simple JSON DSL for Swift
⭐ī¸ 1
🕓 4 years ago

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