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coollazy/LZUIKit 3.0.0
LZUIKit is an extension of UIKit
⭐️ 0
🕓 15 weeks ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/coollazy/LZUIKit.git", from: "3.0.0")


LZUIKit is an extension of UIKit

How to install


  • Basic version
pod 'LZUIKit', '~> 3.0.0'
  • RxSwift supported
pod 'LZUIKit+RxSwift', '~> 3.0.0'


  • Package.swift 的 dependencies 增加
.package(name: "LZUIKit", url: "https://github.com/coollazy/LZUIKit.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "3.0.0")),
  • target 的 dependencies 增加
.product(name: "LZUIKit", package: "LZUIKit"),

How to use


  • Create a UIButton
  • Set the title color for visibled and disabled
  • Set the background color for visibled and disabled
  • Set the isVisibled to true or false to show the visible or disable color of the title and background
let button = UIButton()
  • Or you can set the onVisibled and onDisabled for your own styles
let button = UIButton()
        $0.setTitle("It's visibled now", for: .normal)
        $0.setTitle("It's disabled now", for: .normal)


  • Create a controller item with controller name
let contollerItem = ControllerItem(controller: "ViewControllerName", nibName: "NibName")
  • Get the instance of view controller name
let viewController: UIViewController? = controllerItem.viewController


  • This is UIViewController's extension
  • Call showLoadingView using the view controller instance while you want to show loading view
  • Call hideLoadingView using the view controller instance while you want to hide loading view


  • A TextField with options showed with PickerView
let optionTextField = OptionTextField()
    .setOptions(["1", "2", "3"])


  • Enable the empty message in the AppDelegate.swift
  • Set the empty message for each table
let tableView = UITableView()
    .setEmptyMessage("This message will show when tableview is empty")

View Corner

  • Make a corner radius to the UIView, and all the sub class of the UIView
  • Set the corner length
let view = UIView()
  • Or set the CornerType as follow
    • none => Mean corner radius is equal to 0
    • bit => Divide the smaller of the height and width by 15
    • small => Divide the smaller of the height and width by 5
    • medium => Divide the smaller of the height and width by 4
    • large => Divide the smaller of the height and width by 3
    • halfCorner => Divide the smaller of the height and width by 2
let view = UIView()

Zoom Viewer

A viewer for display view with zoom

  • Create zoom viewer
// A image array will show by zoom viewer
var images = [UIImage](https://raw.github.com/coollazy/LZUIKit/master/)

let zoomViewer = ZoomViewer()
    .setFrame(.init(x: 50, y: 50, width: 300, height: 500))

  • Set dataSource
extension YourViewController: ZoomViewerDataSource {
    func zoomViewerCreateView() -> UIView {
        // Return the view you want to use
    func zoomViewerNumberOfViews(_ zoomViewer: ZoomViewer) -> Int {
        // Return the total size
    func zoomViewer(_ zoomViewer: ZoomViewer, view: UIView, atIndex index: Int) -> UIView {
        // Edit the view to display the content you want
        if let imageView = view as? UIImageView {
            imageView.image = images[index]
        return view
  • Set delegate
extension ViewController: ZoomViewerDelegate {
    // Return true to show the refreshing loading view
    func zoomViewerWillRefreshTop(_ zoomViewer: ZoomViewer) -> Bool {
    func zoomViewerWillRefreshBottom(_ zoomViewer: ZoomViewer) -> Bool {
    func zoomViewerWillRefreshLeft(_ zoomViewer: ZoomViewer) -> Bool {
    func zoomViewerWillRefreshRight(_ zoomViewer: ZoomViewer) -> Bool {
  • Refresh Completed
// call endRefreshing when you want to stop the refresh loading view


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Last commit: 15 weeks ago
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