Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by chrisdhaan

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Packages published by chrisdhaan

chrisdhaan/CDMarkdownKit 2.5.1
An extensive Swift framework providing simple and customizable markdown parsing.
⭐️ 240
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
SDK Support
1 year ago
#### Added - [x] Swift 5.7 #### Updated - [x] CI - [x] Tests device, platform, Xcode, and SDK versions
Markdown Parsing
1 year ago
#### Added - [x] Markdown Parsing - [x] Underline color and style on all elements
Markdown Parsing
1 year ago
#### Added - [x] Markdown Parsing - [x] Strikethrough
Markdown Parsing
1 year ago
#### Added - [x] Markdown Parsing - [x] `squashNewlines` parameter
SDK Support
1 year ago
#### Added - [x] Swift 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6 #### Updated - [x] Swift Package Manager - [x] Minimum Swift version 5.3 - [x] CI - [x] Tests device, platform, Xcode, and SDK versions
Bug Fixes
2 years ago
#### Updated - [x] Markdown Parsing - [x] Bold and italic parsing by character - [x] Swift Package Manager - [x] Built with `swift-tools-version:5.1`
SDK Support
3 years ago
#### Added - [x] Swift 5.1 ---
SDK Support
3 years ago
#### Added - [x] Swift 5.0 ---
SDK Support
5 years ago
#### Added - [x] Swift 4.2 - [x] Swift 4.0 - [x] `Dictionary+CDMarkdownKit`, `NSAttributedString+CDMarkdownKit`, `NSMutableAttributedString+CDMarkdownKit`, `NSTextCheckResult+CDMarkdownKit`, and `NSTextStorage+CDMarkdownKit`extensions - [x] iOS Example - [x] `CDApplicationLaunchOptionsKey`, `CDLayoutConstraintAttribute`, and `CDLayoutConstraintRelation` typealias' #### Updated - [x] Swift 4.0 - [x] Extensions assume responsibility for `switft()` macro from classes - [x] `CDAttributesKey` becomes `CDAttributedStringKey` ---
SDK Support, Platform Support, UITextView With Markdown Formatting
5 years ago
#### Added - [x] Platform Support - [x] macOS - [x] `CDFont+CDMarkdownKit` `withSize` method that uses `NSFontManager` to correctly set system fonts dynamically based on size - [x] Swift 4.0 - [x] `CDAttributesKey` for correctly configuring `NSAttributedString` attribute dictionary keys - [x] SwiftLint #### Updated - [x] UITextView With Markdown Formatting - [x] Code example to use `NSLayoutConstraints` to correctly set `intrinsicContentSize` - [x] Platform Support - [x] macOS - [x] `CDFont+CDMarkdownKit` `bold` and `italic` methods to use `NSFontManager` opposed to `CDFontDescriptorSymbolicTraits` ---
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
chrisdhaan/CDYelpFusionKit 3.2.0
An extensive Swift wrapper for the Yelp Fusion API.
⭐️ 52
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Models and Enums
1 year ago
#### Added - [x] Models - [x] `CDYelpBusiness.BusinessSearch`, `CDYelpBusiness.PhoneSearch`, `CDYelpBusiness.TransactionSearch`, `CDYelpBusiness.Detailed`, `CDYelpBusiness.BusinessMatch`, and `CDYelpBusiness.Autocomplete` structs - [x] `CDYelpCategoriesResponse.error` - [x] `CDYelpCategory.Detailed` struct - [x] `CDYelpCategoryResponse.error` - [x] `CDYelpEventResponse` struct - [x] `CDYelpLocation.Detailed` struct - [x] `CDYelpMessaging` struct - [x] `CDYelpSearchResponse.Business`, `CDYelpSearchResponse.Phone`, `CDYelpSearchResponse.Transaction`, and `CDYelpSearchResponse.BusinessMatch` structs - [x] `CDYelpSpecialHour` struct - [x] `toDate` methods for `String` representations - [x] `toUrl` methods for `String` representations #### Updated - [x] Models - [x] `@escaping (CDYelpSearchResponse?)` becomes `@escaping (CDYelpSearchResponse.Business?)` - [x] `@escaping (CDYelpSearchResponse?)` becomes `@escaping (CDYelpSearchResponse.Phone?)` - [x] `@escaping (CDYelpSearchResponse?)` becomes `@escaping (CDYelpSearchResponse.Transaction?)` - [x] `@escaping (CDYelpBusiness?)` becomes `@escaping (CDYelpBusinessResponse?)` - [x] `@escaping (CDYelpSearchResponse?)` becomes `@escaping (CDYelpSearchResponse.BusinessMatch?)` - [x] `@escaping (CDYelpEvent?)` becomes `@escaping (CDYelpEventResponse?)` - [x] `CDYelpAutocompleteResponse.businesses` type becomes `[CDYelpBusiness.Autocomplete]` - [x] `CDYelpBusinessResponse.business` type becomes `CDYelpBusiness.Detailed` - [x] `CDYelpCategoriesResponse.categories` type becomes `[CDYelpCategory.Detailed]` - [x] `CDYelpCategoryResponse.category` type becomes `CDYelpCategory.Detailed` - [x] `Date` types to `String` - [x] `URL` types to `String` #### Removed - [x] CDYelpEnums - [x] `CDYelpAttributeFilter.cashback`, `CDYelpTransactionType.pickup`, and `CDYelpTransactionType.restaurantReservation`
SDK Support
1 year ago
#### Added - [x] Swift 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6 #### Updated - [x] Swift Package Manager - [x] Minimum Swift version 5.3 - [x] Dependencies - [x] Alamofire - [x] CI - [x] Tests device, platform, Xcode, and SDK versions
Bug Fixes
2 years ago
#### Added - [x] CI - [x] macOS 5.1 test - [x] macOS 5.2 test - [x] Swift Package Manager test #### Updated - [x] Swift Package Manager - [x] Configuration
2 years ago
#### Added - [x] Client - [x] `validate` to API methods #### Updated - [x] Client - [x] `responseObject` model transformation to `responseDecodable` - [x] Models - [x] Decodable, Encodable APIs - [x] `class` to `struct` - [x] `var` to `let` - [x] Dependencies - [x] Alamofire - [x] Swift Package Manager - [x] Configuration #### Removed - [x] Dependencies - [x] ObjectMapper - [x] Travis CI - [x] Configuration
Bug Fixes
2 years ago
#### Updated - [x] Models - [x] `URL` types to `String` - [x] `Date` types to `String` - [x] Swift Package Manager - [x] To build with `swift-tools-version:5.1`
SDK Support
3 years ago
#### Added - [x] Swift 5.1 ---
SDK Support and API Endpoints
3 years ago
#### Added - [x] Swift 5.0 - [x] API Endpoints - [x] All Categories - [x] Category Details #### Updated - [x] API Endpoints - [x] Business Match - [x] CDYelpEnums Naming - [x] `CDYelpBusinessCategoryFilter` becomes `CDYelpCategoryAlias` ---
SDK Support and Platform Support
5 years ago
#### Added - [x] Swift 4.2 - [x] SwiftLint #### Updated - [x] Platform Support - [x] macOS - [x] `CDImage+CDYelpFusionKit` `cdImage(named name: String!) -> CDImage?` to initialize with type `CDImage.Name` ---
6 years ago
#### Updated - [x] Authentication - [x] `clientId and clientSecret` becomes `apiKey` - [x] Removes `CDYelpOAuthClient`, `CDYelpOAuthCredential`, and `CDYelpOAuthRouter` classes ---
SDK Support
6 years ago
#### Added - [x] Swift 4.0 ---
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
chrisdhaan/CDUntappdKit 1.1.0
An extensive Swift wrapper for the Untappd API.
⭐️ 0
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
SDK Support
1 year ago
#### Added - [x] Swift 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6 - [x] Client - [x] `validate` to API methods #### Updated - [x] Swift Package Manager - [x] Minimum Swift version 5.3 - [x] Client - [x] `responseObject` model transformation to `responseDecodable` - [x] Models - [x] Decodable, Encodable APIs - [x] `class` to `struct` - [x] `var` to `let` - [x] Dependencies - [x] Alamofire - [x] CI - [x] Tests device, platform, Xcode, and SDK versions #### Removed - [x] Dependencies - [x] ObjectMapper - [x] Travis CI - [x] Configuration
Authentication, API Endpoints, Platform Support, and Brand Assets
1 year ago
### Added - [x] Authentication - [ ] API Endpoints - [x] User Info - [x] User Wish List - [x] User Friends - [ ] Brand Assets - [x] Colors - [x] Platform Support - [x] iOS - [x] macOS - [x] tvOS - [x] watchOS
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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