Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by chris-araman

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Packages published by chris-araman

chris-araman/CombineCloudKit 1.0.2
🌤 Swift Combine extensions for reactive CloudKit record processing
⭐️ 52
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1.0.2: Remove Dependencies
2 years ago
📦 Removed a dependency on `swift-format`, as it's used only during development. Swift Package Manager doesn't yet provide a way to distinguish development dependencies.
1.0.1: Swift 5.5
2 years ago
This release brings support for Swift 5.5 and Xcode 13, including Mac Catalyst 13. Test Improvement: * Recorder: make use of XCTestCase.expectation Build Dependency Bumps: * CocoaPods 1.11.2 * Jazzy 0.14.1 * swift-format 0.50500.0 Commit History: https://github.com/chris-araman/CombineCloudKit/compare/1.0.0...1.0.1
1.0.0: ⛅️ Initial Release
2 years ago
## Broad Support CombineCloudKit is supported everywhere Combine is supported. * Swift 5.1 and later * Xcode 11 and later * macOS 10.15 and later * iOS and iPadOS 13 and later * tvOS 13 and later * watchOS 6 and later > _Testing of CombineCloudKit on watchOS requires Swift 5.4 or later and watchOS 7.4 or later._ There is also preliminary support for the as-yet-unreleased Swift 5.5 and Xcode 13, including support for Mac Catalyst 13. ## Metrics [Documentation](https://combinecloudkit.hiddenplace.dev): 💯% [Code Coverage](https://app.codecov.io/gh/chris-araman/CombineCloudKit/): > 98% ## Changes since 0.5.1 Features: * Add support for `RecordSavePolicy` and `clientChangeTokenData` in `CCKDatabase.save` * Documentation changes in preparation for Xcode 13's DocC Test Improvements: * Added a series of `ErrorInjectionTests` to insure errors are propagated to callers * Implemented `DecisionSpace` to deterministically enumerate and test each error path * Improve coverage of `QueryPublisher` * Remove dependency on [@groue/CombineExpectations](https://github.com/groue/CombineExpectations) Infrastructure Improvements: * Continuous Integration improvements with [@mxcl/xcodebuild](https://github.com/mxcl/xcodebuild) * Lint Markdown and YAML with [@prettier/prettier](https://github.com/prettier/prettier)
Reliable Output
2 years ago
- 🐛 Fixed an issue that caused some publishers to occasionally complete before publishing output: - `CCKContainer.accountStatus` - `CCKDatabase.deleteAtBackgroundPriority` - `CCKDatabase.fetchAtBackgroundPriority` - `CCKDatabase.saveAtBackgroundPriority`
Code Coverage
2 years ago
- ♻️ `Progress` now conforms to the `RawRepresentable` protocol - ⚖️ Several extension methods we refactored to reduce code duplication - ⚙️ Added more unit tests and mocks - 🔍 93% code coverage
Public Protocols
2 years ago
- 📚 Publish and document `CCKContainer` and `CCKDatabase` protocols - ♻️ Refactor mocks - 🔍 70% code coverage
Dependency Injection
2 years ago
- 🦜 Unit tests for many operations, injecting mocked `CKContainer`, `CKDatabase` and `CKDatabaseOperation` classes. - 🔍 Code Coverage: 69% - 🐛 FIX: defer output until after a subscription is received - ⬆️ [CombineExpectations](https://github.com/groue/CombineExpectations) 0.9.0
Continuous Integration
2 years ago
- Build and test across a wide matrix of supported platforms, Swift releases, and Xcode releases - Code coverage infrastructure - Lint automation - Documentation improvements
Declare CocoaPods Test Spec
2 years ago
Support CocoaPods
2 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
chris-araman/AsyncCloudKit 1.0.1
🌤 Swift extensions for asynchronous CloudKit record processing
⭐️ 26
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1.0.1: Remove Dependencies
2 years ago
📦 Removed a dependency on `swift-format`, as it's used only during development. Swift Package Manager doesn't yet provide a way to distinguish development dependencies.
1.0.0: Initial Release
2 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS macCatalyst

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