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Packages published by cbajapan

cbajapan/swift-fcsdk-ios 4.2.10-beta1
FCSDK written in Swift
⭐️ 2
🕓 3 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 weeks ago
# Version 4.2.10-beta1 This article describes changes in version 4.2.10-beta1 of FCSDKiOS ## Overview Enabled DSCP
Release 4.2.9
3 weeks ago
# Version 4.2.9 This article describes changes in version 4.2.9 of FCSDKiOS ## Overview Minor scaling fixes Using WebRTC m122 Improved Metal Rendering Improved Conformance to the Sendable Protocol Improved Memory Management Improved Rendering Improved State Handling Improved SDP Parsing Several Bug Fixes
Version 4.2.9-beta3
5 weeks ago
# Version 4.2.9-beta3 This article describes changes in version 4.2.9-beta3 of FCSDKiOS ## Overview Minor scaling fixes
Version 4.2.9-beta2
5 weeks ago
# Version 4.2.9-beta2 This article describes changes in version 4.2.9-beta2 of FCSDKiOS ## Overview Improved Metal Renderering Improved Conformance to the Sendable Protocol Using WebRTC m122
6 weeks ago
# Version 4.2.9-beta1 This article describes changes in version 4.2.9-beta1 of FCSDKiOS ## Overview Improved Memory Management Improved Rendering Improved State Handling Improved SDP Parsing
11 weeks ago
# Version 4.2.8 This article describes changes in version 4.2.8 of FCSDKiOS ## Overview Version 4.2.8 has added the missing PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file. The following are bits of info FCSDKiOS needs to make your application function properly. ### We collect the *iOS Version* that you are using for App Functionality ### We collect the *Device Model* that you are using for App Functionality
15 weeks ago
# Version 4.2.7 This article describes changes in version 4.2.7 of FCSDKiOS ## Overview Version 4.2.7 has several bug fixes and performance improvements. Below is a list of bug fixes. ### Improvements to media direction management ### Improvements to virtual background rendering ### Fixed a bug bluring the background of a preview video created a frozen background image. ### Fixed a bug where resource retention was not released at the end of a call ### Fixed a bug where iPad would not reconnect to the network if the deprecated reconnected call was being used during a network loss. ### Fixed a bug where hold/resume was not occurring if the app was backgrounded and then foregrounded
18 weeks ago
This pre release fixed an issue where there was a double image on blur background
21 weeks ago
Fixed an issue where call ends when agent holds the call Fixed resource retention post call termination Fixed issue where failure to reconnect on iPad after 30 seconds while a using deprecated API
23 weeks ago
# Version 4.2.6 This article describes changes in version 4.2.6 of FCSDKiOS ## Overview Version 4.2.6 has several bug fixes and performance improvements. Below is a list of bug fixes. ### Improvements to ACBUCDelegate methods ### Improvements to localBufferView ### Improvements to network connectivity ### Improvements to Virtual Background ### Transport performance improvements ### Video View performance improvements ### Concurrency improvements ### Improvements to logging and setting call state ### iOS13 TrustAll Certificates (insecure connections) ### iOS12 loading crash addressed ### Video Direction Bug ### Uses Version m117 of WebRTC ### Fixed a bug where the remoteView video stream may not have resumed streaming from an on hold state. ### Addresses H264 Codecs **Important Note** _If you find yourself in a situation where **ACBClientCallDelegate** is not being set in time, please ensure that you are calling it as soon as the call is available during your call flow. In some scenarios, you may need to set it asynchronously via the *setDelegate(callDelegate:)* method in order to make sure it is set properly in the SDK, but please use this method as a last resort._
cbajapan/objc-fcsdk-ios v3.4.5
FCSDK written in Objective-C
⭐️ 0
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
24 weeks ago
Fix VOIP Socket on Xcode 14
2 years ago
- Added support for usage in Swift - Only supporting Trickle ICE as a discovery mechanism
2 years ago
## Importing ACBClientSDK ### Note Starting in FCSDK version 3.4.4, we’ve switched to a dynamic framework, the `import` mechanism needs to change. Please import the SDK accordingly. ```Objective-C @import ACBClientSDK; ```
2 years ago
2 years ago
Official release including provisional delegate callbacks.
2 years ago
Include new delegate callback for provisionals
2 years ago
CBALA-221 One way video fixed CBALA-246 Audio option not switching to speaker phone fixed
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
cbajapan/fusion-live-assist-sdk v1.64.13-beta1
Live Assist SDK
⭐️ 0
🕓 24 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
24 weeks ago
VOIP Socket Fix
2 years ago
- Updated UIAlertView compatibility with SwiftUI - Asynchronous Microphone and Camera Permissions - Experimental SwiftUI support
2 years ago
### Note Starting in LASDK version 1.64.10, we’ve switched to a dynamic framework, the `import` mechanism needs to change. Please import the SDK accordingly. ```Objective-C @import AssistSDK; ```
2 years ago
Updated FCSDK to v3.4.0
2 years ago
Live Assist now supports projects that are bitcode enabled. Live Assist now has simulator support
2 years ago
2 years ago
Release Candidate for 1.64.6

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