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cats-oss/Sica 0.4.1
:deer: Simple Interface Core Animation. Run type-safe animation sequencially or parallelly
⭐️ 1,049
πŸ•“ 2 years ago
iOS macOS tvOS
.package(url: "https://github.com/cats-oss/Sica.git", from: "0.4.1")

Simple Interface Core Animation


Platform Language Carthage
Swift Package Manager Version License

Sica can execute various animations sequentially or parallelly.


  • Animation with duration and delay
  • parallel / sequence animation
  • Easings
  • Springs
  • Transition


  • Xcode 9.3 or greater
  • iOS 9 or greater
  • tvOS 10.0 or greater
  • macOS 10.11 or greater
  • Swift 4.2 (since 0.3.4)



If you’re using Carthage, simply add Sica to your Cartfile:

github "cats-oss/Sica"


Sica is available through CocoaPods. To instal it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Sica'

Swift Package Manager

Sica is available through SwiftPM, create Package.swift and add dependencies value

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/cats-oss/Sica.git", from: "0.4.1")

See also: GitHub - j-channings/swift-package-manager-ios: Example of how to use SPM v4 to manage iOS dependencies


Sample Animation

Sequence Animation

If you set .sequence, sequence animation is shown.

let animator = Animator(view: sampleView)
    .addBasicAnimation(keyPath: .positionX, from: 50, to: 150, duration: 2, timingFunction: .easeOutExpo)
    .addSpringAnimation(keyPath: .boundsSize, from: sampleView.frame.size, to: CGSize(width: 240, height: 240), damping: 12, mass: 1, stiffness: 240, initialVelocity: 0, duration: 1)
    .run(type: .sequence)


Parallel Animation

If you set .parallel, parallel animation is shown.

let animator = Animator(view: sampleView)
    .addBasicAnimation(keyPath: .positionX, from: 50, to: 150, duration: 5, timingFunction: .easeOutExpo)
    .addBasicAnimation(keyPath: .transformRotationZ, from: 0, to: CGFloat.pi, duration: 3, timingFunction: .easeOutExpo)
    .run(type: .parallel)


Forever Animation

If you set forever before calling run, forever animation is shown.

let animator = Animator(view: sampleView)
    .addBasicAnimation(keyPath: .positionX, from: 50, to: 150, duration: 2, timingFunction: .easeOutExpo)
    .addBasicAnimation(keyPath: .positionX, from: 150, to: 50, duration: 2, timingFunction: .easeOutExpo)
    .forever(autoreverses: false)
    .run(type: .sequence)



If you want to cancel animation, you should call cancel.

let animator = Animator(view: sampleView)
Add animation and run
animator.cancel() // Animation cancel

Remove Added Animations

If you call run and then you call add animation method, no animation will be added. If you use animator again, you call removeAll before addBasicAnimation or addSpringAnimation or addTransitionAnimation.

let animator = Animator(view: sampleView)
Add animation and run

// Bad
animator.addBasicAnimation() // πŸ™… you can't add animation

// Good
        .addBasicAnimation() // πŸ™† You can add animation.


Add Animation

    public func addBasicAnimation<T>(keyPath: Sica.AnimationKeyPath<T>, from: T, to: T, duration: Double, delay: Double = default, timingFunction: Sica.TimingFunction = default) -> Self where T : AnimationValueType
    public func addSpringAnimation<T>(keyPath: Sica.AnimationKeyPath<T>, from: T, to: T, damping: CGFloat, mass: CGFloat, stiffness: CGFloat, initialVelocity: CGFloat, duration: Double, delay: Double = default, timingFunction: Sica.TimingFunction = default) -> Self where T : AnimationValueType
    public func addTransitionAnimation(startProgress: Float, endProgress: Float, type: Sica.Transition, subtype: Sica.TransitionSub, duration: Double, delay: Double = default, timingFunction: Sica.TimingFunction = default) -> Self

Add Animation Option

    public func delay(_ delay: Double) -> Self
    public func forever(autoreverses: Bool = default) -> Self

Animation Operation

    public func run(type: Sica.Animator.AnimationPlayType, isRemovedOnCompletion: Bool = default, completion: (() -> Swift.Void)? = default)
    public func cancel()
    public func removeAll() -> Self


You can access sica property in UIView and CALayer.

let view = UIView(frame: ...)
    .addBasicAnimation(keyPath: .positionX, from: 50, to: 150, duration: 2, timingFunction: .easeOutExpo)
    .run(type: .sequence)
let layer = CALayer()
    .addBasicAnimation(keyPath: .positionX, from: 50, to: 150, duration: 2, timingFunction: .easeOutExpo)
    .run(type: .sequence)



  • CABasicAnimation
  • CATransition
  • CASpringAnimation


you can choose animation play type

  • run animation sequentially
  • run animation parallelly


you can choose various timing functions


KeyPaths Table

Sica KeyPath
.anchorPoint anchorPoint
.backgroundColor backgroundColor
.borderColor borderColor
.borderWidth borderWidth
.bounds bounds
.contents contents
.contentsRect contentsRect
.cornerRadius cornerRadius
.filters filters
.frame frame
.hidden hidden
.mask mask
.masksToBounds masksToBounds
.opacity opacity
.path path
.position position
.shadowColor shadowColor
.shadowOffset shadowOffset
.shadowOpacity shadowOpacity
.shadowPath shadowPath
.shadowRadius shadowRadius
.sublayers sublayers
.sublayerTransform sublayerTransform
.transform transform
.zPosition zPosition

Anchor Point

Sica KeyPath
.anchorPointX anchorPoint.x
.anchorPointy anchorPoint.y


Sica KeyPath
.boundsOrigin bounds.origin
.boundsOriginX bounds.origin.x
.boundsOriginY bounds.origin.y
.boundsSize bounds.size
.boundsSizeWidth bounds.size.width
.boundsSizeHeight bounds.size.height


Sica KeyPath
.contentsRectOrigin contentsRect.origin
.contentsRectOriginX contentsRect.origin.x
.contentsRectOriginY contentsRect.origin.y
.contentsRectSize contentsRect.size
.contentsRectSizeWidth contentsRect.size.width
.contentsRectSizeHeight contentsRect.size.height


Sica KeyPath
.frameOrigin frame.origin
.frameOriginX frame.origin.x
.frameOriginY frame.origin.y
.frameSize frame.size
.frameSizeWidth frame.size.width
.frameSizeHeight frame.size.height


Sica KeyPath
.positionX position.x
.positionY position.y

Shadow Offset

Sica KeyPath
.shadowOffsetWidth shadowOffset.width
.shadowOffsetHeight shadowOffset.height

Sublayer Transform

Sica KeyPath
.sublayerTransformRotationX sublayerTransform.rotation.x
.sublayerTransformRotationY sublayerTransform.rotation.y
.sublayerTransformRotationZ sublayerTransform.rotation.z
.sublayerTransformScaleX sublayerTransform.scale.x
.sublayerTransformScaleY sublayerTransform.scale.y
.sublayerTransformScaleZ sublayerTransform.scale.z
.sublayerTransformTranslationX sublayerTransform.translation.x
.sublayerTransformTranslationY sublayerTransform.translation.y
.sublayerTransformTranslationZ sublayerTransform.translation.z


Sica KeyPath
.transformRotationX transform.rotation.x
.transformRotationY transform.rotation.y
.transformRotationZ transform.rotation.z
.transformScaleX transform.scale.x
.transformScaleY transform.scale.y
.transformScaleZ transform.scale.z
.transformTranslationX transform.translation.x
.transformTranslationY transform.translation.y
.transformTranslationZ transform.translation.z


Sica is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Stars: 1049
Last commit: 2 years ago
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Release Notes

Sica 0.4.1
4 years ago
  • Support Swift Package Manager v5.1 (#25)

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