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cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot 0.7.0
Easy regression testing for iOS accessibility
⭐️ 522
πŸ•“ 5 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
5 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Bump activesupport from to in /Example by @dependabot in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/120 * Fix build status shield by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/132 * Added carthage support for accessibility core by @a-25 in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/131 * Add utility script to compare snapshot version updates by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/107 * Stop using viewDidLayoutSubviews by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/122 * Modernize ElementSelectionViewController by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/133 * Modernize ElementOrderViewController by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/134 * Modernize DefaultControlsViewController by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/135 * Modernize SwitchControlViewController by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/136 * Modernize ModalAccessibilityViewController by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/137 * Show demo screens in full screen by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/138 * Modernize ActivationPointViewController by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/139 * Modernize InvertColorsViewController by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/140 * Move documentation from Wiki into Documentation folder by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/145 * Add sample image to README by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/147 * Update Carthage CI job and clarify support in README by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/148 * Bump Paralayout dependency in demo app to 1.0.0-rc.5 by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/141 * Remove functionality for snapshotting Dynamic Type by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/142 * Add imprecise comparison variants to iOSSnapshotTestCase extension by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/144 * Bump activesupport from to in /Example by @dependabot in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/152 * Add support for accessibility user input labels in legend by @meherkasam in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/150 * Clean up outdated comment by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/156 * Make how to install sections in README collapsible by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/154 * Handle nil user input labels by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/158 * Replace SwitchControlTests with a snapshot of SwitchControlViewController by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/162 * Add iOS 16 to CI builds by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/157 * Add preset configuration sets for ElementSelectionViewController by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/163 * Add snapshotting methods to snapshot SwiftUI views directly by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/167 * Add script for extracting snapshot images from test results by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/153 * Check UISwitch state using combination of trait and value by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/170 * Specify text color for marker labels to always be black by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/175 * Run carthage build with verbose flag by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/176 * Include the identifier in the call to FBSnapshotVerifyView for SnapshotVerifyWithInvertedColors by @kruegermj in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/183 * Update ruby and bundler versions by @kruegermj in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/185 * Add utilities for highlighting hit test regions by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/119 * Improve hit test performance by optimizing Y axis by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/177 * Improve hit test performance by optimizing X axis by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/178 * Refactor AccessibilitySnapshotView to pull layout logic out into superclass by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/187 * Show legend in hit target snapshots by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/188 * Add support for Bazel by @luispadron in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/190 * Add a README.md to the Example project by @kruegermj in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/184 * Bump minimum Xcode version to 13.2.1 by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/197 * Fix crash in UIAccessibilityStatusUtility rebinding logic by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/194 * Add CI job to validate localized strings files by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/201 * Remove unnecessary import checks for SwiftUI by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/200 * Allow sub-pixel differences from default activation point by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/198 * Add snapshot tests for iOS 17 by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/195 * Add German and Russian locales to demo app by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/203 * Specify resource paths in podspec by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/209 * Update actions in CI to version using Node 20 by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/207 * Hide text field and text view cursors while snapshotting by @NickEntin in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/206 * Add Bazel build support for swift-snapshot-testing by @luispadron in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/191 * Fix issue where text entry do not have "text field" or a hint in the description by @DavidBrunow in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/186 * Support Accessibility Custom Content by @RoyalPineapple in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/173 * Bump Version to 0.7.0 by @RoyalPineapple in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/205 * Remove h3’s from detail summary because GitHub doesn’t support them by @ZevEisenberg in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/214 ## New Contributors * @a-25 made their first contribution in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/131 * @meherkasam made their first contribution in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/150 * @kruegermj made their first contribution in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/183 * @DavidBrunow made their first contribution in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/186 * @RoyalPineapple made their first contribution in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/173 * @ZevEisenberg made their first contribution in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/214 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/compare/0.6.0...0.7.0
1 year ago
* Adds support for using iOSSnapshotTestCase as the snapshotting engine when installing via SPM. * Updates the minimum iOS version to 13.0.
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Bump cocoapods-downloader from 1.4.0 to 1.6.3 in /Example by @dependabot in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/86 * Translate strings to Russian by @akaDuality in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/88 * Fix accessing trait collection outside main queue by @luispadron in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/90 * Bump version to 0.5.1 by @jhneves in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/92 ## New Contributors * @dependabot made their first contribution in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/86 * @akaDuality made their first contribution in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/88 * @luispadron made their first contribution in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/90 * @jhneves made their first contribution in https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/pull/92 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot/compare/0.5.0...0.5.1
2 years ago
* Disables rendering large images in monochrome on iOS 13 to work around a system-level bug (see #73). * Fixes a rendering issue with very large views. * Fixes an exception that occurs when snapshotting a view that is inside a view controller. * Fixes an issue with rendering snapshots using Inverted Colors. * Resolves a warning for strict prototypes (`-Wstrict-prototypes`) in the accessibility status utility. * Adds support for passing directory name suffixes in the iOSSnapshotTestCase-powered method. * Removes `XCTest` as a dependency of the Core subspec. * Adds German localization. * Bumps the minimum required Xcode version to 12.0. Thanks to @fbernutz, @fruitcoder, @aldevet, and @ra1028 for contributing to this release!
3 years ago
* Removes `fishhook` as a dependency. * Adds support for installing via Swift Package Manager. Thanks to @Sherlouk for contributing to this release!
3 years ago
* Adds descriptions of custom actions to accessibility hierarchy snapshots. * Adds support for using [SnapshotTesting](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-snapshot-testing) as the snapshotting engine via the `SnapshotTesting` subspec. * Bumps the minimum supported iOS version to 12.0. * Bumps the minimum supported Xcode version to 11.0. * Changes the default subspecs to use `SnapshotTesting` instead of `iOSSnapshotTestCase`. Thanks to @Sherlouk for contributing to this release! --- This release changes the default snapshotting engine from iOSSnapshotTestCase to SnapshotTesting. If you already use AccessibilitySnapshot and plan on continuing to use iOSSnapshotTestCase as your snapshotting engine, you can change your dependency to be on the `iOSSnapshotTestCase` subspec instead: ```ruby pod 'AccessibilitySnapshot/iOSSnapshotTestCase', '~> 0.4' ```
3 years ago
* Fixes an issue where activation points were drawn even if they were outside the bounds of the view being snapshotted.
3 years ago
* Splits the framework into two subspecs: a `Core` subspec that contains all of the core accessibility logic and an `iOSSnapshotTestCase` subspec that contains the integration layer with the iOSSnapshotTestCase framework. * Adds an explicit requirement that test targets have a host application.
cashapp/stagehand 4.0.0
Modern, type-safe API for building animations on iOS
⭐️ 126
πŸ•“ 2 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
* Changes the minimum supported iOS version to 12.0 * Adds `duration` and `repeatStyle` parameters to the `Animation.perform(...)` and `AnimationQueue.enqueue(...)` methods to allow for specifying an explicit duration and repeat style at the start of the execution phase. * Renames the `duration` properties on `Animation` and `AnimationGroup` to `implicitDuration`. * Renames the `repeatStyle` properties on `Animation` and `AnimationGroup` to `implicitRepeatStyle`. * Renames `AnimationRepeatStyle.none` to `.noRepeat` to avoid an ambiguous reference when using an optional repeat style. * Updates a lot of headerdocs to better explain how the duration and repeat styles are resolved. * Adds support for using [SnapshotTesting](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-snapshot-testing) as the snapshot engine for StagehandTesting. This is now the default behavior. --- This release changes the default snapshotting engine from iOSSnapshotTestCase to SnapshotTesting. If you already use StagehandTesting and plan on continuing to use iOSSnapshotTestCase as your snapshotting engine, you can change your dependency to be on the `iOSSnapshotTestCase` subspec instead: ```ruby pod 'StagehandTesting/iOSSnapshotTestCase', '~> 4.0' ```
3 years ago
* Updates `CGAffineTransform` interpolation to use matrix decomposition. This improves the interpolation of non-RST transforms and greatly improves performance for all transform interpolation. * Adds support for animating `CATransform3D` using matrix decomposition.
3 years ago
* Fixes the execution of execution blocks and property assignments in curved animations
4 years ago
* Removes a limitation around subelement mutability when adding child animations.
4 years ago
* Updates handling of execution and per-frame execution blocks in child animations so they behave properly when used in a parent with a curve applied. * Delays calling the completion handler until the final frame of the animation is drawn to screen, to fix a bug where the drawing of the final frame would be delayed if the completion handler did a significant amount of work.
4 years ago
* Adds support for installing Stagehand via Swift Package Manager
4 years ago
* Fixes an issue where execution blocks and property assignments in child animations were not executed at the correct time.
4 years ago
* Makes the weak framework linking of XCTest explicit in the StagehandTesting podspec
4 years ago
* Adds snapshot methods for snapshotting an animation via a non-element view * Switches animated snapshot format from GIF to APNG

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