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Packages published by bustoutsolutions

bustoutsolutions/siesta pre-1.0-deprecations
The civilized way to write REST API clients for iOS / macOS
⭐️ 2,186
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Yet more SwiftPM love
3 years ago
Fixed: - Siesta no longer causes problems for downstream projects using Quick and Nimble that include Siesta via SwiftPM (#313, #314)
SwiftPM needed a little extra love
4 years ago
Fixed: - It’s now possible to depend on Siesta by version number (and just by branch) when using SwiftPM (#308, #309)
Stay home. Wash your hands. Build a cool app.
4 years ago
Enhacements * Siesta now supports Swift Package Manager. Thanks, @karlshea! (#301, #304) - Note that because SwiftPM does not yet support dependency-provided resources, you will need to manually copy `ResourceStatusOverlay.xib` into your own project if you plan to use `ResourceStatusOverlay`’s default UI. * Long an unofficial DIY option, Siesta now officially supports tvOS. Thanks, @omidontop! (#28, #293) * The new `Resource.withParams()` method lets you add many query parameters at once. (#294) * The Alamofire extension now supports Alamofire 5 (#303) * The test suite no longer uses Nocilla. This is not a user-facing enhancement, but believe me, if you are a project maintainer, you’re very happy about this. 😎🥳 (#302) Fixes * Build issues with recent Xcode / Swift versions fixed Breaking Changes * Siesta now requires Swift 5. (#296) * The Alamofire extension not only supports but _requires_ Alamofire 5 (#303). Projects still using AF 4 can find the old extension in `Extensions/Alamofire-4`.
Spring cleaning
5 years ago
Fixed * Fixed a typo in a conditionally compiled code that could cause build failure on Swift 4.2 * `cancelLoadIfUnobserved(afterDelay:)` now properly pays attention to its argument. Thanks, @acecilia! (#279) Enhacements * Internal cleanup and testing improvements * Added SwiftLint to test build Breaking Changes * Siesta now requires Swift 4.2
Swift 4.2 support
5 years ago
## Fixes - Siesta now compiles with Swift 4.2 / Xcode 10. It still compiles with Swift 4.1 as well. Thanks to all who flagged this. (#274, #277) *Important note:* An issue in CocoaPods may prevent Siesta (and other pods) from building correctly in XCode 10 for some configurations. If your pod build fails with `EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY: unbound variable`, install the CocoaPods 1.6 beta using `gem install cocoapods --pre`. [More info here](https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/issues/8000).
Memory leak plugged
5 years ago
## Fixes - Fixed a memory leak, and added a leak check to specs. Thanks to @edwardmp for uncovering this! (#268, #270) - Updated Swift Package Manager support for 4.1. Thanks, @Hugal31! (#269)
Custom requests de-headached
5 years ago
## Enhancements - The [new `RequestDelegate` API](https://bustoutsolutions.github.io/siesta/api/Protocols/RequestDelegate.html) makes it much simpler to create custom `Request`s. This is useful for add third-party auth libraries and adding non-network behavior (e.g. a pause) to request chains. (#254, #152) - The [newly tidied logging API](https://bustoutsolutions.github.io/siesta/api/Enums/SiestaLog.html) adds conveniences for predefined Siesta category sets, and cleans up the global namespace. (#256) ## Fixes - All warnings fixed for Swift 4.1 / Xcode 9.4. Thanks, @joaomvfsantos and @wildthink! (#244, #250, #242, #257) - There is no longer a race condition between the persistent cache and initial calls to `loadIfNeeded()`. (#237, #255) - `ResourceImageView` now returns a nil resource after the URL is set to nil. (#249, #259) - Overrides for `Content-Type` in configuration ad request mutations now follow a well-defined order of precedence, and do not cause duplicate headers. Thanks, @massdonati! (#246, #247) ## Breaking Changes None.
Xcode 9.1 deprecation fixes
6 years ago
Fixes deprecations on Xcode 9.1 (#232). Thanks to @aoge123 for helping with this one!
Swift 3.2 update
6 years ago
Fixes Swift 3.2 error & deprecations for users still using Swift 3. Thanks to @reversepanda for helping with this one!
Swift 4 support
6 years ago
## Enhancements - Swift 4 support is here! If you want to stick with Swift 3 for now, use version `1.2.x` or the `swift-3` branch. - Swift 4’s `Codable` is the new, better way to handle JSON — and Siesta supports it nicely. [See it in action](https://github.com/bustoutsolutions/siesta/blob/1.3.0/Examples/GithubBrowser/Source/API/GithubAPI.swift#L71-L98) in the example project. - To better support `Codable`, Siesta now provides a convenient way to disable its default JSON → Dictionary parsing while still preserving the built-in text and image parsing. (It was an all-or-nothing proposition before.) See https://github.com/bustoutsolutions/siesta/pull/214 for details. - For those not jumping to `Codable` just yet, the SwiftyJSON support that used to be in the example project now lives in [`Extensions/`](https://github.com/bustoutsolutions/siesta/blob/master/Extensions/SwiftyJSON/Siesta%2BSwiftyJSON.swift). - The example app now includes live in-app commentary on what Siesta is doing and why it’s interesting, making `pod try` a much more edifying experience. ## Breaking Changes None.
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