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Packages published by braintree

braintree/braintree_ios 6.18.0
Braintree SDK for iOS
⭐️ 556
🕓 5 hours ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
18 hours ago
* BraintreePayPalNativeCheckout * Bump PayPalCheckout to version 1.3.0 with code signing & a privacy manifest file.
2 weeks ago
* Require Xcode 15.0+ and Swift 5.9+ (per [App Store requirements](https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=khzvxn8a)) * Updated expiring pinned vendor SSL certificates * BraintreeThreeDSecure * Bump CardinalMobile SDK to version 2.2.5-9 with code signing and a privacy manifest file. * BraintreeDataCollector * Bump to PPRiskMagnes version 5.5.0 with fix for Xcode 15.3 Swift Pacakge Manager validation bug (fixes #1229))
2 weeks ago
* Require Xcode 15.0+ and Swift 5.9+ (per [Apple App Store requirements](https://developer.apple.com/news/upcoming-requirements/?id=04292024a)) * [Meets Apple's new Privacy Update requirements](https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=3d8a9yyh) * BraintreePayPalDataCollector * Update PPRiskMagnes to version 5.5.0 with privacy manifest changes and code-signing * This version of the PPRiskMagnes framework is dynamic * BraintreeThreeDSecure * Bump CardinalMobile SDK to version 2.2.5-9 with code signing and a privacy manifest file.
5 weeks ago
* Add `BTPayPalVaultRequest.userAuthenticationEmail` optional property
5 weeks ago
* [Meets Apple's new Privacy Update requirements](https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=3d8a9yyh)
6 weeks ago
* BraintreeDataCollector * Bump to PPRiskMagnes v5.5.0 with code signing & a privacy manifest file
6 weeks ago
* BraintreeVenmo * Add `isFinalAmount` to `BTVenmoRequest` * Add `BTVenmoRequest.fallbackToWeb` * If set to `true` customers will fallback to a web based Venmo flow if the Venmo app is not installed * This method uses Universal Links instead of URL Schemes * BraintreeCore * Send `paypal_context_id` in `event_params` to PayPal's analytics service (FPTI) when available * Send `link_type` in `event_params` to PayPal's analytics service (FPTI) * Fix bug where FPTI analytic events were being sent multiple times
14 weeks ago
* BraintreePayPal * Add `imageURL`, `upcCode`, and `upcType` to `BTPayPalLineItem`
18 weeks ago
* Update all SDK errors to be public and [Equatable](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/equatable) (fixes #1152 and #1080) * BraintreeThreeDSecure * Fix bug where `BTThreeDSecureClient.initializeChallenge()` callback wasn't properly invoked (fixes #1154)
22 weeks ago
* BraintreePayPalNativeCheckout * Update PayPalCheckout from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0. * Add `userAuthenticationEmail` to `BTPayPalNativeCheckoutRequest` * BraintreeDataCollector * Update previously incorrect version of PPRiskMagnes with 5.4.1 for Carthage users
braintree/braintree-ios-drop-in 9.12.1
Braintree Drop-in for iOS
⭐️ 97
🕓 Yesterday
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
* Remove deprecated `UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions` API usage (fixes #446)
1 week ago
* Require Xcode 15.0+ and Swift 5.9+ (per [App Store requirements](https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=khzvxn8a)) * [Meets Apple's new Privacy Update requirements](https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=3d8a9yyh) * Require `braintree_ios` 5.25.0
11 weeks ago
* Add Slovak language support
18 weeks ago
* Fix bug where setting global navigation bar overrides the payment selection screen (fixes #435) * Allow overriding navigation bar color and text via `BTDropInUICustomization.barBackgroundColor` and `BTDropInUICustomization.primaryTextColor`
33 weeks ago
* Require `braintree_ios` 5.23.0 * Update to use macros to avoid compile time errors (fixes #421)
37 weeks ago
* Require Xcode 14.1+ and Swift 5.7.1+ (per [App Store requirements](https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=jd9wcyov#:~:text=Starting%20April%2025%2C%202023%2C%20iOS,on%20the%20Mac%20App%20Store)) * Add California Privacy Laws notice of collection to credit card form * Fix bug where presenting the Drop-in from a modal screen without a `modalPresentationStyle` does not display the status bar when both device and Drop-in are in light mode (fixes #419) * Add `BTDropInRequest.cardLogosDisabled` to hide card logos on the credit card form if desired
1 year ago
* Silence UnionPay related deprecation warnings introduced in `braintree_ios` 5.21.0 and higher.
1 year ago
* Fixes bug where title color on `BTPaymentSelectionViewController` is set as the default `primaryColor` for the `BTDropInUICustomization(colorScheme:)` (fixes #397)
1 year ago
* Add explicit error handling for case when `BTDropInResult.mostRecentPaymentMethod(for:)` method fails to fetch any recent payment methods. * Add `BTDropInErrorTypeNoRecentPaymentMethods` error code. * Silence UnionPay related deprecation warnings introduced in `braintree_ios` 5.18.0 and higher. * *Note: The UnionPay SMS flow will be removed in BraintreeDropIn v10. UnionPay cards can now be processed as regular cards due to their partnership with Discover.* * Require `braintree_ios` 5.19.0 or higher
1 year ago
* Remove use of deprecated `setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible` on iOS 13+ (the network activity indicator was removed from the status bar in iOS 13) (fixes #379) * Add support for iOS 16 and Xcode 14 * Require `braintree_ios` 5.12.0 or higher
braintree/popup-bridge-ios 2.1.0
Enable your web view to open pages in a Safari View Controller
⭐️ 38
🕓 5 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
5 weeks ago
* Inject popup bridge JS script code into all frames, versus just mainframe. Fixes bug where popup bridge couldn't launch from within an iFrame. * Add blank privacy manifest file. [Meets Apple's new Privacy Update requirements](https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=3d8a9yyh)
27 weeks ago
* **Note:** Includes all changes in [2.0.0-beta1](#200-beta1-2023-08-28)
34 weeks ago
* Convert PopupBridge to Swift * Breaking Changes * Require iOS 14+, Xcode 14.3+, and Swift 5.8+ * Remove deprecated `POPPopupBridge.open(url:sourceApplication:)` & `POPPopupBridge.open(url:options:)` methods * Remove `POPPopupBridge.set(returnURLScheme:)` * Remove `open(url:)` * Replace `SFSafariViewController` with `ASWebAuthenticationSession` * No longer need to register a URL type to use Popup Bridge * Removed `POPPopupBridgeDelegate` * The initializer for `POPPopupBridge` now only requires a `WKWebView` `POPPopupBridge(webView:)`
3 years ago
* Exclude arm64 simulator architectures via Podspec * Add Swift Package Manager support (resolves #27)
3 years ago
* Add `PopupBridge:openURL` method * Deprecate `PopupBridge:openURL:options` and `PopupBridge:openURL:sourceApplication` * Update README to include `SceneDelegate` usage instructions * Fix a bug that prevented returning from the pop-up more than once
braintree/braintree-ios-visa-checkout 6.0.0
Visa Checkout component for our Braintree iOS SDK
⭐️ 8
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
* Breaking changes * Require `braintree_ios` major version v5 * Replace `VisaCheckout.framework` v7.2.0 with `VisaCheckout.xcframework` v7.3.1 * Drop Carthage support (Carthage support wasn't working in the latest 2 major versions) * Add Swift Package Manager support
3 years ago
* Breaking changes * Update VisaCheckoutSDK to 7.2.0 * Update minimum deployment target to iOS 12 and require Xcode 12
5 years ago
* Update VisaCheckoutSDK to 6.6.1
5 years ago
* Update VisaCheckoutSDK to 6.6.0 * VisaCheckoutButton's `onCheckout` API changed from `onCheckout(profile:purchaseInfo:presenting:completion:)` to `onCheckout(profile:purchaseInfo:presenting:onReady:onButtonTapped:completion:)`
5 years ago
* Update VisaCheckoutSDK to 6.3
5 years ago
* Update VisaCheckoutSDK to 6.2 * 6.2 will require updates to your Visa Checkout integration. Refer to Visa's developer documents for details.
6 years ago
* Enable bitcode in project
6 years ago
* Update VisaCheckoutSDK to 5.5.2 which is compatible with Xcode 9.2 * Visa Checkout frameworks supplied by this library should be used to prevent version mismatch
7 years ago
* First release of the Braintree iOS Visa Checkout SDK. * This SDK component is currently in a limited release to [elligible merchants](https://articles.braintreepayments.com/guides/payment-methods/visa-checkout#limited-release-eligibility) and the API is subject to change.

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