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Packages published by borchero

borchero/Squid 1.5.1
Declarative and Reactive Networking for Swift.
⭐️ 71
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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Squid 1.5.1
3 years ago
* Add support for per-request URLs, detached from the underlying service's base URL
Allow Secure Protocol Settings on Service-Level
3 years ago
Allow Reading Response Headers
3 years ago
* Added `header` computed property to the `Response` object returned by the `schedule` method.
Allow empty POST body
3 years ago
Add Service-Level Error Mapping
3 years ago
* It is now possible to perform service-level error mapping by overriding the `mapError(_ error: Squid.Error) -> Self.RequestError` method in the `HttpService` implementation. * As a result of this, `HttpService` now has an associated type which _may_ result in breaking changes.
Fix Header Encoding
4 years ago
Header values are not escaped with `.urlQueryAllowed` anymore.
Add Additional HTTP Methods
4 years ago
* `HttpMethod.patch` * `HttpMethod.head`
Service Hook Support and Optimizations
4 years ago
* Service Hooks: You can now hook into requests on a service-level. This way, you can process responses and prematurely answer requests without sending them to the server. An example hook performing caching is delivered along. * Performance Optimizations: Internally moving away from custom retrier publishers for publishers, using native Combine classes, overall performance was improved. * **Minor breaking change**: When using the `asyncHeader` property of the `HttpService`, make sure to change its return type to `Future` instead of `AnyPublisher`. This more realistically models how it should be used.
Add Support for Asynchronous API Headers
4 years ago
Fix JSON Debug Strings
4 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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