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Packages published by blinkcard

blinkcard/blinkcard-swift-package v2.9.1
Swift Package for BlinkCard SDK iOS
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🕓 5 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
5 weeks ago
## 2.9.1 - added privacy manifest - added support for license keys that support multiple application IDs
11 weeks ago
## 2.9.0 ### What's new in the BlinkCard Recognizer? - Improved scanning performance and added support for virtually any card layout - Improved IBAN parser which now supports more IBAN formats - Added option `allowInvalidCardNumber` which allows reading invalid card numbers to avoid endless scanning on samples and test cards: - use with care as it might reduce accuracy in certain situations in production - for invalid card number the flag `cardNumberValid` in `BlinkCardRecognizerResult` will be set to `false` ### Improvements - Better support for RTL languages in our default UX ### Breaking API changes: - Removed legacy recognizers: `LegacyBlinkCardRecognizer` and `LegacyBlinkCardEliteRecognizer`
32 weeks ago
## 2.8.2 ### New features: - Added reticle customizations in `MBCBlinkCardOverlayTheme`: - UIImage `defaultReticleImage` - - UIImage `errorReticleImage` - UIImage `reticleColor` - UIColor `reticleDefaultColor`
38 weeks ago
## 2.8.1 - Internal improvements
38 weeks ago
## 2.8.0 ### Improvements - Included hand, photocopy, and screen detection models to achieve liveness functionality - Added anonymization info on which side was anonymized. String data is anonymized using an asterisk instead of blanking the result. - Expanded the number of supported credit card types by 100%. - Improved data extraction, including a 30% reduction in incorrect processing of CVV field. ### What's new in the BlinkCard Recognizer? - Added new properties `handScaleThreshold`, `handDocumentOverlapThreshold`, `screenAnalysisMatchLevel`, `photocopyAnalysisMatchLevel`. These settings define behaviour of the new liveness features. - Added a new delegate `BlinkCardRecognizerDelegate` with a callback `livenessStatusCallback` that is called when each side of a card is scanned. It is called with one parameter, a `LivenessStatus` enum. ### BlinkCard Recognizer Result - Two new booleans: `firstSideAnonymized` and `secondSideAnonymized`. - New property `DocumentLivenessCheckResult` which has new liveness model results.
1 year ago
## 2.7.0 ### New features: - Improved support for diverse credit card designs. #### New user instructions that lead to successful scans - More detailed instructions on how to scan credit cards, via an intro tutorial or tooltip during scanning, leading to improved success rates in credit card scanning and data extraction. #### New layout for `BlinkCardOverlayViewController` - The scanning screen now shows a reticle in the center with scanning instruction. ### What's new in the BlinkCard Recognizer? - Added a new property `fallbackAnonymization` in `AnonymizationSettings`. If true, anonymization is applied on all fields of the image if extraction is uncertain. - Improved anonymization performance.
1 year ago
Swift Package update for [BlinkCard SDK v2.6.0](https://github.com/blinkcard/blinkcard-ios/releases/tag/v2.6.0)
2 years ago
Swift Package update for [BlinkCard SDK v2.5.0](https://github.com/blinkcard/blinkcard-ios/releases/tag/v2.5.0)
2 years ago
- Swift Package update for [BlinkCard SDK v2.4.0](https://github.com/blinkcard/blinkcard-ios/releases/tag/v2.4.0)
2 years ago
- Swift Package update for [BlinkCard SDK v2.3.0](https://github.com/blinkcard/blinkcard-ios/releases/tag/v2.3.0)

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