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Packages published by bambuser

bambuser/bambuser-livevideoshoppingplayer-sdk-ios 0.10.0
This SDK helps you add a Bambuser live shopping player to your UIKit and SwiftUI apps.
⭐️ 8
🕓 30 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
30 weeks ago
End of service disclaimer
1 year ago
### ✨ New features * Support swift 5.8 ### 💥 Breaking changes * Drop support for iOS12 ### 🐛 Known issues * Replay button on the end curtain does not work. * Landscape video is currently not supported.
1 year ago
### ✨ New features * `updateShowStatus` event at `ShowStatus.ended` contains an array of products highlighted during the show. ### 💥 Breaking changes * Event `openExternalUrl`- Is no longer emitted when tapping a product thumbnail. * Removed `PlayerViewerInfo` option from `PlayerConfiguration`. * Removed `subscribeButton` option from `PlayerUIConfiguration`. * ### 🐛 Known issues * Replay button on the end curtain does not work. * Landscape video is currently not supported.
1 year ago
## 0.8.1 ### ✨ New features * New event `openExternalUrl`- Emitted when user taps a link. ### 🐛 Known issues * Replay button on the end curtain does not work. * Landscape video is currently not supported.
2 years ago
## 0.8 This version adds support for iOS 12. ### ✨ New features * New `PlayerUIConfiguration` options `actionBar` and `emojiOverlay` for setting visibility of the action bar and and the emoji overlay. * New event `PlayerEvent.showEmojiBatch` emitted when a batch of emojis is to be animated. * New event `PlayerEvent.pictureInPictureRestoreToFullscreen` emitted when picture-in-picture restores back to fullscreen. * New event `PlayerEvent.pictureInPictureDidStop` when picture-in-picture is stopped. * `PictureInPictureClosedComponent` can be implemented by any class that wants to listen to picture-in-picture window closed events. * `PictureInPictureRestoreModifier` is a SwiftUI view modifier that can be used to handle picture-in-picture window closed events. * `View` has a new `pictureInPictureClose` modifier that can be used to listen to picture-in-picture window closed events. * `UIView` and `UIViewController` has a new `registerPictureInPictureCloseAction` function that can be used to register a picture-in-picture window closed event listener. * `PictureInPictureState` has a new `restorePlayer` function to restore back to fullscreen programatically. * `PictureInPictureState` has a new `isPictureInPictureActive` property. * `LiveVideoShoppingPlayerView` has a new `volume` property. * `PlayerFunction.hideUI` takes a `PlayerUISections` as value for hiding selected parts of the UI. ### 💡 Behavior changes * Correct usage of safe insets. ### 💥 Breaking changes * `PlayerFunction.hideUI` has been changed to a enum with a associated value. ### 🐛 Known issues * Replay button on the end curtain does not work. * Landscape video is currently not supported.
2 years ago
This version adds support for Swift 5.5 and DocC. This new version also makes it possible to use the player in fullscreen edge-to-edge mode. ### ✨ New features * The player can now be used in fullscreen. * The DocC documentation has more information. * More types implement `Codable` and `Equatable`.
2 years ago
This release adds missing required attributes to CocoaPods specification file.
2 years ago
This version works with Xcode 12.5.0 and newer.
2 years ago
This version improves PiP restoration and cleans up even more things in the library. Improved PiP restoration means that exiting PiP when the original screen has been disposed is now a much nicer experience, where the video will smoooothly pop back into place. ### ✨ New features * More types implement `Equatable`. * `PlayerConfiguration` has a new, static `standard` function that takes an event handler. * `PictureInPictureState` has a new `resetRestoreAction` function. ### 💡 Behavior changes * The PiP restoration attempt takes place earlier, which makes it possible to get a more seamless experience. * The UIKit demo uses this new behavior to restore the player in a much nicer way. * The SwiftUI demo currently doesn't make use of this new behavior. ### 💥 Breaking changes * All deprecated functionality has been removed. * `AddToCalendarError.missingEventData` can no longer occur and has been removed. * `LiveVideoShoppingPlayerContext` `interface` is renamed to `player`. * `LiveVideoShoppingPlayerInterface` has been replaced with just using `LiveVideoShoppingPlayerView`.
2 years ago
This version improves picture-in-picture (PiP) support. PiP players will now stay alive even if the user leaves the player screen. This makes in-app navigation possible while PiP is active. It is now also possible to restore a PiP player that has left its source screen. This release also renames and makes many nested player configuration types non-nested. ### ✨ New features * `LiveVideoShoppingPlayer` has made `showId` and `configuration` public, to simplify PiP restoration. * `LiveVideoShoppingPlayerInterface` `invoke` replaces `PlayerUIPresenter` and the `showUI` and `hideUI` functions. * `PictureInPictureConfiguration` is a new configuration used by the `PlayerConfiguration`, to configure how PiP behaves. * `PictureInPictureRestoreComponent` can be implemented by any class that wants to listen to PiP restore events. * `PictureInPictureRestoreModifier` is a new SwiftUI view modifier that can be used to handle PiP restore events. * `pictureInPictureRestore` is a new SwiftUI view extension that applies a `PictureInPictureRestoreModifier` to the view. * `PlayerConfiguration` has a new `pipConfig` parameter and property. * `PlayerEvent.showProductView` is now emitted even if you haven't responded to the `.provideProductData` event. * `PlayerFunction` is a new enum that describes player-specific functionality. * `View` has a new `pictureInPictureRestore` modifier that can be used to listen to PiP restore events. * `UIView` and `UIViewController` has a new `registerPictureInPictureRestoreAction` function that can be used to register a PiP restore event listener. ### 💡 Behavior changes * An active picture-in-picture player will no longer die when you leave the screen that started it. ### 🗑 Deprecated * `LiveVideoShoppingPlayerInterface` `showUI` and `hideUI` are deprecated and will be removed in `0.6`. * `PlayerButtonConfiguration` is deprecated and will be removed in `0.6`. * `PlayerButtonConfiguration.LinkConfig` is deprecated and will be removed in `0.6`. * `PlayerConfiguration` `isViewerSubscribed` has been moved to a `PlayerViewerInfo` struct. * `PlayerConfiguration.ButtonConfiguration` has been renamed to `PlayerButtonConfiguration`. * `PlayerConfiguration.EnabledState` has been renamed to `PlayerEnabledState`. * `PlayerConfiguration.LocaleInfo` has been renamed to `PlayerLocaleInfo`. * `PlayerConfiguration.ShareConfiguration` has been renamed to `PlayerShareConfiguration`. * `PlayerConfiguration.StreamerInfo` has been renamed to `PlayerStreamerInfo`. * `PlayerConfiguration.UIConfiguration` has been renamed to `PlayerUIConfiguration`. * `PlayerConfiguration.UIState` has been renamed to `PlayerOverlayVisiblity`. * `PlayerUIPresenter` is deprecated and will be removed in `0.6`. ### 💥 Breaking changes * `ButtonConfiguration` `dismissConfig` was not used and has been removed. * `LiveVideoShoppingPlayerViewController` is no longer public. * `PlayerButtonConfiguration.DismissConfig` was not used and has been removed. * `PlayerConfiguration` no longer has a `buttons` configuration option.
bambuser/bambuser-sdk-ios 1.0.5
This is a public distribution repository for the Bambuser iOS SDK.
⭐️ 2
🕓 51 weeks ago
bambuser/bambuser-onetoone-sdk-ios 1.0.0
Bambuser one-to-one iOS SDK
⭐️ 0
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
✨ New features * Picture in Picture support * A new delegate LiveShoppingAgentViewDelegate 🐛 Known issues on iOS < 15.0 LiveShoppingAgentView asks for camera and microphone permission every time it is loaded.
1 year ago
This is the first beta release. The SDK now includes support for SSO. ### ✨ New features * API for SSO * A new property `AgentEvent.enableSSO` and a new parameter `enableSSO` in `LiveShoppingAgentView.init` for enabling SSO login. * A new event `AgentEvent.refreshSsoToken(responseId:)` emitted when SSO token is not set or needs a refresh. * A new function `LiveShoppingAgentView.refreshSsoToken(ssoToken:, responseId:)` to set new SSO token. * A new event `AgentEvent.unauthorized` at failed SSO login. ### 🐛 Known issues * on iOS < 15.0 LiveShoppingAgentView asks for camera and microphone permission every time it is loaded.
1 year ago
This is the second alpha release. The SDK now support iOS14.3 and includes first version of API for handling products in call and cart. ### ✨ New features - Support for iOS 14.3. - API for handling products in call and cart. - A new event `AgentEvent.callStatusUpdate(status)` and property `callSessionStatus` for call status. - A new event `AgentEvent.clientLocale(locale:)` and property `clientLocale` for client locale. - A new event `AgentEvent.previewStarted` when agent camera preview is started. - SwiftUI: added a `AgentEventHandlerModifier` for listening to `AgentEvents`. ### 🐛 Known issues - on iOS < 15.0 LiveShoppingAgentView asks for camera and microphone permission every time it is loaded.
1 year ago
This is the very first alpha release. It includes the possibility to create a agent tool view, minimize it, drag it in minimized state and maximize it back again to full size. This for both UIKit and SwiftUI. Demo, documentation and the readme is in constant work in progress and will be improved and extended in coming versions.

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