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Packages published by apptentive

apptentive/apptentive-kit-ios v6.7.0
ApptentiveKit SDK for iOS and iPadOS
⭐️ 6
🕓 5 days ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
6 days ago
# 2024-04-17 - v6.7.0 #### New Features - Added rich text support through dashboard for Prompts and Surveys #### Bugs Fixed: - Fixed a concurrency issue that could lead to a crash when an HTTP request is retried - Fixed an issue where the background of a Prompt or Love Dialog remained responsive to taps in Flutter - Restored the ability to set a Prompt or Love Dialog header image via UIAppearance
4 weeks ago
#### New & Improved: - Added image support through dashboard for Prompts (previously called Notes) #### Bugs Fixed: - Fixed some layout issues in paged Surveys - Privacy manifest is now included in Package.swift
25 weeks ago
#### New & Improved: - Added a [Privacy Manifest](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/privacy_manifest_files) to declare information on data collected by the SDK - Incremented the deployment target to iOS 13.0 #### Bugs Fixed: - Message Center now checks if it is already visible when opening in response to a push notification. - The close confirmation alert is now shown if an "Other" choice has been selected in Surveys. - Fixed a layout issue that sometimes appeared in Message Center. - The compose field in Message Center now clears after a message is sent, even when an autocorrect suggestion is accepted.
34 weeks ago
#### New & Improved: - Enhancements and fixes to Message Center focused on accessibility and keyboard navigation - Log category is now "Apptentive" rather than "PointsOfInterest" #### Bugs Fixed: - Logs now show without any redaction, even when not using a debugger
41 weeks ago
#### New & Improved: - Context messages in Message Center now have clickable URLs, emails, and phone numbers #### Bugs Fixed: - Fixed an issue that broke VoiceOver navigation in surveys when not using a full-screen modal presentation style - Fixed an issue that could prevent engaging the (internal) launch event in SceneDelegate apps written in Objective-C
48 weeks ago
#### New & Improved - Added a new `apptentiveTint` property to the `UIColor` extension to set the default accent color for Apptentive interaction UI #### Bugs Fixed - Fixed an issue where the (internal) exit event was sent twice
52 weeks ago
#### New & Improved - Implemented Customer Authentication features from the legacy SDK in the new SDK ([See our iOS Integration Reference in the Apptentive Customer Learning Center](https://learn.apptentive.com/knowledge-base/apptentive-kit-ios-integration/#customer-authentication)) - Added async versions of Apptentive methods with a completion handler argument - Added a `canShowMessageCenter()` method - Added an error when a event with an empty name is engaged - Added the ability to work with multiple app key/signature pairs without deleting and reinstalling #### Bugs Fixed - Fixed button placement issues in Notes and the Love Dialog - Improved handling of long “Terms and Conditions” text in Surveys - Fixed a potential name collision between the ApptentiveKit framework and its resource bundle in CocoaPods, Flutter, React Native, and Cordova integrations
1 year ago
### New & Improved - Love Dialog and Notes interaction UI can now be customized ### Bugs Fixed - The lower limit on selection count for checkbox questions is now enforced even when a response is not required - The minimum and maximum labels for range and NPS questions will now hyphenate words to fit the available space with large Dynamic Type sizes
1 year ago
### Bugs Fixed - Fixed an issue where the completion handler passed to `register(with:completion:)` could be called twice, resulting in an error in React Native apps.
1 year ago
### New & Improved - Add support for Malay, Thai, and Indonesian localizations - A dark mode update across interactions for our out of box theme ### Bugs Fixed - Fixed an issue causing some react native builds to fail
apptentive/apptentive-ios-sdk 6.0.0-beta.4
DEPRECATED: Moved to https://github.com/apptentive/apptentive-kit-ios
⭐️ 1
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
ApptentiveKit Beta 4
2 years ago
- Fix a bug that caused conversation size to grow exponentially - Fix a bug that could cause interactions to be counted twice for targeting purposes - Fix a bug that could cause requests to not be retried properly - Fix a bug that could cause survey responses to not send correctly
ApptentiveKit Beta 3
2 years ago
#### Bug Fixes - Fix a memory leak when presenting interactions - Fix the delay calculation for retrying failed network requests - Fix warnings due to setting translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints for table view cells - Fix spelling of apptentiveTextInput extension property on UIFont - Fix a bug where retried request could become stuck in the event of a particular class of network error - Work around an iOS 15 bug that led to clear navigation and tool bars #### Improvements - Add a toggle to disable the toolbar in Surveys - Make the Payload Sender module use a background task to finish sending payloads on app exit - Add ability to set an image for the survey navigation bar's title view - Add documentation comments to remaining public methods and properties #### Notes - This release does not yet support Message Center, client login/logout, dismiss all interactions, and a number of other features of the previous SDK.
ApptentiveKit Beta 2
2 years ago
This beta adds support for building with a deployment target of iOS 11.0 or greater.
ApptentiveKit Beta 1
2 years ago
Initial Release

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