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Packages published by apphud

apphud/ApphudSDK 3.3.2
Build, Measure and Grow iOS subscription business
⭐️ 192
🕓 1 week ago
🔖 Release Notes


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1 week ago
## What's new in v3.3.2: * Fixed an issue #112 * Added VisionOS Example app
1 week ago
## What's new in v.3.3.1: * Fixed Privacy Manifest for SPM
2 weeks ago
## What's new in v3.3.0: * Added `PrivacyInfo` file in order to be compliant with recent Apple's Privacy changes. * [**BREAKING**] `placementsDidLoadCallback ` method renamed to `fetchPlacements` and now can return optional error. * Added optional `maxAttempts` parameter to `placements()`, `paywalls()`, `fetchPlacements{}` and `fetchSKProducts` methods. * Removed `@MainActor` requirement from `hasPremiumAccess` and `hasActiveSubscription` methods. * `migratePurchasesIfNeeded` method was removed as no longer needed. * [**BREAKING**] IDFV (IdentifierForVendor) is **no longer collected** by SDK. You must call `setDeviceIdentifiers(idfa: String?, idfv: String?)` method manually. * [**BREAKING**] `setAdvertisingIdentifier(_ idfa: String)` method was renamed to `setDeviceIdentifiers(idfa: String?, idfv: String?)`. * Added `networkIssue()` method to `ApphudError` * Other internal improvements.
10 weeks ago
## What's new in v3.2.8: Added some A/B experiments properties: * Added `variationName` and `parentPaywallIdentifier` properties to the paywall struct
11 weeks ago
### What's new in v3.2.7: * Added support for visionOS.
13 weeks ago
### What's new in v3.2.6: * Internal improvements in transmitting App Store receipts to the backend.
16 weeks ago
### What's new in v3.2.5: * Some public methods, such as `Apphud.hasActiveSubscription` and `Apphud.purchase(...)`, have been updated to require a main-actor isolated context. * For users currently on SDK versions between 3.2.0 and 3.2.3, updating to this version is recommended. * Enhanced concurrent code stability by adding more actors for model parsing and cache management. * Implemented internal improvements in user property handling. * The logout method has been updated to an asynchronous function: `static func logout() async`. * Made `rawPaywalls()` and `rawPlacements()` static to address previously identified typo issues.
17 weeks ago
### What's new in v3.2.3: * Added option to pass custom attribution data to Apphud. Example: `Apphud.addAttribution(data: ["custom_click_id": "your-click-id"], from: .custom, callback: nil)`
17 weeks ago
### What's new in v3.2.2: * Fixed a bug in v3.2.0 when Apphud.userID() was not returning a correct value if called immediately after Apphud.start(...) method.
17 weeks ago
### What's New in Apphud SDK 3.2.0 - **Placements**: Offers a strategic method to integrate paywalls throughout your app. This feature allows developers to position paywalls effectively in different app sections, such as onboarding or settings, targeting distinct user audiences. For more comprehensive information, please refer to our [Placements guide](https://docs.apphud.com/docs/placements). - **[Breaking]** The `Apphud.start(..)` method now returns an `ApphudUser` object in the callback instead of `void`. - **[Breaking]** Removed the `variationName` property from the `ApphudPaywall` object to avoid misleading usage. - **New Method**: Added `func placements() async -> [ApphudPlacement]` to retrieve an array of `ApphudPlacement` objects, including their inner StoreKit products. - **New Method**: Added `placement(_ identifier: String) async -> ApphudPlacement?` to retrieve a specific placement by identifier. - **New Alternative Method**: Added `func placementsDidLoadCallback(_ callback: @escaping ([ApphudPlacement]) -> Void)` to retrieve placements with their inner StoreKit products in a callback. - **New Method**: Added `func rawPlacements() -> [ApphudPlacement]` to retrieve placements immediately, without waiting for StoreKit products to load. - **New Method**: Added `func rawPaywalls() -> [ApphudPaywall]` to retrieve paywalls immediately, without waiting for StoreKit products to load. - **[Breaking]** Renamed `func willPurchaseProductFromPaywall(_ identifier: String)` to `func willPurchaseProductFrom(paywallIdentifier: String, placementIdentifier: String?)`. - **[Breaking]** Changed `static var permissionGroups: [ApphudGroup]` to `func permissionGroups() async -> [ApphudGroup]?`. - **[Breaking]** Removed the method `func purchaseWithoutValidation(_ productId: String, callback: ((ApphudPurchaseResult) -> Void)?)`. - **[Breaking]** Removed the method `func validateReceipt(callback: @escaping ([ApphudSubscription]?, [ApphudNonRenewingPurchase]?, Error?) -> Void)`. - **Main Thread Requirement**: Methods that require the main thread have been marked with the `@MainActor` attribute. - **Refactors**: Internal refactoring to utilize more Swift Concurrency code and Actors. ### ApphudDelegate - **New Delegate Method**: Added `func placementsDidFullyLoad(placements: [ApphudPlacement])` to get notified when placements are loaded with their inner StoreKit products. - **[Breaking]** Removed the ApphudDelegate method `func apphudProductIdentifiers()`. - **[Breaking]** Removed the ApphudDelegate method `func apphudDidFetchStoreKitProducts(_ products: [SKProduct], _ error: Error?)`. - **[Breaking]** Removed the ApphudDelegate method `func apphudDidFetchStoreKitProducts(_ products: [SKProduct])`. - **[Breaking]** Renamed the ApphudDelegate method `func userDidLoad(rawPaywalls: [ApphudPaywall])` to `func userDidLoad(user: ApphudUser)`.
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