Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by amosavian

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Packages published by amosavian

amosavian/AMSMB2 3.3.1
Swift framework to connect SMB2/3 shares
⭐️ 221
🕓 16 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
AMSMB2 3.3.1
16 weeks ago
- **fix**: Remove symbolic link file - **docs**: Fix some mistakes in documentation
AMSMB2 3.3.0
18 weeks ago
- **feat**: Create symbolic link - **feat**: Delete symbolic link files - **fix**: Get symbolic link attributes could not be fetched - **fix**: Including windows error number in description when converting to posix error fails - **fix**: Crash when IOCTL response is corrupt - **fix**: More attributes provided for symbolic links - **chore**: Convenience open func for SMB2FileHandler - **chore**: Fsctl command organization - **docs**: Update Readme
AMSMB2 3.2.3
21 weeks ago
- **fix**: Update libsmb2 submodule branch - **fix**: fileDescriptor crash, compile error on time
AMSMB2 3.2.2
21 weeks ago
- **fix**: Compilation error due to unsafe flag
AMSMB2 3.2.1
21 weeks ago
- **fix**: Swift build tool compiling error (Issue #97) - **chore**: Use existential any - **test**: Simultaneous upload/download test
AMSMB2 3.2.0
22 weeks ago
- **feat**: Set file attributes including creation/modification time. - **feat**: Append data to end of file - **feat**: Async content fetch - **feat**: Conform types to Sendable to adopt new concurrency model - **chore**: Change formatter to SwiftFormat
AMSMB Version 3.1.0
22 weeks ago
- **fix**: File path with slash does not work on upload/download - **fix**: Possible integer overflow - **fix**: pathKey value using attributesOfItem - **chore**: FCNTL types as struct rather than functions - **chore**: Format swift files using swift-format - **chore**: Remove unnecessary files - **chore**: Various improvements and misspellings fixed - **test**: Rewrite all tests to use async/await instead of callback
AMSMB Version 3.0.0
23 weeks ago
- **feat**: Support Async/Await - **chore**: Rename AMSMB2 class to SMBManager to avoid conflict with module name - **chore**: Use SPM instead of linking to precompiled archive - **fix**: Warning on unsafe pointer of class - **fix**: Compilation error due to `is_connected` removal
Fix Swift 5.2 build issue and warning, Updated libsmb2
4 years ago
Nothing more!
Fixed memory corruption errors
4 years ago
- Refactoring async_await() - `[URLResourceKey: Any]` extensions in order to easier access to values - Updated `libsmb2` to fix memory corruption errors
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS macCatalyst
amosavian/LocaleManager 1.4.0
Changing iOS locale and language on the fly without exiting. RTL supported.
⭐️ 56
🕓 5 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Updated to Swift 5.0
5 years ago
Updatd package and pod to Swift 5.0
Carthage build error fixed
5 years ago
Added cocoapods
5 years ago
Adding apply(locale:) method
6 years ago
- Refactoring and optimizations - Adding Readme

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