Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by alexruperez

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Packages published by alexruperez

alexruperez/SecurePropertyStorage 0.7.1
Helps you define secure storages for your properties using Swift property wrappers.
⭐️ 471
πŸ•“ 50 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
50 weeks ago
#### Fixed - `kSecReturnAttributes` nil by default. [#27](https://github.com/alexruperez/SecurePropertyStorage/issues/27) Thanks [@davidknight-seequent](https://github.com/davidknight-seequent)! [Commits](https://github.com/alexruperez/SecurePropertyStorage/compare/0.7.0...0.7.1)
1 year ago
#### Added - Customizable `kSecClass`. - `kSecReturnAttributes` by default. [Commits](https://github.com/alexruperez/SecurePropertyStorage/compare/0.6.0...0.7.0)
2 years ago
In memory of my friend **[Haldo Spontón](https://linktr.ee/haldosponton)**. Rest in peace. 😒 #### Added - [Register](https://github.com/alexruperez/SecurePropertyStorage/blob/master/README.md#-dependency-injection-usage) dependencies on error closure. - More information in [InjectError](http://github.alexruperez.com/SecurePropertyStorage/Enums/InjectError.html). #### Improvements - Swift Package Manager tools version update to 5.5 [Commits](https://github.com/alexruperez/SecurePropertyStorage/compare/0.5.0...0.6.0)
2 years ago
#### Added - Dependency Injection [Groups](https://github.com/alexruperez/SecurePropertyStorage/blob/master/README.md#-dependency-injection-usage). - [Set](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/set) support. [Commits](https://github.com/alexruperez/SecurePropertyStorage/compare/0.4.2...0.5.0)
2 years ago
#### Fixed - Carthage compatible fix. [#20](https://github.com/alexruperez/SecurePropertyStorage/pull/20) Thanks [@AlbGarciam](https://github.com/AlbGarciam)! #### Improvements - Swift Package Manager tools version update to 5.3 [Commits](https://github.com/alexruperez/SecurePropertyStorage/compare/0.4.1...0.4.2)
3 years ago
#### Fixed - `Unwrapped` always return defaultValue after restart app. [#15](https://github.com/alexruperez/SecurePropertyStorage/issues/15) Thanks [@qchenqizhi](https://github.com/qchenqizhi)! [Commits](https://github.com/alexruperez/SecurePropertyStorage/compare/0.4.0...0.4.1)
3 years ago
#### Fixed - Nonce [shouldn't be reused](https://www.elttam.com/blog/key-recovery-attacks-on-gcm). [#13](https://github.com/alexruperez/SecurePropertyStorage/issues/13) Thanks [@shphilippe](https://github.com/shphilippe)! [Commits](https://github.com/alexruperez/SecurePropertyStorage/compare/0.3.2...0.4.0)
3 years ago
#### Fixed - Xcode 12. [Commits](https://github.com/alexruperez/SecurePropertyStorage/compare/0.3.1...0.3.2)
4 years ago
#### Added - Register builder closures. - Register builder closures with parameters. - `@InjectWith` and `@UnwrappedInjectWith` parameters property wrappers. [#6](https://github.com/alexruperez/SecurePropertyStorage/pull/6) - Instance inject scope. - Mock qualifier for testing. - `KeychainStorage` access, group and synchronizable properties. Thanks for the feedback [@JesusAntonioGil](https://github.com/JesusAntonioGil)! #### Fixed - Strong typing on non-`@Store` property wrappers to avoid mixing. Thanks for the feedback [@JesusAntonioGil](https://github.com/JesusAntonioGil)! [Commits](https://github.com/alexruperez/SecurePropertyStorage/compare/0.3.0...0.3.1)
4 years ago
#### Added - Added `@Inject`, `@UnwrappedInject` and `@Register` property wrappers for dependency injection with qualifiers. [#4](https://github.com/alexruperez/SecurePropertyStorage/pull/4) [Commits](https://github.com/alexruperez/SecurePropertyStorage/compare/0.2.0...0.3.0)
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
alexruperez/LaunchScreenSnapshot 1.2.0
Protects sensitive data in your app snapshot.
⭐️ 206
πŸ•“ 5 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
LaunchScreenSnapshot 1.2.0
5 years ago
- [x] Swift 4.2 compatible. Thanks [mofneko](https://github.com/mofneko)!
LaunchScreenSnapshot 1.1.0
6 years ago
- [x] Swift 4.0 compatible.
LaunchScreenSnapshot 1.0.2
6 years ago
- [x] [QA1838](https://developer.apple.com/library/content/qa/qa1838/_index.html) Note Fix.
LaunchScreenSnapshot 1.0.1
6 years ago
- [x] LaunchScreenSnapshot.Trigger enum.
LaunchScreenSnapshot 0.2.0
6 years ago
- [x] LaunchScreenSnapshot.Animation struct.
LaunchScreenSnapshot 0.1.0
6 years ago
- [x] First release.
alexruperez/SpeechRecognizerButton 0.2.0
UIButton subclass with push to talk recording, speech recognition and Siri-style waveform view.
⭐️ 166
πŸ•“ 4 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
SpeechRecognizerButton 0.2.0
4 years ago
- [x] Added auto stop. Thanks [@Jiawen-Zhang](https://github.com/Jiawen-Zhang)! - [x] Reset speech recognizer when changing locale. Thanks [@johnjcamilleri](https://github.com/johnjcamilleri)! - [x] Ready to Swift 5.0.
SpeechRecognizerButton 0.1.8
5 years ago
- [x] Ready to Swift 4.2. Thanks [@SpectralDragon](https://github.com/SpectralDragon)!
SpeechRecognizerButton 0.1.7
5 years ago
- [x] Ready to Swift 4.
SpeechRecognizerButton 0.1.6
6 years ago
- [x] speechRecognition IBInspectable property.
SpeechRecognizerButton 0.1.5
6 years ago
- [x] pushToTalk IBInspectable property. - [x] cancelOnDrag IBInspectable property. - [x] activityIndicatorView IBOutlet property.
SpeechRecognizerButton 0.1.4
6 years ago
- [x] cornerRadius IBInspectable property. - [x] borderColor IBInspectable property. - [x] borderWidth IBInspectable property. - [x] selectedColor IBInspectable property. - [x] highlightedColor IBInspectable property. - [x] disabledColor IBInspectable property. - [x] highlightedAlpha IBInspectable property.
SpeechRecognizerButton 0.1.3
6 years ago
- [x] shouldHideWaveform IBInspectable property. - [x] play(updatingWaveform: Bool) method.
SpeechRecognizerButton 0.1.2
6 years ago
- [x] Custom usage description authorization error handling.
SpeechRecognizerButton 0.1.1
6 years ago
- [x] Sounds and vibration options. - [x] SFButton inspectable properties.
SpeechRecognizerButton 0.1.0
6 years ago
- [x] First release.
alexruperez/Tagging 0.1.0
🏷 Type-safe tags in Swift
⭐️ 92
πŸ•“ 4 years ago
alexruperez/SafeBrowsing 0.1.2
Protect your users against malware and phishing threats using Google Safe Browsing
⭐️ 20
πŸ•“ 5 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
SafeBrowsing 0.1.1
6 years ago
- [x] Swift 4.1
SafeBrowsing 0.1.0
6 years ago
- [x] First release.

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