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Packages published by admin-ch

admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS v3.6.0
CovidCertificate SDK for iOS
⭐️ 19
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


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1 year ago
## What's Changed * makes standardizedFamilyName optional by @stmitt in https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/pull/145 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/compare/v3.5.0...v3.6.0
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Use Xcode 13.3.1 by @UBaggeler in https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/pull/140 * Add certificate issuer and kid to certlogic payload header by @stmitt in https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/pull/141 * Only use last 32 bytes for EC key by @stmitt in https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/pull/142 * Feature: renew banner by @stmitt in https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/pull/143 * update json logic by @stmitt in https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/pull/144 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/compare/v3.4.0...v3.5.0
2 years ago
## What's Changed * Add possibility to check validity of certificates against rules of other countries (as long as they publish their business rules on the EU gateway) **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/compare/v3.3.0...v3.4.0
2 years ago
## What's Changed * Adds new rules to handle positive antigen test * Adds banner identifier to display rules by @stmitt in https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/pull/132 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/compare/v3.2.0...v3.3.0
2 years ago
This release of the SDK includes the following changes: * Adds check functions for Swiss medical exemption certificates by @zimmermannubique in https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/pull/127 * Adds walletActiveModes by @zimmermannubique in https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/pull/128 * Pre-packaged revocation list by @stmitt in https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/pull/129 * Adds handling for TR-CH-0010 by @stmitt in https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/pull/130 * update xcode to 13.2.1 by @stmitt in https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/pull/131 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/compare/v3.1.0...v3.2.0
2 years ago
This release of the SDK includes the following changes: * 2G+ and «Test certificate» have been added as new verification modes. See the README for how to use it. **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/compare/v3.0.0...v3.1.0
2 years ago
This release of the SDK includes the following changes: - Support for different certificate verification modes (e.g. 2G, 3G). See the README for how to use it. Full Changelog: [v2.0.0...v3.0.0](https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/compare/v2.0.0...v3.0.0)
2 years ago
This release of the SDK includes the following changes: - The `isSwitzerlandOnly` flag that states whether a certain type of certificate is only valid in Switzerland is now computed in the display rules. In the previous version, this flag was hardcoded for certain certificate types (e.g., light certificates). The flag is now returned in the `VerificationResult`. - The SDK has been updated to correctly handle the new certificates for tourists. To process the display rules for this type of certificate, the `iat` and `exp` flags from the CWT are now passed to the CertLogic as well. - The `NationalRulesError` enum case `UNKNOWN_TEST_FAILURE` has been renamed to the more descriptive name `UNKNOWN_CERTLOGIC_FAILURE`, because the word "TEST" was rather confusing, given the context. - `DateFormatter` uses have been refactored to be more efficient (i.e., less `DateFormatter` instances are created at runtime). ## What's Changed * Remove unused variable by @ubfelix in https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/pull/111 * Update workflows to use Xcode 13.1 by @ubfelix in https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/pull/114 * Get isSwitzerlandOnly from displayRules by @ubfelix in https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/pull/113 * Add logic and tests for tourist certificate by @ubfelix in https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/pull/112 * Update rulesets and config by @ubfelix in https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/pull/115 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-iOS/compare/v1.2.0...v2.0.0
2 years ago
This release introduces the following changes: - The SDK returns an error if it detects a time difference between the server and device time. The allowed difference can be configured via `SDKOptions`.
2 years ago
- several minor bug fixes - updates dependencies to be referenced by version
iOS macOS

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