Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by adamayoung

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Packages published by adamayoung

adamayoung/TMDb 12.0.0
The Movie Database Swift Package
⭐️ 88
🕓 2 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 weeks ago
## What's Changed * FEATURE: Create session with login and password by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/155 * FEATURE: Delete session by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/156 * FEATURE: Validate key by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/157 * FEATURE: Account details by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/158 * FEATURE: Favourite Movies and TV Series by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/159 * FEATURE: Watchlists by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/160 * CONFIG: CI workflow improvements by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/161 * DOCS: Update README with xcbeautify requirement by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/162 * CONFIG: Update dependabot config by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/163 * CONFIG: Add codecov code coverage by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/164 * DOCS: Add codecov shield by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/165 * BUG: Fix DocC base path by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/166 * Bump actions/configure-pages from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/168 * Add windows support by @JacobHearst in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/169 * FEATURE: Swift Strict Concurrency support by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/170 ## New Contributors * @dependabot made their first contribution in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/168 * @JacobHearst made their first contribution in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/169 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/compare/11.1.0...12.0.0
11 weeks ago
## What's Changed * CONFIG: Add CodeQL scanning by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/144 * FEATURE: Create Guest Session by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/145 * FEATURE: Request authentication token by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/146 * CONFIG: Update CI workflows by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/149 * CONFIG: Removed documentation workflow by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/150 * CONFIG: Update workflows to use macOS 14 and M1 runners by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/151 * FEATURE: Create User Session by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/152 * BUG: Remove TMDb class and refactor configuration by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/153 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/compare/11.0.0...11.1.0
13 weeks ago
## What's Changed * CONFIG: Update for Xcode 15.2 by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/135 * DOCS: Update for release 11 by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/137 * FEATURE: Add support for visionOS by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/138 * CONFIG: Add SwiftFormat by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/128 * FEATURE: Update availability annotations by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/139 * FEATURE: Make all models conform to Codable by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/140 * DOCS: Development by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/141 * DOCS: Update file headers by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/142 * CONFIG: Fix typo in Makefile by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/143 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/compare/10.2.0...11.0.0
15 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Add encodable conformance to Show by @Tuikku in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/136 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/compare/10.1.0...10.2.0
15 weeks ago
## What's Changed * CONFIG: Remove CodeQL analysis by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/127 * FEATURE: Add fetching watch providers to movie and tv series services by @Tuikku in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/130 * FEATURE: Movie external IDs by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/131 * FEATURE: Person external IDs by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/132 * CONFIG: Update GitHub action versions by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/133 * FEATURE: TV series external IDs by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/134 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/compare/10.0.0...10.1.0
22 weeks ago
## What's Changed * FEATURE: Handle detailed errors from TMDb by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/85 * CONFIG: Update workflows by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/88 * CONFIG: Remove swiftlint plugin by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/89 * CONFIG: Refactor file structure by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/90 * CONFIG: Update URLSession configuration by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/91 * Refactor models by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/93 * Add DocC documentation by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/94 * Fix documentation workflow by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/95 * FEATURE: Allow the use of a custom HTTP Client by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/96 * REFACTOR: Tidy up by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/97 * Add movie integration tests by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/98 * CONFIG: Change frequency of integration test runs by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/99 * CONFIG: Remove test plans by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/100 * FEATURE: Add logging by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/101 * Update Git and GitHub Actions config by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/102 * CONFIG: Add Swift Package Index config by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/103 * FEATURE: Remove logging by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/104 * FEATURE: Add Linux support by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/106 * REFACTOR: Tidy up Networking by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/107 * REFACTOR: Throw single error type by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/108 * REFACTOR: Improve Movie and TV Show decoding. Update documentation by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/109 * CONFIG: Update documentation workflow trigger by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/110 * FEATURE: Add integration tests for remaining services by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/111 * CONFIG: Add codespace config by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/112 * FEATURE: Add TV Show tagline by @Tuikku in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/113 * CONFIG: Skip integration tests if TMDb API Key is missing by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/114 * DOCS: Update README by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/115 * CONFIG: Add CodeQL scanning by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/116 * CONFIG: Update CodeQL workflow by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/117 * CONFIG: Add dependabot.yml by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/118 * CONFIG: Conditionally depend on DocC by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/119 * REFACTOR: Remove unused Localization files by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/120 * DOCS: Update documentation links by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/121 * REFACTOR: Rename TV Show to TV Series by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/122 * FIX: TV Episode images missing language code by @dcamenisch in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/126 ## New Contributors * @Tuikku made their first contribution in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/113 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/compare/9.0.0...10.0.0
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Add code scanning by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/63 * FEATURE: Add configuration languages by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/64 * FEATURE: Movie Genres by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/65 * FEATURE: TV Show Genres by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/66 * TEST: Add integration tests for Certifications, Configurations, Discover and Genres by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/67 * DOC: Changed to Apple DocC to build documentation by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/68 * DOCS: Documentation generation tidy up by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/69 * DOCS: Documentation workflow tidy up by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/70 * CONFIG: Use SwiftLint from Swift Package Plugin by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/71 * FEATURE: Add Watch Provider Regions by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/72 * FEATURE: Watch Providers for movies by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/73 * FEATURE: Add TV Show Watch Providers by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/74 * FEATURE: Add company details by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/75 * Refactor Service protocols by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/76 * Remove swiftlint SPM plugin by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/77 * Update to Swift 5.7 by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/78 * Update code scanning workflow by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/79 * CONFIG: Updates to build by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/83 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/compare/8.1.0...9.0.0
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Added codecov by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/49 * Protocols refactor by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/50 * Refactored APIClient by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/51 * Update Readme and tidy up by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/52 * Add CodeClimate coverage by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/53 * Remove CodeCov coverage reporting by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/54 * Add Configuration Countries by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/55 * Add configuration jobs by department by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/56 * Tidy up by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/57 * Remove Code Climate during CI builds by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/61 * image and video language by @DannyCamenisch in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/58 * Fix code formatting issues by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/62 * Add TV Episode Data and Images by @joeljfischer in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/60 ## New Contributors * @joeljfischer made their first contribution in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/60 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/compare/8.0.1...8.1.0
1 year ago
## What's Changed * FIXED: no content found by @DannyCamenisch in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/48 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/compare/8.0.0...8.0.1
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Add image URL builder and refactoring by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/46 * Updated README for 8.0.0 by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/pull/47 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb/compare/7.1.0...8.0.0
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
adamayoung/police-data-kit 4.0.0
A Swift Package for UK Police data providing a rich data source for information about crime and policing in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
⭐️ 1
🕓 8 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
8 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Housekeeping by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/97 * BUG: Fix publishing documentation by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/98 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/compare/3.0.2...4.0.0
44 weeks ago
## What's Changed * CONFIG: Add availability attributes to services by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/95 * CONFIG: Add URLSession configuration by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/96 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/compare/3.0.1...3.0.2
46 weeks ago
## What's Changed * CONFIG: Markdown linting by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/93 * TEST: Skip slow integration tests by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/94 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/compare/3.0.0...3.0.1
47 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Add caching to Neighbourhood service by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/61 * Add caching to Availability service by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/62 * Add caching to PoliceForce service by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/63 * Add logging by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/64 * Add caching to Stop and Search service by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/65 * Add caching to Outcome service by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/66 * Add caching to Crime service by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/67 * Add Data availability region checks by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/68 * Rearchitecture by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/69 * Remove SwiftSoup dependency by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/70 * BUG: Fix Neighbourhoods with empty `url_force` by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/71 * BUG: Remove HTML from Neighbourhood name by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/72 * FEATURE: Fetch neighbourhood by coordinate by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/74 * FEATURE: Availability cache by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/75 * BUG: Change public var properties to constants by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/76 * FEATURE: Crime cache by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/77 * FEATURE: Outcome cache by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/78 * FEATURE: Police Force cache by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/79 * FEATURE: Stop and Search Cache by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/80 * FEATURE: Neighbourhood cache by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/81 * FEATURE: Add Combine publisher alternatives to coordinate based NeighbourhoodService functions by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/82 * FEATURE: Add Combine publisher alternatives to coordinate based OutcomeService functions by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/83 * FEATURE: Add Combine publisher alternatives to coordinate based StopAndSearchService functions by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/84 * DOC: Add Police Force Getting Started documentation by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/85 * TEST: Add integration tests for Availability by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/86 * TEST: Add integration tests for Police Forces by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/87 * TEST: Add integration tests for Neighbourhoods by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/88 * TEST: Add integration tests for Crimes by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/89 * FEATURE: Add Combine publisher alternatives to coordinate based CrimeService functions by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/90 * TEST: Add integration tests for Stop and Searches by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/91 * TEST: Add integration tests for Outcomes by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/pull/92 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/adamayoung/police-data-kit/compare/2.0.3...3.0.0
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Fix Neighbourhood decoding with null url_force by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-api/pull/60 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/adamayoung/police-api/compare/2.0.2...2.0.3
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Fix NeighbourhoodLocation decoding by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-api/pull/59 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/adamayoung/police-api/compare/2.0.1...2.0.2
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Fix error when parsing a Neighbourhood with an empty url_force value by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-api/pull/58 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/adamayoung/police-api/compare/2.0.0...2.0.1
1 year ago
## What's Changed * FEATURE: Refactor to async/await by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-api/pull/54 * Project rename and updates by @adamayoung in https://github.com/adamayoung/police-api/pull/57 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/adamayoung/police-api/compare/1.0.0...2.0.0
2 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
adamayoung/GiphyKit 1.0.0
A Swift library to fetch Giphy image meta data from Giphy's API.
⭐️ 0
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
First Release
3 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
adamayoung/Cache 1.0.0
A Swift in memory and on disk caching library for Codable objects.
⭐️ 0
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
First Release
3 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
adamayoung/SwiftRedux 1.0.0
Swift Redux
⭐️ 0
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
First Release
3 years ago
First Release
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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