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Packages published by adam-fowler

adam-fowler/jmespath.swift 1.0.2
Swift implementation of JMESPath, the JSON query language
⭐️ 35
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
Add Sendable conformance to `JMESExpression`
2 years ago
- Fix warning from Swift 5.6
2 years ago
- Add JMESPropertyWrapper protocol to aid Mirror parsing of property wrappers
2 years ago
- Renamed `Expression` to `JMESExpression` - Got tests compiling on iOS
2 years ago
Add support for Mirror collection and dictionary display types
2 years ago
Expression.search(Any) -> Expression.search(object: Any)
2 years ago
- Don't convert `.other(any)` to String - Removed RawRepresentable versions of `Expression.search`
2 years ago
- When creating `JMESVariable` for an object we cannot parse instead of outputting a `.null` output `.other(any)`. - When collapsing a `JMESVariable.other` return a string representation of it via `String(describing:)` - Add `Expression.search` functions that cast to a `RawRepresentable` via `init(rawValue)` - Add more descriptive errors - Add `Expression.search` functions that take json in `Data` format
2 years ago
- Optimisation: Stop processing the whole JSON object to calculate types. Only calculate types for objects we need to parse - Rename Function -> JMESFunction
2 years ago
# Initial release
adam-fowler/compress-nio 1.2.0
Compression/Decompression support for Swift NIO ByteBuffer
⭐️ 22
🕓 2 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 weeks ago
## Minor release changes - Add new error `CompressNIOError.inputBufferOverflow` for when decompression requires more data from the input buffer. - Ignore `CompressNIOError.inputBufferOverflow` errors when decompressing a stream of data
4 weeks ago
## Patch release changes - Remove platform requirements added in v1.1.0
10 weeks ago
## Minor release changes - Add versions of `compressStream` and `decompressStream` that take an async closure
41 weeks ago
No changes from v0.6.0.
45 weeks ago
## Breaking changes - Renamed compression algorithms. They now follow the naming convention zlib uses: - `gzip`: deflate data with gzip header - `zlib`: deflate data with zlib header - `deflate`. raw deflate data without header - Previously `zlib` was called `deflate` because that was the required format when deflate was indicated in an HTTP header. **WARNING:** If you previously used `deflate` to generate HTTP `deflate` format compression, you should change this to `zlib`. - Algorithm configuration is required when creating the algorithm instead of when you create the decompressor or compressor. - Added `ZlibConfiguration` for zlib compression types with windowSize, compressionLevel, memoryLevel and strategy values. Below is an example of compressing a ByteBuffer with the above changes ```swift let compressed = try buffer.compress(with: .gzip(configuration: .init(windowSize: 15, compressionLevel: 9))) ```
49 weeks ago
## Breaking changes - `CompressionAlgorithm.compressor` is a function which takes a window bits size instead of a computed property. - `CompressionAlgorithm.decompressor` is a function which takes a window bits size instead of a computed property. - Added `maxSize` parameter to `ByteBuffer.decompress(with:allocator:)` and `ByteBuffer.decompressStream(with:allocator:)` ## Minor release changes - Add `CompressionAlgorithm.rawDeflate` for raw deflate data without a header.
2 years ago
- Fix Swift 5.4 warnings
3 years ago
- Allow `ByteBuffer.compress(with:flush:process)` to be called multiple times within one compression stream. - Added `NIOCompressor.finishWindowedStream` to avoid having to create an empty ByteBuffer to finish a windowed compress. - Removed LZ4 support
3 years ago
- Replace `finalise` bool parameter in `compressStream` functions with `flush` enum `CompressNIOFlush` which can be `.no` meaning compressor chooses when to flush, `.sync` meaning compressor input and output are in sync or `.finish` meaning I've finished compressing data. - Added window based compressStream/decompressStream functions. Provide a working window buffer to the compressor/decompressor and it will call a closure everytime the compress/decompress function fills that buffer. - compress functions only throw `.bufferOverflow` when neither input or output can be processed.
3 years ago
- Added LZ4 support - Added `NIOCompressor.resetStream` to support more optimal way to reset stream
adam-fowler/swift-srp 1.0.0
Swift Secure Remote Password
⭐️ 19
🕓 9 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
10 weeks ago
v1.0 release, no changes from v0.5.0
1 year ago
- Add public initializer to SRPKeyPair: PR #7 from @marius-se
2 years ago
- Add simple version of client and server proofs detailed in the Wikipedia [article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Remote_Password_protocol) on Secure Remote Password. - Move Error enums outside of `SRPClient` and `SRPServer` into enum `SRPClientError` and `SRPServerError` respectively
2 years ago
- Add `SRPKey.init(hex)` for conversion from hex string - Add `SRPKey.hex` for conversion to hex string
3 years ago
- Fixed Swift 5.3 compile error
3 years ago
Made SRPClient.calculateSharedSecret(), SRPClient.configuration, SRPClient.Error, SRPServer.Error, SRP.calculateU() all public
3 years ago
Initial version
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
adam-fowler/s3-filesystem-kit 1.0.0
Swift File Manager for AWS S3
⭐️ 6
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
Uses Soto v5
3 years ago
Replace swift-aws/aws-sdk-swift in Package.swift with soto-project/soto
4 years ago
- Added `readFileURL` and `writeFileURL` to created signed URLs that can be used to read and write a file
4 years ago
- Conform S3Path to Equatable - Conform S3Path to CustomStringConvertible - Add file tag editing functions - Add file ACL(Access control) editing functions - Add listBuckets - Add iOS/tvOS/watchOS platforms
4 years ago
- Fix up S3Path so path is correct. Remove leading forward slash - Add support for copying files - Add support for reading/writing file attributes
4 years ago
Initial version
iOS watchOS tvOS linux macOS iOS
adam-fowler/xml-coding 0.4.1
Swift based XML Encoder/Decoder for Codable classes
⭐️ 5
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
- Fix decoding of optional values as attributes
3 years ago
- Remove Collection encoding code internal to `XMLEncoder` and `XMLDecoder`. Replace with this with property wrapper `CustomCoding` and coder structs `ArrayCoder` and `DictionaryCoder` for defining how collections should be encoded. - import FoundationXML on Linux - Renamed repo to xml-coding, and module to XMLCoding
4 years ago
- Changed to using Apache 2.0 license - Don't output newlines if flagged to ignore whitespace - Don't encode single or double speech marks when outputting XML text nodes
4 years ago
- Add options for parsing and outputting XML (preserve whitespace, compacted empty nodes, CDATA) - Added calculated vars `index` and `level` to `XML.Node`
4 years ago
Initial version - includes XML representation - Encode codable to XML - Decode xml to codable
adam-fowler/big-num 2.0.2
Swift interface BIGNUM functions in BoringSSL
⭐️ 2
🕓 3 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 weeks ago
## Patch release changes - Make `BigNum` Sendable
1 year ago
- Fix warnings from later versions of Swift
3 years ago
Major release changes - Moved from using openSSL library installed on system to using a vendored cutdown version of BoringSSL. - Replaced `BigNum.init<D: DataProtocol>(data: D)` with `BigNum.init<D: ContiguousBytes>(bytes: D)`. Minor release changes - Added `BigNum.bytes`
4 years ago
Changed package name to "big-num" so it works with XCode SPM resolution
4 years ago
- BigNum(Data) has been replaced with BigNum<D: DataProtocol>(D)
4 years ago
Initial version of BigNum. Includes most of standard BIGNUM functions from OpenSSL - basic arithmetic, standard and modulus versions - power, and power with modulus - bitwise operators - random number and prime generation
adam-fowler/ssg 0.1.5
Static site generation using swift
⭐️ 1
🕓 51 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
51 weeks ago
- Add fixes for latest version of Plot
1 year ago
- Search for blog posts in subfolders of posts folder
2 years ago
Ignore flag works on posts now
3 years ago
Use `adam-fowler/Ink.git` v0.2.1
3 years ago
- add sitemap_priority metadata tag - Config is not a protocol - next/prev don't include private pages - posts flagged ignore is also considered private
V0.1.0 Initial version
3 years ago
adam-fowler/min-deployment-test 0.0.1
Demonstrate issue with minimum deployment values and iOS
⭐️ 0
🕓 4 years ago
adam-fowler/parsing 0.3.0
String parsing code in Swift
⭐️ 0
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
- Renamed to Parsing - Made `Parser` a struct with internal storage for the `String`
4 years ago
- Changed module name to "Reading" - read functions all have discardableResults - read(until:) functions all set the buffer position to be the character they read until (this is a change from before). - Added public versions of current, advance and retreat which do bounds checking. - read() functions don't throw an error when result is different, instead they return a boolean.
4 years ago
Initial version.

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