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Packages published by Zone5-Cloud

Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift 2.0.44
Zone5 Ventures SDK (Swift)
⭐️ 0
🕓 14 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
14 weeks ago
## What's Changed * [TACO-5423] Walk Assist mode by @charliebartel in https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/pull/68 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/compare/2.0.43...2.0.44
23 weeks ago
## What's Changed * [TACO-4931] Support ThirdPartyUploads on UserWorkoutResult by @tww0003 in https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/pull/67 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/compare/2.0.42...2.0.43
26 weeks ago
## What's Changed * [TACO-5009] Make UserWorkoutResult decoding more robust by @charliebartel in https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/pull/66 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/compare/2.0.41...2.0.42
28 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Update all the gems by @charliebartel in https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/pull/61 * [TACO-3400] Update project gems by @charliebartel in https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/pull/63 * [TACO-4712] User can Authorize Komoot in Connected Apps by @charliebartel in https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/pull/65 ## New Contributors * @charliebartel made their first contribution in https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/pull/61 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/compare/2.0.40...2.0.41
03 November 2022
1 year ago
## What's Changed * [RIDEI-1551] Merge develop into master to prepare for release by @tww0003 in https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/pull/58 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/compare/2.0.38...2.0.39
27 September 2022
1 year ago
* OP-1106 use "platform": "ios" query parameter for strava third party connection * weight is a double instead of an int * enabledThirdPartyConnections endpoint to list connected third party connections
1 year ago
## What's Changed * SI-40 Background-enabled Uploads by @jellybeansoup in https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/pull/48 * SI-41 Limiting Concurrent Requests by @jellybeansoup in https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/pull/49 * Improvements to CI Workflows by @jellybeansoup in https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/pull/50 * Develop by @jellybeansoup in https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/pull/51 * [TACO-1476] Add purge account endpoint by @tww0003 in https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/pull/53 * Update Gemfile.locked to address dependabot warnings by @tww0003 in https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/pull/54 ## New Contributors * @tww0003 made their first contribution in https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/pull/53 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Zone5-Cloud/z5-sdk-swift/compare/2.0.36...2.0.37
v2.0.37 Release Candidate
2 years ago
- SI-40: Allow recordings to be uploaded when the parent app is backgrounded. - SI-41: Limit the number of concurrent requests based on type (upload/download/data). - Improvements to the CICD workflows.
5 October 2021 - Version 2
2 years ago
This is a major release with breaking changes. There is a significant Auth overhaul to accomodate recent backend auth changes including the deprecation of Gigya and the addition of Terms and Conditions support. Auth has been cleaned up to more cleanly embrace the refreshable Cognito tokens with auto refreshing tokens, internally managed tokens, and notifications fired for updated tokens and updated terms. The README file has been updated with best practice usage. * SI-46 Third Party Connections overhaul to use the new connect lambda * SI-47 Auth overhaul
5 October 2021
2 years ago
Third Party Connections This has been separated out to contain only the connections changes. If possible it would be best to skip this and go straight to 2.0.36 which includes this and the Authentication overhaul. SI-46 Third Party Connections overhaul to use the new connect lambda
iOS macOS

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