Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by VladislavFitz

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Packages published by VladislavFitz

VladislavFitz/algolia-swift-sdk 0.3.0
Algolia Swift SDK (unofficial)
⭐️ 1
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Filters library
1 year ago
Filters library provides a set of tools and utilities for implementing filtering functionality in Algolia-powered search applications. - Added support for generating valid filters strings for Algolia search engine using strongly typed stateful components. - Convenient API for altering the filters state, allowing for easy and flexible filtering of search results. - Added support for disjunctive faceting to enable users to filter results based on multiple facets at once. - Improved documentation and code examples.
1 year ago
### Decreasing required OS versions - Alter the `URLSession'` `HTTPClient` protocol implementation to allow decreasing the required OS versions - Decrease the required OS versions in the package description to the necessary minimum for each platform
1 year ago
# Insights client - Add Insights client implementation - Split the package into multiple products: - AlgoliaFoundation – common Algolia components and structures shared between the higher-level products - AlgoliaSearchClient - search and indexing methods implementation - AlgoliaInsightsClient - Insights events capturing methods implementation
1 year ago
# Initial release 🚀 ## Implemented methods ### Search client - List indices - Search (multi-index) ### Index - Exists - Delete - Copy - Move ### Index + Objects - Batch objects operations - Save object(s) - Get object(s) - Replace object(s) - Replace all objects - Delete object(s) - Partial update object(s) - Clear objects ### Index + Search - Search - Browse ### Index + Settings - Get settings - Set settings ## Implemented parameters ### Search & Settings - HitsPerPage ### Search - AroundLatLng - AroundLatLngViaIP - AroundPrecision - AroundRadius - InsideBoundingBox - InsidePolygon - MinimumAroundRadius - Analytics - FacetFilters - FacetQuery - Filters - NumericFilters - OptionalFilters - Page - Query - TagFilters ### Settings - AttributesForFaceting - CustomRanking - Ranking - SearchableAttributes
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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