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UPcload/FitAnalytics-WebWidget-iOS v0.5.4
FitAnalytics WebWidget SDK for iOS
⭐️ 4
🕓 3 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 weeks ago
## What's Changed * [doc] update release links and remove unnecessary step by @nicolasjuarezn in https://github.com/UPcload/FitAnalytics-WebWidget-iOS/pull/22 * fix: update podspec and Package.swift by @nicolasjuarezn in https://github.com/UPcload/FitAnalytics-WebWidget-iOS/pull/23 * [FIX] Update existing project dependencies/tests/builders/frameworks by @nicolasjuarezn in https://github.com/UPcload/FitAnalytics-WebWidget-iOS/pull/24 * [v0.5.4] Prepare version for release by @nicolasjuarezn in https://github.com/UPcload/FitAnalytics-WebWidget-iOS/pull/25 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/UPcload/FitAnalytics-WebWidget-iOS/compare/v0.5.3...v0.5.4
4 weeks ago
## What's Changed * [DOC] Describe the whole FitFinder Widget options in the README.md by @nicolasjuarezn in https://github.com/UPcload/FitAnalytics-WebWidget-iOS/pull/19 * [LEG-615] Add Info.plist file with privacy info.plist file and description to the Readme.md by @ZahraMammadli in https://github.com/UPcload/FitAnalytics-WebWidget-iOS/pull/20 * fix: add PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy by @nicolasjuarezn in https://github.com/UPcload/FitAnalytics-WebWidget-iOS/pull/21 ## New Contributors * @nicolasjuarezn made their first contribution in https://github.com/UPcload/FitAnalytics-WebWidget-iOS/pull/19 * @ZahraMammadli made their first contribution in https://github.com/UPcload/FitAnalytics-WebWidget-iOS/pull/20 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/UPcload/FitAnalytics-WebWidget-iOS/compare/0.5.2...v0.5.3
1 year ago
* Added support for `shopSessionId` parameter * Updated support for Cocoapods v1.11.x * Bumped minimal iOS version to 11.0
2 years ago
The main goal of the release is enable publishing of the SDK to Cocoapods. * Fixes to the `FitAnalytics-WebWidget.podspec` file; moved to root to enable Cocoapods publishing lint checks. * Various XCode-project updates and auto-updates * Bumped the minimal iOS platform version to 9.0 * Added all missing `FITAWebWidgetHandler` callbacks to the documentation, including their parameters.
4 years ago
Completely removes `UIWebView` dependency, including all mentions in docs and examples. Upgrades Swift sources in tests to Swift 4.2. * 9e685d5 remove all references to UIWebView from source and projects
5 years ago
Various small bug fixes; warning about iOS12 WKWebView issue in documentation (see [here](https://github.com/UPcload/FitAnalytics-WebWidget-iOS/#wkwebview-support)) and related tests * f14a2c9 Added tests that replicate the WKWebView issue on live device #9 * 6f4dc52 Remove duplicate UIWebView widget container load request #11 * ba9f587 Update TestRunner deps (PromiseKit 6.5.x) * eae521c Remove DEVELOPMENT_TEAM from the framework build targets #7 * eb1ff17 Added warning to docs about problems with disconnected WKWebView #9 * 65280b1 Minor wording adjustments * 36023ea Small clarification onWKWebView in README
5 years ago
Fixes a severe bug in WKWebView-based integration; additional tests * eaf1b6d Fixed wrong 'isLoading' value set when the widget container finished loading, #9 * 788506d Include didFailProvisionalNavigation for WKWebView load error handling * 02656fe Added several tests for widget init & configure scenarios * 4d991c0 Improve error handling in TestRunner app * 977a938 Use WKWebView by default in FitAnalytics-Demo and TestRunner apps (instead of UIWebView) * 3ede972 Auto-update TestRunner project settings by xcode 10 * fbbfdbd Fix NSURLErrorCancelled issue in UIWebView integration #8; improved error handling in demo app
6 years ago
Support for building a universal framework binary, with iOS 9.0 deployment target. * e9c4146 Universal framework builder, initial version #2 * 793a401 Example project + workspace for universal framework #2 * 654f44f Update README.txt, instructions for universal binary framework
6 years ago
Various improvements for purchase reporting feature. * Fixed nullability annotations for FITAPurchaseReporter and FITAPurchaseReport classes * Added a basic Swift-based test-suite for PurchaseReporter for an early detection of possible Swift incompatibilities * Changed type of FITAPurchaseReport.price to NSDecimalNumber * Optional "dry-run" command-line argument for disabling the metrics reporting 1a65838 Add nullable to sendReport completion handler error argument #3 7c72c83 #4 fixed typo in README 853fb7a #5 add nullability annotations to FITAPurchaseReport interface 9cf0c82 Added initial ReporterSwiftTests suite for testing Swift compatibility a0d4d5b Add FITAPurchaseReport init with dictionary test for Swift 26b825a User NSDecimalNumber type for FITAPurchaseReport.price property 7aabc6c Add 'com.fitanalytics.isDryRun' application argument ... #6
6 years ago
* Initial support for purchases reporting from the SDK (via `FITAPurchaseReporter` class) * Added a suite of unit tests for FITAPurchaseReporter in TestRunner project * Attempt preserving the user's sessionID for purchase reporting via NSUserDefault record * Added documentation for FITAPurchaseReporter to README

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