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Packages published by TelemetryDeck

TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient 1.5.1
Swift SDK for TelemetryDeck, a privacy-conscious analytics service for apps and websites.
⭐️ 146
πŸ•“ 14 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Version 1.5.1
14 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Give `DefaultSignalPayload` Public Access by @nevillco in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/126 * CocoaPods Support by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/135 ## New Contributors * @nevillco made their first contribution in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/126 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/compare/1.5.0...1.5.1
Version 1.5.0
21 weeks ago
This release prepares us for iOS 17, improves privacy, and improves VisionOS compatibility. Thanks a lot to our wonderful contributors <3 ## What's Changed * Add privacy labels by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/117 * Remove `waitsForConnectivity` by @Finnvoor in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/114 * Update checkout action by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/120 * Improve Code Quality by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/121 * Allow visionOS to use identifierForVendor by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/119 ## New Contributors * @Finnvoor made their first contribution in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/114 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/compare/1.4.4...1.5.0
Version 1.4.4
43 weeks ago
This version adds a lot of small improvements by our amazing customers and supporters. It also correctly detect's Apple's visionOS running on the Vision Pro Simulator (we can't test it on actual hardware yet). ## What's Changed * Support customisable LogHandler by @Sherlouk in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/92 * send extension identifier, if provided by @Sherlouk in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/93 * Add support for metadata enrichers by @Sherlouk in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/94 * Fix README.md Typos by @nickkohrn in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/95 * Fix warning in `Signal.isAppStore` by using `#elseif` by @mrackwitz in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/103 * Update README.md by @shaundon in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/107 * Add support for visionOS by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/109 ## New Contributors * @Sherlouk made their first contribution in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/92 * @nickkohrn made their first contribution in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/95 * @mrackwitz made their first contribution in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/103 * @shaundon made their first contribution in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/107 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/compare/1.4.3...1.4.4
Version 1.4.3
1 year ago
This version adds support for integrating TelemetryDeck via CocoaPods, for projects who prefer CocoaPods over Swift Package Manager. Thanks a lot to @chrisvasselli for the contribution! ## What's Changed * Add a podspec for integration using Cocoapods. by @chrisvasselli in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/91 ## New Contributors * @chrisvasselli made their first contribution in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/91 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/compare/1.4.2...1.5.0
Version 1.4.2
1 year ago
This version fixes a bug #88 that made it so the `isAppStore` property would always be reported as false. If you're filtering for `isAppStore`, a way around that is to add an "and" filter containing a "not isSimulator = true" and a "not isTestFlight = true".
Version 1.4.1
1 year ago
This bugfix update fixes a crash due to objects being released too early. Thanks a lot to @andreyz for the contribution! ## What's Changed * Update Xcode version in CI by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/86 * Avoid runtime exception due to deallocated `unowned self` by @andreyz in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/84 ## New Contributors * @andreyz made their first contribution in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/84 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/compare/1.4.0...1.4.1
Version 1.4.0
1 year ago
This version adds support for sending numerical values in Signals via the new `floatValue` property. Any signal you send can have one floatValue (which, annoyingly, maps to a `Double` type in Swift). On the server, you'll be able to aggregate, min, max and average these values. ## What's Changed * Add support for numerical values by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/82
Version 1.3.0
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Use a self-generated UUID as default ID on macOS + add tvOS support by @Jeehut in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/71 * Ensure not to make SwiftUI previews crash due to missing init call by @Jeehut in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/74 * Implement `analyticsDisabled` to allow an opt out of analytics by @kimar in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/76 * Add Objective-C support by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/79 ## New Contributors * @MortenGregersen made their first contribution in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/77 * @kimar made their first contribution in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/76 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/compare/1.2.0...1.3.0
Version 1.2.0
1 year ago
Oh wow, big release! We've fixed various bugs, especially ones that would report inconsistent values on macOS, such as for `isAppStore`. We're also giving you the option to specify a `salt` before hashing user identifiers, slightly improving cryptographic security. ## What's Changed * Fix unit test by @xr1337 in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/50 * Wait for connectivity by @ca13ra1 in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/54 * Fixes typo in URLSession by @ca13ra1 in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/55 * Use Apples CryptoKit when available & fall back to CommonCrypto by @Jeehut in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/58 * Return correct modelName on macOS by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/61 * Improve checking for isAppStore by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/62 * Allow users to optionally specify a salt before hashing user identifiers by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/66 * Allow iOS 12 and watchOS 5 by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/67 ## New Contributors * @xr1337 made their first contribution in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/50 * @ca13ra1 made their first contribution in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/54 * @Jeehut made their first contribution in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/58 * @winsmith made their first contribution in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/61 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/compare/1.1.6...1.2.0
Version 1.1.6
2 years ago
This version adds a `terminate` method as well as the `isInitialized` property. Thanks to @StarLard for your [contribution]( https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/pull/46)! **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftClient/compare/1.1.5...1.1.6
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
TelemetryDeck/SwiftDataTransferObjects 1.11.0
Swift structs that are used both by the TelemetryDeck server and by the TelemetryDeck Viewer App
⭐️ 0
πŸ•“ 15 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Version 1.11.0
15 weeks ago
Adds a severity property to Status Messages
Version 1.10.0
19 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Add support for inline lookup extraction functions by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftDataTransferObjects/pull/25 * Add support for registered lookup extraction functions by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftDataTransferObjects/pull/26 * Add Stripe Price ID to organization by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftDataTransferObjects/pull/27 * Add "experiment" query type by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftDataTransferObjects/pull/28 * Add Restriction Markers to Queries and Results by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftDataTransferObjects/pull/29 * Feature/restriction by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftDataTransferObjects/pull/30 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftDataTransferObjects/compare/1.9.2...1.10.0
Version 1.9.2
1 year ago
Funnel Type
Version 1.9.1
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Combine Objects describing Funnel Steps into one by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftDataTransferObjects/pull/24 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftDataTransferObjects/compare/1.9.0...1.9.1
Version 1.9
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Refactor query compilation by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftDataTransferObjects/pull/22 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftDataTransferObjects/compare/1.8.2...1.9.0
Version 1.8.2
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Default Filter Behavior by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftDataTransferObjects/pull/20 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftDataTransferObjects/compare/1.8.1...1.8.2
Version 1.8.1
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Add properties for funnel steps by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftDataTransferObjects/pull/19 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftDataTransferObjects/compare/1.8.0...1.8.1
Version 1.8.0
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Funnel Generator by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftDataTransferObjects/pull/16 * Add Insight Type β€œfunnel” by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftDataTransferObjects/pull/17 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftDataTransferObjects/compare/1.7.3...1.8.0
Version 1.7.3
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Add QueryGranularity struct by @winsmith in https://github.com/TelemetryDeck/SwiftDataTransferObjects/pull/15
Version 1.7.2
1 year ago
Fixes a bug where Infinity values in time series results could not be parsed.
iOS macOS

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