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Packages published by SwiftDocOrg

SwiftDocOrg/swift-doc 1.0.0-rc.1
A documentation generator for Swift projects
⭐️ 1,683
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
### Added - Added support for generating documentation for private symbols. #266 by @Lukas-Stuehrk. - Added anchor links to documentation entries for symbols. #275 by @Lukas-Stuehrk. ### Fixed - Fixed links to type declarations. #277 by @Lukas-Stuehrk. - Fixed bug that caused operator implementations to appear in the documentation although they should be omitted because of their lower access level. #264 by @Lukas-Stuehrk - Fixed bug that caused prefix and postfix operators to be omitted from generated documentation. #262 by @Lukas-Stuehrk. - Fixed layout of HTML output on large displays. #251 by @Lukas-Stuehrk and @mattt. ### Changed - Changed date formatters to use `en_US_POSIX` locale instead of current locale. #289 by @mattt. ### Removed - Removed <sup>Beta</sup> from header in HTML output. #291 by @mattt.
2 years ago
### Added - Added support for generating documentation for extensions to external types. #230 by @Lukas-Stuehrk and @mattt. - Added support for generating documentation for operators. #228 by @Lukas-Stuehrk and @mattt. - Added end-to-end tests for command-line interface. #199 by @MaxDesiatov and @mattt. - Added `--minimum-access-level` option to `generate` and `coverage` commands. #219 by @Lukas-Stuehrk. - Added support for documenting default implementations. #221 by @Lukas-Stuehrk. - Added `sourceRange` property to `Symbol`. #237 by @mattt. ### Fixed - Fixed public extensions exposing nested code of all access levels. #195 by @Tunous. - Fixed broken links in the relationship graph. #226 by @Lukas-Stuehrk. ### Changed - **Breaking Change** Changed minimum Swift version requirements to 5.3 or later. #252 by @mattt. - Changed display of code declarations in HTML. #204 by @mattt. - Changed serialization of `Symbol` to encode and decode `sourceRange` key instead of `sourceLocation` key. #237 by @mattt. - Changed commands to warn when invalid paths are passed. #242 by @Lukas-Stuehrk. ### Deprecated - Deprecated `Symbol.sourceLocation` property. Use `Symbol.sourceRange.start` instead. #237 by @mattt. - Changed the `generate` command to skip hidden files and top-level `Tests` directories. #229 by @mattt.
3 years ago
### Added - Added support for Swift 5.3. #183 by @MaxDesiatov and @mattt. ### Fixed - Fixed missing GraphViz dependency in Dockerfile. #180 by @MaxDesiatov. - Fixed listing of function parameters, when generating CommonMark documentation. #170 by @domcorvasce. - Fixed version number for swift-doc command. #159 by @mattt. - Fixed relationship diagram to prevent linking to unknown symbols. #178 by @MattKiazyk. - Fixed problems in CommonMark output related to escaping emoji shortcode. #167 by @mattt. ### Changed - Changed GitHub Action to use prebuilt Docker image. #185 by @mattt and @MaxDesiatov.
3 years ago
### Added - Added icon for associated type symbols. #145 by @mattt. ### Changed - Changed HTML output to show scrollbars only when necessary. #132 by @andrewchang-bird. ### Fixed - Fixed runtime error related to networking and processes on Ubuntu Linux. #140 by @JaapWijnen. - Fixed whitespace of code listings. #144 by @mbrandonw. - Fixed crash when attempting to generate paths with no base URL specified. #127 by @mattpolzin, @kareman, and @mattt. - Fixed display of sidebar icons. #145 by @mattt. - Fixed inclusion of non-public subclasses of public superclasses. #131 by @MattKiazyk. #116 by @ApolloZhu. - Fixed display of bullet list items in documentation discussion parts. #130 by @mattt. - Fixed file and directory unexpected permissions. #146 by @niw. - Fixed rendering of colon sequences in function signatures as emoji shortcodes (e.g. `:on:` → 🔛). #149 by @mattt. - Fixed declarations for properties without explicit type annotations. #150 by @mattt. - Fixed visual regression for adjacent linked tokens in code block. #152 by @mattt. - Fixed regression that caused nodes in relationships graph to not have links to their corresponding symbol documentation. #153 by @mattt. - Fixed markup for parameter descriptions in HTML output. #156 by @mattt.
3 years ago
### Added - Added `--base-url` option. #65 by @kean and #93 by @mattt. - Added asset pipeline for CSS assets. #49 by @kaishin. - Add `swift-doc` version number to command and generated output. #94 by @mattt. ### Changed - Changed Home page to display globals for HTML format. #81 by @kean. - Changed README to clarify use of `swift-doc` vs. `swift doc` on the command line. #89 by @mattt. - Changed the `generate` command to emit a warning if no source files are found. #92 by @heckj - Changed CommonMark format output of Home page to include summaries alongside top-level symbols, when available. #97 by @mattt. - Changed logging behavior to better communicate errors encountered when generating relationship graphs using GraphViz. #100 by @mattt. - Changed HTML format output of Home page to move enumeration cases under initializers. #103 by @mattt. ### Fixed - Fixed relationship handling for members of nested types. #62 by @victor-pavlychko. - Fixed rendering of type relationships section when no graph data is available. #62 by @victor-pavlychko. - Fixed rendering of protocol requirements in the HTML version. #76 by @victor-pavlychko. - Fixed default location of sources reference in README #92 by @heckj - Fixed indentation of code examples in HTML output. #114 by @samsymons - Fixed icons for symbols in HTML output. #115 by @samsymons
4 years ago
### Changed - **Breaking Change** Changed the SwiftDoc GitHub Action to require a secret named `GH_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN` (previously `GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN`). According to the GitHub Help article ["Creating and storing encrypted secrets"](https://help.github.com/en/actions/configuring-and-managing-workflows/creating-and-storing-encrypted-secrets#creating-encrypted-secrets): > Secret names cannot include any spaces or start with the `GITHUB_` prefix. > 8837d82 by @mattt. - **Breaking Change** Changed the SwiftDoc GitHub Action to require a `module-name` parameter and accepts a `format` parameter. b231c07 by @mattt. - Changed output for CommonMark format to omit Home page for output with only a single page. #55 by @mattt. - Changed output for CommonMark format to nest sections in Members component. #55 by @mattt. - Changed output for CommonMark format to remove initializer clauses from variable and enumeration case declarations. #55 by @mattt. - Changed CI tests to build and run with a `release` configuration for consistency with the executable built with `make install`. #51 by @mattt. - Changed use of `print` statements, replacing them with a formal logging infrastructure. #52 by @mattt. ### Fixed - Fixed bug in `SourceFile.Visitor` that caused incorrect results when determining the context of symbols parsed from Swift source files. #51 by @mattt. - Fixed SwiftDoc GitHub action to build against latest version of `swift-doc`. 5c0e4e0 by @mattt - Fixed output for CommonMark format to escape GitHub Emoji shortcodes #55 by @mattt. - Fixed output for CommonMark format to remove duplicate headings for global symbol pages. #55 by @mattt. - Fixed documentation for SwiftDoc GitHub Action to clarify that only a single path can be specified for the `input` parameter. c34ccc1 by @mattt (#19). - Fixed `coverage` subcommand description. #16 by @rastersize.
4 years ago
### Added - Added HTML output format. #21 by @mattt. ### Changed - **Breaking Change** Changed minimum Swift version requirements to 5.2 or later. #21 by @mattt. - Changed command-line interface to provide functionality through subcommands. #21 by @mattt. - Changed `Package.swift` to add `swift-doc` executable and `SwiftDoc` library to the list of package products. #21 by @mattt.
4 years ago
### Changed - Changed documentation workflow to use `github-wiki-publish-action@v1`. 4525b8e by @mattt.
4 years ago
### Added - Added initial test suite for `SwiftDoc` target. #17 by @mattt. ### Changed - Changed command-line interface to use `swift-argument-parser`. #20 by @mattt. ### Fixed - Fixed treatment of members of public protocol to be considered public symbols. #17 by @mattt. ### Removed - Removed `api-inventory` subcommand. (This functionality can now be found in its own repository: https://github.com/SwiftDocOrg/swift-api-inventory) #17 by @mattt.
4 years ago
### Changed - Changed `Package.swift` to include `SwiftDoc` library product in manifest. f852a14 by @mattt. - Changed documentation workflow to generate docs for `SwiftDoc` sources only. da04436 by @mattt. ### Fixed - Fixed generation to return symbols in consistent order. 97b2347 by @mattt. - Fixed how enumeration cases are considered to have public access level. 774faf6 by @mattt.
SwiftDocOrg/DocTest 0.1.0
An experimental tool for testing Swift example code in documentation.
⭐️ 358
🕓 3 years ago
SwiftDocOrg/GraphViz 0.4.1
A Swift package for working with GraphViz
⭐️ 292
🕓 2 years ago
SwiftDocOrg/SwiftSemantics 0.3.2
Uses SwiftSyntax to parse Swift code into its constituent declarations
⭐️ 222
🕓 2 years ago
SwiftDocOrg/CommonMark 0.5.1
Create, parse, and render Markdown text according to the CommonMark specification
⭐️ 181
🕓 2 years ago
SwiftDocOrg/Markup 0.1.3
A Swift package for working with HTML, XML, and other markup languages, based on libxml2.
⭐️ 113
🕓 2 years ago
SwiftDocOrg/SwiftMarkup 0.3.0
Parses Swift documentation comments into structured entities
⭐️ 56
🕓 3 years ago
SwiftDocOrg/Git 0.0.1
A Swift package for working with Git, built on top of libgit2.
⭐️ 47
🕓 2 years ago
SwiftDocOrg/TAP 0.2.0
A Swift package for the Test Anything Protocol (v13)
⭐️ 21
🕓 2 years ago
SwiftDocOrg/StringLocationConverter 0.0.1
Converts String index values into their corresponding line & column numbers
⭐️ 16
🕓 3 years ago
SwiftDocOrg/SwiftPackageManifest 0.1.0
A package for decoding the output of `swift package dump-package`
⭐️ 15
🕓 3 years ago

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