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Substate/Substate 0.0.26
A tiny state management library for Swift.
⭐️ 1
🕓 1 year ago
iOS macOS
.package(url: "https://github.com/Substate/Substate.git", from: "0.0.26")


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A tiny state management library for Swift.


Substate is a Redux-style state management library consisting of actions, models, and a store. The goal is to leverage Swift’s type system to provide the most ergonomic possible version of the pattern.


Access your Substate models from SwiftUI views, and dispatch actions to update them. Bootstrap your app from SwiftUI, and inject models into previews.


Extend Substate with logging, async tasks, time control, persistent models, action mapping logic, and a standalone debugging app. Connect your own services to Substate.

🎚 Models

import Substate

Describe your model using a simple value type. Add some Actions that will trigger model updates.

struct Counter: Model {
    var value = 0

    struct Increment: Action {}
    struct Decrement: Action {}

    mutating func update(action: Action) {
        switch action {
        case is Increment: value += 1
        case is Decrement: value -= 1
        default: ()

Then, conform to Model by adding an update(action:) method and define how the model should change when actions are received.

🎛 Nesting

Add other models alongside plain values to compose a state tree for your program.

struct Counter: Model {
    var value = 0
    var subCounter = SubCounter()
    mutating func update(action: Action) { ... }

Nested models are automatically detected and updated using their own update(action:) methods.

struct SubCounter: Model {
    var value = 0
    mutating func update(action: Action) { ... }

Reuse models in different places by making them generic with respect to their containers.

struct Tracker<Screen>: Model { ... }

struct NewsScreen: Model {
    var tracker = Tracker<NewsScreen>()

struct ProductsScreen: Model {
    var tracker = Tracker<ProductsScreen>()

⭐️ Views

import SubstateUI

Add @Model properties to access models from your views.

struct CounterView: View {
    @Model var counter: Counter
    @Model var subCounter: SubCounter

    var body: some View {
        Text("Count: \(counter.value)")
        Text("Subcount: \(subCounter.value)")

Use an @Update property to trigger model updates.

struct CounterView: View {
    @Update var update

    var body: some View {
        Button("Increment", action: update(Counter.Increment()))
        Button("Decrement", action: update(Counter.Decrement()))

🌟 Previews

Extend your model with data for use in different previews.

extension Counter {
    static let zero = Counter(value: 0)
    static let random = Counter(value: .random(in: 1...100))

Pass your predefined models in to the model view modifier.

struct CounterViewPreviews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

The model view modifier is an optional shorthand for environmentObject(Store(model:)).

🗄 Stores

Bootstrap your program by passing in your root state and a list of middleware to the store view modifier.

struct CounterApp: App {
    var scene: some Scene {
        CounterView().store(model: Counter(), middleware: [])

The store view modifier is an optional shorthand for enviromentObject(Store(model:middleware:)).

For more control or to use Substate separately from SwiftUI, create a store manually.

let store = Store(model: Counter(), middleware: [])

Retrieve models directly from the store by passing the desired type to find.

store.find(Counter.self) // => Optional<Counter>
store.find(SubCounter.self) // => Optional<SubCounter>

Update your app’s model directly by passing an action to update.


👷 Middleware

import SubstateMiddleware

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore.

📝 Logging

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore.

let store = Store(model: Counter(), middleware: [StateLogger(), ActionLogger()])
store.update(Counter.Reset(to: 100))
▿ Substate.State: Counter
  - value: 0
▿ Substate.Action: Counter.Reset
  - to: 100
▿ Substate.State: Counter
  - value: 100

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore.

struct Increment: Action {}
struct Decrement: Action, LoggedAction {}

let store = Store(model: Counter(), middleware: [ActionLogger(filter: true)]

- Substate.Action: Counter.Decrement

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore.

struct LoggerDebugView: View {
    @Model state: ActionLogger.State
    var body: some View {
        Text("Logging Actions: \(state.isActive)")
        Button("Toggle", action: update(ActionLogger.Toggle()))

⏱ Timing

  • ActionDelayer
  • ActionDebouncer
  • ActionTimer

🪄 Effects

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore.

// Better name?
EffectHandler(effects: [
    .init(for: Counter.Reset.self, capture: true, counterService.fetch),
    .init(for: Counter.Reset.self, capture: true) { reset in
            .fetch(number: reset.toValue)
    .init(state: Counter.self, action: Counter.Increment.self) { counter, increment in
        Counter.Reset(toValue: counter.value + 2) // Increment by 2 instead
    .init(state: Counter.self, action: Counter.Increment.self, capture true) { counter, increment in
        print(counter.value) // Just print, return void and swallow action

// Easily adapt any service type object for use with the effect handler
protocol EffectProvider {
    var effects: [Effect] { get } // Provide a list of effects

class NumberFetcher {
    func fetch(number: Int) -> AnyPublisher<Int, Error>

struct Effect<StateType:State> {
    // How are we going to get something that can be thrown in an array but can return different things from its handler?
    // Custom return type? Was that what they had in Fluxor?
    init(for action: Action, capturing state: StateType, passthrough: Bool = true, handler: (StateType?, Action) -> Void) {}
    init(for action: Action, capturing state: StateType, passthrough: Bool = true, handler: (StateType?, Action) -> AnyPublisher<where to get the success type?, where to get the error type?>) {}

// A bit verbose still? But pretty good.
extension NumberFetcher: EffectProvider {
    struct RequestDidComplete: Action {
        let value: Int

    let effects: [Effect] = [
        .init(state: Counter.self, action: Counter.Increment.self, capture: true) { counter, increment in
            fetch(number: counter.value)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore.

ModelPublisher() // PublishedModel
ActionPublisher() // PublishedAction

ModelLogger() // LoggedModel
ActionLogger() // LoggedAction

ModelRecorder() // RecordedModel
ActionRecorder() // RecordedAction

ActionDelayer() // DelayedAction
ActionDebouncer() // DebouncedAction
ActionThrottler() // ThrottledAction
ActionTimer() // TimedAction

ActionExecutor() // ExecutableAction
ActionTrigger() // TriggeringAction, MultipleTriggeringAction // Better name?

ModelSaver(path: URL, throttle: TimeInterval) // SavedModel

📦 Packaging

  • List benefits of automatic sub-state selection for separating components into packages
  • Views don’t need to know about any parent types from the tree so they can be in their own packages if desired
  • Can make some of a component’s actions public and some private to the package
  • Can create full component view previews with just the state in a package and no external top-down setup

✅ Testing

Test models by creating a store and sending actions to it. Use the store’s find method to query values.

func testCounter() throws {
    let store = Store(model: Counter())
    XCTAssertEqual(store.find(Counter.self)?.value, 0)

    XCTAssertEqual(store.find(Counter.self)?.value, 1)

    XCTAssertEqual(store.find(SubCounter.self)?.value, 1)

Pass in alternate services to provide behaviour appropriate for your tests. Anything goes — no need to subclass or otherwise hijack your production services unless you want to.

class FixedNumberFetcher: Service {
    func handle(action: Action) -> AnyPublisher<Action, Never> {
        Just(Numbers.FetchDidSucceed(number: 10)).eraseToAnyPublisher()

class FailingNumberFetcher: Service {
    enum NumberFetcherError { case test }
    func handle(action: Action) -> AnyPublisher<Action, Never> {
        Just(Numbers.FetchDidFail(error: NumberFetcherError.test)).eraseToAnyPublisher()

let store = Store(model: Counter(), middleware: [FixedNumberFetcher()])
let store = Store(model: Counter(), middleware: [FailingNumberFetcher()])

💣 Escaping

  • List escape hatches for code that uses global state
    • Pretty straightforward, just keep a global reference to the store and dispatch anywhere
    • Use one of the middleware to subscribe to changes, make it a singleton if you want
  • Get and set state manually when needed
  • Subscribe via callback to the store

💾 Installation

Install using Swift Package Manager with this repository’s URL


Swift Concurrency Support


protocol Service {
    func handle(action: Action) async -> Action // Or AsyncSequence?

🙏 Acknowledgements

Substate’s novelty is in using Swift’s type system to automatically select child states. The rest is inspired by and lifted from a variety of other wonderful projects. In no particular order:


Stars: 1
Last commit: 1 year ago
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Release Notes

Reduce ActionStream Subscription Overloads
1 year ago

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